So Below I have links and News about James Williams Resigning ..... Now this is kinda my take on that and what he said and how the schools are.... Granted I'm not in school so I can only go by how things where when I was there and how they appear now to me.....
Schools like everything now a days are measured... They look at grades but the big one is drop out rates.... But see these numbers if you go by school as opposed to district are skewed .... The way you really need to see the numbers is by area. It has to be bigger then the city and then look back 10 or 20 and 30 and years.... I don't have the numbers but I'm guessing the % is pretty close... Yes the numbers are up in the city schools and certain schools but if you go buy percentage you also have to look at total number of students... Cause once the the amount of people in school lowers then it would make a drop out rate (the number you are looking at go up)...
My Personal belief is that The reason for the High % of drop outs is math... You have Kids going to charter schools... Private schools and people leaving buffalo.... Now these kids who leave are the good students so that drivers the struggling and bad student Percentages up....
But see this same thing happens at the school level... Good teachers and students go to good schools (not that there aren't bad teachers at good schools and vise versa)... This winds up leaving troubled students in the same school so of course those numbers are bad... I"m sure that good students help bring up Medium level and so on for some of the bad students.... (I feel as if I have written this before if you have read it before sorry) but it has to be true....
-Williams made some good points.....
Students have to be there to learn.... I agree that is one of the biggest problems... How can one fix that though... Will the street call yes but things like Music and art.... Yes music and art need to be funded. They teach you a different way of learning then book learning....Also Sports does help keep problem students away from those problems and can help with team work.... He said not me but I agree with it sports can also help kids get into College not to be a pro athlete but to get into school.....
Said stuff about how People want to stay the same and not change the Status Que.... I agree but don't have much to say about that...
Mentioned that over time (to go along with the above) that everything has changed over time except the school system.... Again another good point......
He Said that not all students should be put on the same path... This has to do with Regents.... There are 5 regents exams you have to take... Now when I was in school you could go Regents or Non Regents.... In fact some of the science classes you couldn't take if you didn't take think it was course 1... Can't remember.... So say you come in with bad skills and you have to take regents then you are all ready starting behind....He makes a great point....
I'm not a teacher but I think What is taught is School isn't what should be.... Yes for those that like history that is great and all and yes it teaches reading but out side in the real world it is kinda pointless... Math is a must... Reading is a must.... Requiring you to speak another language is silly... Like history if you want to you can take this as an extra... Somehow I think the Spanish like the English we speak at the store on a corner at the mall with the valley girls or whom ever isn't what is taught in school..... I'm not saying in High School you should take four years of music but it should be encouraged and so should art and from an early age it teaches learning in a different way.....
How do you fix the schools..... Don't think they are broken I think there isn't the money cause lots of people who own houses and pay taxes moved away.... What you are really trying to do is make it so the kids who have a tough time do better and the kids who don't like it or whom aren't there stay in and do better... Good students would be good students any where but great students in the right school... The real answer is gotta get to the homes but what can schools do.... Yes Parents are important but they can't run the school besides the good ones all ready help there kids.. But still reach out and try to get more parents as part of the system... Hate the term think out side the box what box there is no box.... But maybe put the students first and not your contract?
My thing is it isn't fair to blame him for kids dropping out he can't go to every kid who has a C or D or misses 3 days of school to their home and bring them into school this isn't a TV show or movie.... But maybe there should be a good system so that those kids can come in and make up work they miss some how? Lost my point argh.....
Front Page has where you can listen to Audio of Williams Resignation .......
I did listen to it by the way I think everyone really should..
Williams' resignation as superintendent accepted
By Mary B. Pasciak
August 17, 2011, 1:18 PM
The News' education page
Updated: August 17, 2011, 4:01 PM
The Buffalo Board of Education voted, 7-2, today to accept the resignation of Superintendent James A. Williams, effective Sept. 15, under terms previously agreed upon.
Board President Louis J. Petrucci said the Board will appoint an interim superintendent at a meeting next Wednesday. Several board members have said they would like to see Amber Dixon, who oversees accountability in the district, appointed to the interim post.
"Dr. Williams has been here for the children of the City of Buffalo for the past six years," Petrucci said, adding, "I would like to stress the positive impact he's had on the community."
The superintendent cited academic and athletic accomplishments during his six-year tenure in Buffalo, including increases in English and math scores for elementary students and the district's entry into Section VI athletic competition. Williams said he plans to continue working, but not as a superintendent.
"I'm looking forward to moving onto other things in my life," he said.
Board members said they were not allowed to disclose the terms of his separation agreement until it becomes publicly available in seven days.
The board last week took an initial step to terminate Williams' contract under its no-fault clause. Under that provision in his contract, he would have been entitled to $110,000, or six months' pay, if he were terminated.
It is not clear whether he will still receive such a lump sum as part of the separation agreement that comes with his resignation.
Petrucci would not comment specifically on that, but noted that the agreement would be subject to the approval of the city's control board, which must approve any district expenditures over $50,000.
Audio: To hear what Williams had to say, play the clip to the left or download it here and take it with you
Williams' tenure as superintendent was a rocky one, beginning when he hit town in 2005 and was immediately involved in a battle with the unions representing teachers and administrators in the Buffalo Public Schools.
At the end, he was still in a fight, this time with the School Board, parents groups and with some of the same figures in the business community who brought him here to tame the unions and reverse the district's fortunes. And not only did the lot of Buffalo's students not improve, by some key measures, it got worse.
The Williams' superintendency was a six-year fight with no winner.
Almost immediately after his arrival, he went head to head with the unions. In short order, Williams called teachers union president Phil Rumore a liar and threatened to take Rumore into an alley and beat him up.
Administrators union president Crystal Barton accused Williams of making racist comments against African-American principals.
Six years later, both unions remain without a new contract. The two are still operating under contracts negotiated more than a decade ago.
In recent years, Rumore and Williams had worked out a solid working relationship, with the two talking often about district issues. But in the past week, Rumore has reversed course, calling for the superintendent to step down or for the board to fire him.
The issues during Williams' tenure have not been limited to the unions. During his first few years in Buffalo, Williams' tenure was marred by a number of high-profile incidents.
A year after he arrived, the district hired a Maryland firm, ResulTech, to run Buffalo's alternative high school. Two years later, it became apparent that the $6 million the district spent on the program had not been a solid investment.
The school board fired ResulTech in December 2008, and the program there was deemed an expensive failure.
Williams came under fire for the way he handled allegations of improprieties surrounding a student suspension at McKinley High School. Critics said his response was typical, as he tried to keep the situation from becoming public.
The superintendent also was roundly criticized for ignoring allegations that an aide had molested a child at Discovery School.
And accusations of favoritism erupted at City Honors, calling into question the way the administration handles admissions at its top high school.
For a couple of years, things quieted down. At the elementary level, math and English test scores continued to improve.
In the last year or so, though, Williams has come under fire for a number of problems.
He jeopardized $42 million in federal grants to turn around failing schools by refusing to move the principals out of three schools. That prompted then-state Education Commissioner David M. Steiner to come to town and meet privately with Williams, who then announced he would follow federal guidelines.
Since then, Williams has drawn criticism for doubling the size of his central office staff during years when teachers and other union staff were cut. This summer, board members balked when he tried to add an administrator while more than 100 teachers got pink slips.
He has on several occasions withheld key information from board members either entirely or until the last minute.
Severe student attendance problems continue to plague the district.
Buffalo's overall graduation rate just dropped 6 percentage points, to 47 percent.
The district's parent group in May called for a one-day boycott of the schools, largely in protest of Buffalo's 25 percent four-year graduation rate for black males. The parents have been careful not to criticize Williams specifically. Instead, the parents are demanding structural changes in the system.
When the Board of Education evaluated him this spring, they gave him a 3.18 on a scale of 1 to 5. On June 1, Williams announced he would retire in a year, saying his decision had nothing to do with the board's evaluation.
Since his announcement, both Williams and the board have been widely criticized for negotiating a buyout of the deputy superintendent's contract. Folasade Oladele was given a year's pay and benefits, while her contract guaranteed her only three months' pay.
In recent days, district officials have been working to hash out a revised buyout for Oladele — one that is said to be much more modest than the $215,000 package the board initially approved in June.
The state's release of test scores this week showed Buffalo has essentially flat-lined on English and math in elementary and middle school.
I should ad the unicycle the way that works is someone tosses the bowls to her she puts them on her foot then kicks them up and catches them.... Besides for the unicycle I think someone who is good at soccer could with practice get pretty good at that trick...
Wow - that is wild, I admit. Someday... when (e:Paul) and I find a local adult gymnastics class in the city! ;-)