That being said I'm not in bar shape at all not that it was at a bar... But shirt covered in Cat Hair from having to move the cat before (long story short exposed to a bat so has to get shots) into its carrier.. Not to mention very sharp claws they don't like sharp till they climb you to get away from you and they magically find the holes in the fabric you are wearing (t-shirt)... So the point is I had been sweating all day I felt and felt gross and nasty (one can't smell ones self so whom knows and whom knows what cents people hate or like.... I hate fish and love gas pumps and Cheetos ).... The point I'm getting to is a felt kinda gross and kinda lazy hence just the wave........ Funny thing is when I got there I didn't give where I sat any thought I could have been right in that spot.... Ok Picture time....... And a very short youtube video.....
Just wanted to add that these pictures pretty much look like how I thought they would.... If one is close enough not me or has the flash set correctly you can hit the darkness with a blast of light and get the person and the fire... How ever (again I'm not good enough to do this) fire is even when not being moved is all ways moving and it is alive (don't mean it has a sole or soul but it has energy and sometimes dances around)... Yes fire is bright on its own but think about when you are in bright room and turn on a burner and can't see it...What makes it look bright is that it is brighter then the dark.. Somewhere there is a level where you can get the fire and see the person being lit by that fire and it is perfect...I'm not at the level I'm sure there is someone on this site that can get that but guessing it still isn't easy... Even though it doesn't seem long that shutter stays open (is it called a shutter on a little digital camera?) longer based on settings or even setting the iso and then it captures the fire moving... So the streaks of light you see is the camera catching the light as it moves (tripod if you have one is great so your hand doesn't shake and make things even worse) and what ever the pattern was for it being open is the streaks you get... I'm guessing that people who are Pros can figure out how long (or what shutter speed to use to get amazing shots of the fire moving of course at a high level the person moves to but that is why they are pros) to keep the lens open for.... Think this works a bit differently on film cause if you over expose it (not sure on this) it could cause problems (again I'm not at that level just do this for fun and play with the settings on the camera no light meters or anything like that)... Think I got at what I was trying to add... This is also how those cool high way pictures look like they do cause the camera has a set freeway and the cars lights it catches as they keep moving and that creates the lines how they get colors not of car lights (blue as an example)... I have no idea....
In any event It was fun thanks to (e:heidi) for the comment and (e:tinypliny) for the post that got it hope ya'll and everyone else (you'll) liked this post as well.....
Not really.... Yes these where both Infringement Festival events that I may have heard of both from (e:heidi) or at least been reminded of in the Burlesque case.... but the rough night was just that I drink and eat everything fast so a tasty drink goes down very quick when stressed it makes them go down even faster and Not use to being done with a drink and a server asking if I want more... I think on say a weekend show they would have been more spaced out her arrivals that is so my body wouldn't have been as over loaded?
The Thing with the cat was more from that a bit and from feeling sticky I felt kinda gross or at least thought someone else may find me that way.... It was still a good time a nice escape from the pad and watching stuff....
Is the story about the cat somehow linked to your rough night post?
Loving the pictures! Thanks so much for posting! (Now I have seen most of the firedancing without moving an inch from my workspace. ;-)