I think different people have different methods of retaining what they learn. I asked Paul how he keeps notes on the code he writes and he told me he memorizes it and writes notes INTO the pieces of code, probably as comments.
That's good coding practice. But it doesn't help me when I have forgotten where I have used a particular structure or syntax. Since I am not building websites, but rather analyzing data, there is no predictable flow to the code.
Data processing tricks in my repertory need to change with every new data manipulation I want to do and I can't remember what tools I used for each single variable very well. I have found that I learn the most when I take the time to consciously analyse if my mind has absorbed the concepts by writing it down.
I considered using
(e:strip) as my code notebook because I wanted to keep everything together. But it does not handle code well. Back and forward slashes produce wonky results. Characters don't escape well even with the code box. The code box itself is a fixed size. I always work in big wide screens and don't see it changing so I also wanted my notebook to have a very generous text area and very little of anything else.
All of these criteria are met by:
I still wish I could do that on
(e:strip) though. As my life gets to be more about how to successfully survive in academia, I can distinctly see how that blog will get more entries per week than this one in the near and distant future if I stay on course. But of course, I don't see how I can I wax eloquent over trivia, veggies, food and the side effects of medication in between R, LaTeX and Perl, so maybe that blog does need to be separate.
My take is often when one gets sick it is because said person is doing to much or it is more then the body can take... So it is either your body is so run down that you can't fight off something normally you could... Or that your body knows you need rest or some other thing so it lets you get sick on purpose....
I wrenched it off with a knife and lot of anger. :) And it did knock me out for around 10 hours. It hasn't bettered my cold but the fever and chills have gone away. :) Thanks!
I just got nyquil from walgreens and I can't open the FREAK bottle!!! Seriously, why would anyone make a medicine so HARD to open. You have to press down the lid and then swivel, and its just NOT happening. I am at the height of wretchedness, I can't even open a medicine bottle!
If sleeping isn't an option, stupid movies help. The stupider the better because my brain isn't functioning well enough to get subtlety.
Wow that sucks. I hope you feel better. Sounds like your all stress, no relaxation lifestyle is catching up with you. I hate bring sick so much. Everytine I think I am dying. The thibg tgat qorka beat for me is hydration and high heat like a bottle full if hot water in a blanket but it seems you are already hot. My favorite cold medicine is nyquil. Sometimes its just easier being knocked out.