So I debated if I should write anything on 9/11 with it being 10 years and I decided that I need to... I didn't want to make it political.. Look there are all kinds of things on facebook that have an implied meaning not never forget.... But then I thought it isn't our fault it has been made political by the people running the country at the time....
So the tough part is where to start (wonder if anyone on facebook will even read this). I don't have the same connection to this event as everyone else... Think I knew at the time one person who was in NYC and so the thought of family being in those towers never even crossed my mind... I wasn't in love with the city and the people there so it was like the Oklahoma City bombing by the way and that was the 1st Major Attack on our country... Everyone says 9/11 because of it being a foreign attack and there they have a point .. I was at work at the time and the boss let us know and it was view-able for anyone who wanted to see it...
The question most of these remember Sept 11th posts don't do is ask why... Why did we get attacked... Granted the people in the towers and the firefighters where innocent.... But why did someone fly planes into those buildings are part of a bigger attack? At the time no one wanted to know they just wanted death to those who did it... Who cares if we stick our noses into things that aren't our business who cares if we liberate people, so what if we support dictators and people who torture there own people (Sadam)... Not saying we can keep the entire world happy... But it isn't like we don't do evil things only those scum bag dirty Muslims do... Oh just nuke them all....
But see the other problem is no one asked why do they hate us...The follow up question should have been what will happen for different courses of action... In other words are we going to get more enemies then friends...
I'm not saying that one side holds the rights to remember sept. 11th and never forget what I'm saying is that it does suggest a certain view point politically not that it is true for every person.....
9/11 did change everything... Now they have the right to search you every where you go...What the fuck I just want to see a show why can't I sneak in my candy or what ever it is insane...
How about those united we stand shirts... Oh yeah all those people wearing them are doing such a great job of pulling up the poor and people who look like and act not like them... Great shirt there buddy.....
So don't even get me started on the wars with two countries ... It would be like if the Lakawana 6 blew some place up so England invaded us cause we had Terrorists it is so fucking stupid well that is "W" and his cronies who where all in with Sadam and Bin Laden....
Back to work for a minute remember when those Bin Laden Wanted signs where around... There was the (how can you not love those girls on those trucks) Pine Hill Coffee truck that came to work and it had one of those posters on it... Not saying he is a nice guy but you don't need war to get one guy... Oh yeah Seal Team 6 that was all about testing that stealth Helicopter really.... But after some time she no longer had that poster.... They where made illegal... Not sure why but it makes sense can't have people going to peace full places looking for Bin Laden at the local masque making friends in the us our enemy and shit.....
Now I don't go as far as the people who think we planned 9/11. But we knew it could happen yes there is prof that it was one of many scenarios that we knew about... That being said right at the time it came out that those building where built to stand being hit by a plane... Odd that the 2nd plane hitting is what caused the collapse.... What is odder though is how did they know one plane wasn't enough?
Now the NFL season started on Thursday... But today is like the real start and the Giants are in DC playing the skins...Go Skins... I'm sure all over the country there will be a lot of 9/11 stuff and that is fine... Sure for this game they will have all kinds of stuff and lots of stuff since this would be the perfect place to attack on National TV and in the capitol so... Security will be on high alert...
Now that all being said I have seen one thing on 9/11 other then Rescue Me (great show by the way) about the memorial and it is gorgeous like how they did the names and it looks very nice... My point in all this when you watch and special about this and there are a ton and some really good ones I'm sure. Step back and think? Don't buy the propaganda . Don't get caught up in the Fake Patriotism (altered Pledges , and anthems at sports events and that stuff) You know that I have a big flag so I love my country more then you.... No do this instead... Think of all the heroes that went into that building (real heroes don't think of them selves that way they where doing what they do and you would to if you could) to save the innocents... Then think about all the other innocent people and think about what should be done or shouldn't be done depending on your view for those people...Try and think and remember about those people and not some big political event and what it caused......
Metalpeter's Journal
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09/11/2011 11:31 #55139
9/11 ten years politicalCategory: politics
09/11/2011 10:12 #55138
Skiffle Release PartyCategory: photos
So First of all (e:mrmike) nice to run into you last night....
So If you have never seen The Skiffle Minstrels go see them! Not that I dance but good music to dance to... Oh by the way just gotta ad "JYD Junk Yard Dog" then a bunch of barks.... That song was great.... I guess in some time they will have video on Youtube but not sure if it is just them or the opening guy.... It was a lot of fun here are the 30 trillion pictures ok well not that many if this isn't enough you can see them all on face book as well........

So If you have never seen The Skiffle Minstrels go see them! Not that I dance but good music to dance to... Oh by the way just gotta ad "JYD Junk Yard Dog" then a bunch of barks.... That song was great.... I guess in some time they will have video on Youtube but not sure if it is just them or the opening guy.... It was a lot of fun here are the 30 trillion pictures ok well not that many if this isn't enough you can see them all on face book as well........
metalpeter - 09/13/11 17:18
I saw a picture in the news online I think and they said there is a bar but from the event people where taking drinks up so... Guess they also need someone to staff it as well.... Cool place...
I saw a picture in the news online I think and they said there is a bar but from the event people where taking drinks up so... Guess they also need someone to staff it as well.... Cool place...
mrmike - 09/13/11 11:45
Supposedly a bar will open upstairs and they will bring food up.
Supposedly a bar will open upstairs and they will bring food up.
metalpeter - 09/12/11 18:37
Ah Ok... I won't ask how little you know of her...HA... Kidding It was a good time.....Just for good photos needed to not be shooting into were sun is coming through a window... Next time I see them might want to see how up stairs view is... Of course that means no food and no bar really..... Oh on a side note got a 2nd camera today.....
Ah Ok... I won't ask how little you know of her...HA... Kidding It was a good time.....Just for good photos needed to not be shooting into were sun is coming through a window... Next time I see them might want to see how up stairs view is... Of course that means no food and no bar really..... Oh on a side note got a 2nd camera today.....
metalpeter - 09/11/11 11:47
She is Very Talented :) not to mention at this show she was hanging out with these lovely two women in front of me an to my right seen the stunning blonde before.... Now that being said during the show as she (fiddle player) walked past me I could have sworn I heard her say High to you of course it could have been a different mike but one could hear it clear as day as the saying go..
She is Very Talented :) not to mention at this show she was hanging out with these lovely two women in front of me an to my right seen the stunning blonde before.... Now that being said during the show as she (fiddle player) walked past me I could have sworn I heard her say High to you of course it could have been a different mike but one could hear it clear as day as the saying go..
mrmike - 09/11/11 11:04
They are a blast, good seeing you too....and sure, I have a crush on the fiddle player, she is awesome
They are a blast, good seeing you too....and sure, I have a crush on the fiddle player, she is awesome
09/09/2011 17:28 #55124
Few Pictures of Wing FestivalCategory: photos
So Sunday is 10 years since 9/11 may do a post about it but there is no way of doing so with out making it political... This Sat is the Skiffle's CD release Party that should be fun... I can't believe MIA is a week a way.... Think I need to get a 2nd Camera I really do..... Well here are a few more pictures from the chicken wing Festival......

To Be honest I have no idea how I will post MIA photos there I'm sure will be a ton even for me then the next day is Night Of Champions (WWE)...
To Be honest I have no idea how I will post MIA photos there I'm sure will be a ton even for me then the next day is Night Of Champions (WWE)...
09/07/2011 19:11 #55111
Miss Buffalo at Chicken Wing festival 2011Category: photos
Miss Buffalo Contest at Wing Festival

I should explain that at this point it isn't over it is like the ending of current champions reign and yes that is Kitty Lambert with the flowers... After the intro and talent and Bathing suit portions they have evening wear and they also would pick a question at random and answer it... It is supposed to be about how the answer it and back up their ideas not the opinion they have.....

I should explain that at this point it isn't over it is like the ending of current champions reign and yes that is Kitty Lambert with the flowers... After the intro and talent and Bathing suit portions they have evening wear and they also would pick a question at random and answer it... It is supposed to be about how the answer it and back up their ideas not the opinion they have.....
metalpeter - 09/08/11 17:32
Well I wasn't the only one taking pictures.... Anyone who gets on a stage at some point (not picking on anyone) has to learn that there are cameras and video on them... The guy who I got the picture of is very good and is known for his Panoramic shots I don't want to miss spell his name but if you have gone to either of the art festivals you have even if you don't stop have seen his stuff.... He was part of the official media....
Well I wasn't the only one taking pictures.... Anyone who gets on a stage at some point (not picking on anyone) has to learn that there are cameras and video on them... The guy who I got the picture of is very good and is known for his Panoramic shots I don't want to miss spell his name but if you have gone to either of the art festivals you have even if you don't stop have seen his stuff.... He was part of the official media....
libertad - 09/07/11 23:11
Wow, you really got a lot of them. They definitely saw you taking their pictures. Some of them were posing for you and one girl just seemed totally freaked out by it.
Wow, you really got a lot of them. They definitely saw you taking their pictures. Some of them were posing for you and one girl just seemed totally freaked out by it.
09/06/2011 19:36 #55107
2011 Sonya Thomas wins Wing Eating ChampionshipCategory: photos
So there are many things that go on at The National Buffalo Chicken Wing Festival.... I like the food and entertainment one of those eating things you kinda gotta see in person... That being said I wonder how the view differs for the pro shooters of it.... I admit there will be a ton of pictures some of them are the entertainment before it starts... Eric "Bad Lands" Booker is the huge Rapper who also eats......

So here is what I need to say:
-Guy with the Hat Is George Shea Yes he is the MC and I think he is funny but he also runs pretty much the entire eating league
-From what I understand each tray is weighed before (it is supposed to be 10 pounds) when you want a new tray you call for it... Any food on the floor goes back into the tray... they weigh them after and that tells them (with math) how many pounds was eaten... person with the highest weight wins....
-Now my pictures would be better but had some battery issues at the end of the contest...
-In front of the stage you have a small stage for the media aka the people who are press or have press passes..So after "Bad lands " got his medal he steps down onto that... So we clear out a space... Now as much as I would love to support half his weight don't know if I could and some one else kinda wider not sure whom did it....
> With the Sonya "The Black widow" Thomas win she comes down and gets on his shoulders and he parades her around it was awesome... If there is video someplace or pictures I must be in them I assume but haven't seen it....
So with all that said back to the pictures.......

Well hope you enjoyed the next post I think will be of the Miss Buffalo contest again a bunch of pictures there as well
So here is what I need to say:
-Guy with the Hat Is George Shea Yes he is the MC and I think he is funny but he also runs pretty much the entire eating league
-From what I understand each tray is weighed before (it is supposed to be 10 pounds) when you want a new tray you call for it... Any food on the floor goes back into the tray... they weigh them after and that tells them (with math) how many pounds was eaten... person with the highest weight wins....
-Now my pictures would be better but had some battery issues at the end of the contest...
-In front of the stage you have a small stage for the media aka the people who are press or have press passes..So after "Bad lands " got his medal he steps down onto that... So we clear out a space... Now as much as I would love to support half his weight don't know if I could and some one else kinda wider not sure whom did it....
> With the Sonya "The Black widow" Thomas win she comes down and gets on his shoulders and he parades her around it was awesome... If there is video someplace or pictures I must be in them I assume but haven't seen it....
So with all that said back to the pictures.......
Well hope you enjoyed the next post I think will be of the Miss Buffalo contest again a bunch of pictures there as well
tinypliny - 09/06/11 20:52
Both of those women are so thin and small. It seems impossible that they beat out the big oversized men in that contest. Quite amazing.
Both of those women are so thin and small. It seems impossible that they beat out the big oversized men in that contest. Quite amazing.
The UN is a spineless absolute puppet of an organization. Always has been. UN and power - those two words don't even go together in paper.
Well at least with ants I assume there is a reason like food or to protect the food for other ants .....
Well the UN is supposed to do that... Remember they told the US not to go into one of those wars... Now the UN has an army but when it is made up by us troops who is going to stop them.... When the un said no they should have taken the UN army to boarder and waited and fired on Americans "We Said NO!" and that is what we mean! ah no one has any balls anymore or at least not for the things they should....ARGh
I did mean judgment day on legal terms. I don't think there is any accountability in the circles that actually controls wars. The people who have the real power to squander and channel this much of public money into weapons, unreservedly embezzle tax money into the business of warfare, bulldoze so many innocent lives into futility and yet get away with all of it without no one ever really knowing who or what they are probably have no justice above them.
It's very comforting to believe that there is a divine justice but whoever is up there (who knows if anyone is up there or down there or not at all...) is probably laughing at the foolishness and pettiness of all of us doing each other to death, not unlike watching two warrior ants maul each other to death.
In Terms of the Judgement day by some god that is one thing I never touched on cause it is to complex to get into.... But After we took down Sadam and the Iraqi army all these different kind of Muslims would attack each other and americans... If you are friends with the Jews then that makes you enemies to others....
Now every faith system is different.... But one can believe that when you die you are judged... IF you are Christian and these vary some you go to Hell or Heaven or wait I heard Purgatory isn't used anymore? Now again there are different kinds of Budhism so can only say for general terms but they believe if you lead a good life your next life will be better... Of course the goal here is to become more enlightened (what ever you want that to mean) and at some point when you hit that point that is the part where I get lost but I guess you no longer have to keep reliving lives?
Now if you meant a judgement day on legal terms... That will never happen... See because part of being "American" is that you aren't wrong and everything you do is right.... That is what I think pisses off people in other countries the most... It has to be our way and we are the best ...?
Wars are wrong, even if they were in response to 9/11. They are so wrong. I wish I could believe that there is a judgment day coming for the people who ordered these wars for whatever mercenary reason. But if such a power or justice actually existed, the wars would have never happened. :(
It really is insane. The reason we got Bin Laden this time isn't because of a war (Assuming you believe this story and you believe bush was really looking for him there is a case to be made but I'm not going to that when there is no enemy a precieved one is made up it is part of that industrial war complex thing) but from intelligence gathering.... Aka those cool spy movies we see on TV but just the dull watching stuff not the blowing up of things. That is how we could have got him way back when instead of going into wars.....
The other day I was watching a documentary about it and they said 2752 died in the incident. That sounds like nothing compared to the amount of people, many of whom were also totally innocent (including children), that we killed in retribution. Its sickening, when you consider the amount of time, money, and lives that we squandered in response.