I should explain that at this point it isn't over it is like the ending of current champions reign and yes that is Kitty Lambert with the flowers... After the intro and talent and Bathing suit portions they have evening wear and they also would pick a question at random and answer it... It is supposed to be about how the answer it and back up their ideas not the opinion they have.....
Well I wasn't the only one taking pictures.... Anyone who gets on a stage at some point (not picking on anyone) has to learn that there are cameras and video on them... The guy who I got the picture of is very good and is known for his Panoramic shots I don't want to miss spell his name but if you have gone to either of the art festivals you have even if you don't stop have seen his stuff.... He was part of the official media....
Wow, you really got a lot of them. They definitely saw you taking their pictures. Some of them were posing for you and one girl just seemed totally freaked out by it.