Oh wait gotta Explain the 2nd Picture... There was the free stress test (sciencetology) and then there is one of those "Protesters" now not sure if they where just in the same area or if he was protesting the other guys?
There was a cake competition I guess the dude in is a Raven's fan and has a band is from a show called Cake boss....
The bobbing for wings was crazy was close but had a bad spot for pictures....
The Winner here moves onto the pros on Sunday......
Now the Next thing right after that will be the Next Post the Buffet Bowl.....
Yeah the blue looks so gross.....But I guess what it might really be is blue cheese dressing but maybe that makes it worse unless you love blue cheese....
What on earth IS that?! And blue cheese. Ugh.
How one practices I have no idea but sounds fun to find out....
In the blue Cheese they have to keep hands behind there back... Now some did wipe off googles with them but not supposed to I don't think....Yeah it does look gross
I need to make it to this festival one year.
1. How much do you have to practice to win that chicken wing eating contest.
2. That bobbing for chicken wing content is so gross? Are they suspended in blue cheese. I am guess from their creme covered faces.