Sat. Sept 3 2011 Buffet Bowl and more Category: photos
So I forget what makes up the entire Buffet bowl it is like around 5 pounds of food I think Chicken Fingers, Pizza, Beef on weck, Rosina Meat balls...... It is first two to finish everything then I think for 3rd on they do what ever is left minus what it was weighed in at the start.....
Yes the guy in the sun glasses is Andre Reed!
Think that pretty much covers Day 1 hope it was enough with out being to much..... and hope it conveys what it was...
metalpeter - 09/06/11 18:16 This is an event she is in but last year she came in 2nd as well... She is more known for being the Chicken Wing Champion... I know it made national news so that is my next post..... But this year like either last year I think later on in the day I saw her walking around posing with people and she had a bag of kettle Corn that they sell there the time before I just saw her in line for it.....
tinypliny - 09/05/11 20:32 She is more famous for something else? What is that? A kettle corn eating contest?? really?
metalpeter - 09/05/11 20:09 Not to mention I haven't posted them yet hoping for Tuesday but she won the Next event that she is more famous for on Sunday also though after this event I saw her (wish I got a pix) of her with a bag of Kettle corn.....
metalpeter - 09/05/11 20:08 Not sure but I doubt she starved for a one big reason..... Again I don't know how she trains I've heard of people eating all the lettuce they can cause it stretches the stomach... Heard of someone else who trained with milk a got up to being able to keep down a gallon..... One persons Stomach is deformed a bit naturally so his stomach sits a bit off and that allows for more food... What happens with most people is if you starve your self you wind up eating less...Your body needs the food so bad that once you get it shuts you down and makes you hungry it is also very dangerous... There are stories of Soldiers who have found hungry starving kids who where hiding out or didn't have food (Jews in Germany) they to help them out give them Chocolate but it is to much for the body to handle and so they die....
tinypliny - 09/05/11 19:22 She must have starved the entire week for this.
metalpeter - 09/05/11 14:20 Well in this one she came in 2nd I'll follow the link in a second... "Reversal of Fortunes" are illegal and you and DQ'd I think up to 20 minutes after contest... Now I don't know the science but I think the trick is to eat quicker then your system can handle... What I mean by this is ever had a big dinner and when you eat you don't feel full but 10 minutes later you can't move and feel sick.... Just my guess is that you learn to put your body in that mode and then learn how to fight through if you feel full....
paul - 09/05/11 14:07 How does the little asian woman that won fit it all in. She must be bulemic.
National Buffalo Chicken Wing Festival or what ever you call it 1 Category: photos
So 1st of all for those of you at Drew's & Janelle's hope it is a great time I'm here posting pictures instead.... If I knew where the place was exactly I would have made plans to go... The reason I don't know where it is.... Well If I would have helped them Move (like I should have) then I would know.... Well I assume some (e:peeps) went.... In any event Posting pictures from the festival is kinda tough to decide how to do it... Do I want to post all the pictures from an event or just do like the overview? I think for Sat. Sept. 3rd 2011 I'm going with the overview... Who knows maybe at some point I'll do a slideshow but those seem to take so long on youtube.....
Oh wait gotta Explain the 2nd Picture... There was the free stress test (sciencetology) and then there is one of those "Protesters" now not sure if they where just in the same area or if he was protesting the other guys?
There was a cake competition I guess the dude in is a Raven's fan and has a band is from a show called Cake boss....
The bobbing for wings was crazy was close but had a bad spot for pictures....
The Winner here moves onto the pros on Sunday......
Now the Next thing right after that will be the Next Post the Buffet Bowl.....
metalpeter - 09/05/11 20:01 Yeah the blue looks so gross.....But I guess what it might really be is blue cheese dressing but maybe that makes it worse unless you love blue cheese....
tinypliny - 09/05/11 19:21 What on earth IS that?! And blue cheese. Ugh.
metalpeter - 09/05/11 14:37 How one practices I have no idea but sounds fun to find out....
In the blue Cheese they have to keep hands behind there back... Now some did wipe off googles with them but not supposed to I don't think....Yeah it does look gross
paul - 09/05/11 14:04 I need to make it to this festival one year.
1. How much do you have to practice to win that chicken wing eating contest.
2. That bobbing for chicken wing content is so gross? Are they suspended in blue cheese. I am guess from their creme covered faces.
09/05/2011 11:08 #55099
After Chicken Wings Sat. Category: photos
If you where there and like your picture it is yours....
Just thought of the shot I should have tried Cake vodka with the infused whip cream on top oh well....
tinypliny - 09/06/11 20:51 You should bring that up with the city council. It's a good idea for a city that is half-heartedly trying to go green.
metalpeter - 09/06/11 18:29 I have seen signs that say curb your dog? granted no one wants shit on the sidewalk or on grass where they will sit or walk.... Yes if you can prove someone let their dog shit on your lawn you can get them fined (think you also have to prove they didn't pick it up).... Now here is my question everyone wants to be green and be good for the earth and and that hip and cool shit why do they put shit in a plastic bag and toss it out? Perfectly good shit and now you can't recycle that bag... Why is there no (oh cause it isn't hip and cool and part of the green movement bullshit we see peddled sometimes that isn't really true) movement to use dog shit to help out lawns or to add to compost heaps... They make machines where you can compost in your kitchen with food scrapes ... Urban Farming is trying to get hip why not let the dogs take a dump there or have special places for it?
metalpeter - 09/06/11 18:21 That would be an interesting study.... I'm guessing about the same really.... The tough part would be in the fact that even though for a dog you are supposed to register it most don't but that would be a place to start and cats who does that... But if you could some how get records (not sure if they are public or not from SPCA and shelters and pet places ) of addresses you could kinda get an idea..... Cats indoors fine but you have a dog you really should have a yard .... That brings up a point in a new comment...
tinypliny - 09/05/11 20:33 Yeah, so many people who live in and around Elmwood seem to have dogs and cats. I wonder how the pet/household rate in the city compares to say, suburbs such as Williamsville and Orchard Park.
metalpeter - 09/05/11 20:11 Well I think the people before them had pets maybe even a bunny and I think there was a fan with bunny dander that didn't get brought out cause of Paul.... That being said though wonder how heat effects that....
tinypliny - 09/05/11 19:18 I think once the bunny moves in the place will be on the banned list for (e:Paul). I thought I saw him having a few allergy problems even on Saturday.
metalpeter - 09/05/11 14:42 Speaking of pets.... I remember you posted about how there is this thing of shots you can take so cats wouldn't bother you....not saying you should look back into it but I wonder if it works for other pets with fur like bunnies or would each animal be a separate thing of shots.... I mention this cause someone talked about how once the bunny moves in they don't think you'd really be able to visit much?
metalpeter - 09/05/11 14:41 Would have been cool to get some epic pix... Started out slow felt a little off plus it is odd when so many people where part of the mike crowd I just me pictures wise... by the way infused whip cream was great and great to see everyone.... That place feels so strange like been there before but I think maybe the last place he lived had the same kitchen and then side back rooms with a Rabit room so maybe that is why...
paul - 09/05/11 13:59 I am glad you got pics of the party. I barely have any for some reason.
08/30/2011 19:15 #55059
2011 Zombie Walk for Charity Category: photos
Saturday had a lot of fun at the zombie walk it is hard to explain there where families there and it was pretty cool... For Zombies I think there were awards and all the money or food you could give I think went to the Food bank.....
Now What I did was I paid so I could get in and get in at the night time show even though I didn't think I would make that... Then after People passed me by I tried to get ahead of them... Down by Allen there was some guy who gave these girls a book.... One of the zombies jumped out in front of a non moving bus and took pictures it was really cool.....
Tried to drop a Video in but AVI format isn't allowed oh well
Hey I know I had a great time looks like the walkers had a good time also....
metalpeter - 08/30/11 19:40 Yeah you should post it.... That one Girl with the Yellow Dress was so creepy and scary.... I didn't see all the zombies there where some pictures I saw on line of people I didn't see.....
tinypliny - 08/30/11 19:28 That baby is super creepy. Ugh. I met one of the pretty zombies and she explained her make up in detail. It was very interesting. I took her pic. I should post it here. She told me that she had worked nearly 3 hours to get the zombie look. The staining of the clothes alone apparently took 3 hours, but the make up took around 20 minutes.
08/29/2011 18:35 #55055
Elmwood Festival of the Arts Category: photos
So On Saturday I went to The Elmwood Festival of the Arts... It was a good time... Then after that it was off to the zombie walk then back to see The Skiffle Minstrels and eat Lloyds... Then Over to Roxy's great time watching Burlesque... On my way home ran into (e:Yesthatcasey) and continued with a short debate on "Taco Trucks"... With out starting the entire debate over My issue is this I think Food Trucks should have freedom to pretty much go where they want... But somehow there should be a system not sure what that would be that if there is a trouble causing truck that it can be dealt with quickly cops shouldn't be pulling them over and siting them.... Maybe cops should be able to park the cares and count number of passes and go ok there... That isn't the point though the point was that it was nice to see him... Wish I could have stayed at Roxy's longer but my spine or was it my neck was sore... End of a long day and rocked out pretty good Friday night... One thing is I wish Roxy's shots where like real sized shot glasses but maybe those are double shots... The Light stuff Hypnotic was tasty stuff gotta find out how much that is for a bottle... The other thing is I had no idea how much alcohol it had and even though I wasn't feeling it didn't want to chance it......
Pictures of Zombies later maybe Tuesday for Now Elmwood festival of the arts....And Skiffling.....
Gotta talk about Lyods for a second that Crazy corn was so good it really was.... Yes I ate the seasonings that fell off oh so tasty.... Now I got a Taco and a Burrito one was braised Beef and the other was Chicken... Now I bit into the taco and was shocked by the taste then It dawned on me most places around here when you get a soft taco they don't use Corn shells they use flour and leave it open or what ever they do.. So props to Lloyds on that.....
This is an event she is in but last year she came in 2nd as well... She is more known for being the Chicken Wing Champion... I know it made national news so that is my next post..... But this year like either last year I think later on in the day I saw her walking around posing with people and she had a bag of kettle Corn that they sell there the time before I just saw her in line for it.....
She is more famous for something else? What is that? A kettle corn eating contest?? really?
Not to mention I haven't posted them yet hoping for Tuesday but she won the Next event that she is more famous for on Sunday also though after this event I saw her (wish I got a pix) of her with a bag of Kettle corn.....
Not sure but I doubt she starved for a one big reason..... Again I don't know how she trains I've heard of people eating all the lettuce they can cause it stretches the stomach... Heard of someone else who trained with milk a got up to being able to keep down a gallon..... One persons Stomach is deformed a bit naturally so his stomach sits a bit off and that allows for more food... What happens with most people is if you starve your self you wind up eating less...Your body needs the food so bad that once you get it shuts you down and makes you hungry it is also very dangerous... There are stories of Soldiers who have found hungry starving kids who where hiding out or didn't have food (Jews in Germany) they to help them out give them Chocolate but it is to much for the body to handle and so they die....
She must have starved the entire week for this.
Well in this one she came in 2nd I'll follow the link in a second... "Reversal of Fortunes" are illegal and you and DQ'd I think up to 20 minutes after contest... Now I don't know the science but I think the trick is to eat quicker then your system can handle... What I mean by this is ever had a big dinner and when you eat you don't feel full but 10 minutes later you can't move and feel sick.... Just my guess is that you learn to put your body in that mode and then learn how to fight through if you feel full....
How does the little asian woman that won fit it all in. She must be bulemic.
I think this pic says it all: :::link:::