It wasn't really that it would be to many pictures I just kinda ran out of time?
Well I hope that was enough with out being to many.......
07/30/2011 20:21 #54827
Garden Walk Day 1 2011 Category: photos
So I can't post all my pictures but I'll try to do a decent job... On a side note... I really like the store at North St. and Elmwood they have Coke Glass Bottles and some great alcohol some stuff I've never seen before.... Got food this morning so here are some pictures of the trek....
Ok So here is the Store I took a picture of the Poster cause I thought of (e:tinypliny).... Then it was onto Park, and the Cary not (e:theecarey) St. and some street after that it turns and then down Virgina?
So When I saw that art work on the wood of those closed up houses I had to take a picture... Still not sure if the lady said the city opened those up or what the story with those was... Well no idea how many photos I took and I know not in the exact order but hope they are enjoyed.....
metalpeter - 08/01/11 18:10 Thank you..... Yeah I wasn't sure if you had given for sure so I figured I would snap a picture just encase .....
tinypliny - 07/31/11 18:26 Wow - these are some awesome pictures! They bring out the essence of Buffalo in the summertime!!
Heheh @ the salsa poster. Thank you (though I have kind of given it up for good). :)
metalpeter - 07/31/11 09:23 Thank you! A few pictures I was having a shooting into the sun issue I couldn't fix....
So Last night I watched this documentary called Hot Coffee it was part of HBO's series of documentaries they show... It was pretty interesting....Some of it was hard to watch.... And some of it was just heart breaking... Now the only way to tell what it is about will give away a lot so that is what I'm going to do...
The Movie is about how companies try and cap damages on lawsuits... There have been laws passed that says the max amount of punitive Damages is set number of Dollars... So Imagine you are hurt and can't work or lose function and you go to court and win say 5.8 Million Dollars..... That is by the way determined by the jury... Well they don't know there is a cap in that state of I think it was like 1.2 million then because of the cap law that is all you get.... Well at least for the punitive damages part...
As all good documentaries have it had a few pop culture things in it.... Now that being said I know this was new to HBO but not sure how new it was... The reason for the name Hot Coffee is the famous McDonald's case... Now on the outside that sounds like a very frivolous case and has been used to try and get caps on lawsuits.... What a lot of people don't know is that the women who was burned wasn't driving when it happened like the news said she was...The car wasn't even moving... McDonald's had a history of the coffee being way to hot and other people had been burned... All the lady wanted was for McDonald's to do was Pay for her medical bills and her concern was for it to be fixed they sent her like $900 not even close enough to cover burns from coffee that is around 180 degrees .....
If the law interests you ....You might like it...If lawsuits interest you it might be your thing....I know I found it interesting I also liked there on the street interviews.....
metalpeter - 07/29/11 18:02 They didn't get into the details cause this wasn't about the trial it was about how Corporations try to use what in the Media looks like crazy lawsuits to pass laws to limit their liability in court.... It is kinda like here is something crazy so this can happen so protect us from this but in doing so.... It hurts every legit case it was pretty interesting.....
The detail they didn't mention is I bet the grandmother was in a seat belt and had on a dress.... Not being able to move and coffee would go right through that.... In any event I don't know about burns but they looked pretty bad.... In any event it was pretty interesting....
metalpeter - 07/29/11 17:57 But You See the thing is that "The cap was Bad or what ever" .... The thing is that there where other cases of people being burned but McDonald's didn't give a shit.... All she wanted was for no one else to get hurt... But they didn't give a shit cause they are a big corporation that can do what ever they want and no one can say anything.... If they did care they would have made it so the Coffee wasn't as hot... They could have at least offered to help some....
tinypliny - 07/29/11 12:58 Alright, that sounded very heartless. But come on - the coffee was too hot?! Water does not boil till it reaches a 100 Degrees Celsius. Coffee bean extraction is most effective after water has reached a rolling boil for about 5-6 seconds. Human body temperature is around 37 degree celsius. How tough is it to comprehend the effects of the ~40 degree gap in this equation on the human skin?
tinypliny - 07/29/11 12:49 Common sense is often missing in many lawsuits. I find it hard to be heartbroken by stupidity and lack of it.
ExBuffalonian - 07/29/11 12:24 I saw this documentary. I think the person who was negligent in the McDonalds case was the guy who put the hot steaming cup of coffee in the hands of the frail 81-year-old woman. That was the woman's grandson, not the McDonalds employee. If you need to be told that your coffee is hot, maybe even "too hot," then you're a dumb ass. I understand that when people age we lose some of our motor skills, coordination, sensitivity, steadiness, etc. That's why I would NEVER give a cup of coffee, with a warning label or not, to my grandmom while in the car. I would know enough to check the temperature first. This guy didn't think of it, and no amount of warning labels will ever remove the possibility of being injured from life. I think it'd be better not to cast blame at all, but as long as we gotta blame someone, let's get real and blame everyone who was involved. Oh wait, the grandson probably has less money than McDonalds, and it could make for an awkward family reunion. Better go after the corportaion...
07/31/2011 16:58 #54834
2011 Day 2 Garden Walk Category: photos
Had a good time today.... It is tough to really show an entire Garden and get the feel of being there....
This lady I think she is called Grama or something has food for you.... I just ate the bread I'm kinda picky didn't want anything to go to waste.... Then I turned into a fairy but it wears off after about 3 hours now I kinda know what Eric and Sookie feel like.... Well a few more.... Time wise think there may need to be a part 2 we shall see....
Hoping for part 2 on Monday.......
metalpeter - 08/01/11 18:08 That Babies head does kinda look like Chucky I think believe it or not it is Harry Potter Garden...... What ever that is....
tinypliny - 07/31/11 18:28 Whoa, the chucky tribute is creepy!
Another wonderful set of pics. Guess I didn't need to go on the walk after all since you brought the homes and gardens or Buffalo into my living room!
07/27/2011 18:05 #54799
Why Are there Starving kids in Africa.... Category: politics
So I've been meaning to post this for some time any never really got to it.....
First of all I get that there are things like Civil wars that leave many people in dire straits .... I get that some leaders take all the food for the Military and them selves...
But What I don't understand is out side of what I mentioned above is how are there starving kids.... I really don't get it... It isn't that I'm dumb or anything like that... But here is my point. You are born in some country and there is no food and no rain and life is pretty bad.... So somehow you survive but nothing gets better and you are around teenage and you see some girl... Now what you know is agony and pain why on earth would anyone living there choose to have a kid or even take the chance of having sex and make that child suffer from what you did .... I don't get it.... I really don't get it.... Your entire life no rain only food is from when a truck shows up and then it isn't enough.... I don't get it......
Also one other point does that sad sad song that is used have to be used in the abused animal ads as well argh you are killing me....
metalpeter - 07/28/11 17:41 But see Situations control everything... When one is going skiing there is certain stuff one takes or going on the ocean... Or maybe even prison is a good example. What you do is based on what is going on around you....
In terms of unsafe sex yeah anyone who has ever had sex more then once has done it at least once... But when one makes choices it effects others.... If one was in a death camp would they have a kid?
When I was a little kid there where starving kids in what ever country it was... Why haven't they all died by now? Why make people suffer for no reason.... I'm sorry but I can't and won't but not for this reason give money to any of those organisations Feed the Children I think the one Sally Storhers was part of was steeling food and money so now I don't trust any of them.... That being said I would give to oxfam they are pretty good.... I should maybe look into that....
tinypliny - 07/27/11 21:41 I doubt if 70% of humans really think about the consequences of unprotected sex at all, here or anywhere else on the planet. The 30% who do think about this all the time probably don't contribute to the burgeoning population, are too busy ruining the economy, fleecing the 80%, playing with test tubes, manipulating wars, leveraging businesses, winning nobels, writing this post, commenting on the internet etc. etc.
metalpeter - 07/27/11 21:16 No Just find an Animal then after that kill it for food.... What I'm saying is that if my life was hell and it was going to stay that way I wouldn't make some one else go trough it so I can feel good... One can Jerk of or what ever... It is like if there was a hell and people where there and all my flesh did was burn and burn and it was total pain and not in the good way and there was some female soul and we could have sex and have a baby and then it would suffer with for ever lasting pain I wouldn't do it... I don't get it..... Now in terms of if the adults are trying to form an army to fight I get that... But why create a life just to watch it suffer and most likely die.... I don't get it.....
tinypliny - 07/27/11 20:51 Condoms are effective, you know?
libertad - 07/27/11 20:33 So you want them to be celibate?
Thank you..... Yeah I wasn't sure if you had given for sure so I figured I would snap a picture just encase .....
Wow - these are some awesome pictures! They bring out the essence of Buffalo in the summertime!!
Heheh @ the salsa poster. Thank you (though I have kind of given it up for good). :)
Thank you! A few pictures I was having a shooting into the sun issue I couldn't fix....
Gorgeous pix!