So I admit Didn't watch Barrack last night I watched wrestling .... Now I have my own Opinion of why this economy is in the tank....
The Simple Answer is cause we are "Fat Capitalist Pigs" The Russians may be right about our collapse they predicted. It isn't the capitalism it is the pig part...... Lets face it we are an Empire and all Empire fall at some time but that is a bit latter on....
Now Barrack blamed a lot of this on "W" but It goes back to before "W" and Barrack holds a some of the blame as well......
I start this out back when I was in High School now granted that was some time ago so maybe it started back then.... Everything was Peachy and we where the Greatest Nation on the planet (well except Canada HA).... Back then Iraq was our Buddy (how we lose friends and enemies of whom is in power, Religious faith, and oil no one can really follow) and Iran was the Enemy... So Iraq decided to go into Kuwait and that was our oil buddy so off to war or what ever called oh yeah Desert Shield and then that became storm... How much that war cost I have no idea but it cost plenty and that started the Iraq mess.....
America is an Empire and we have troops all over the world. That I can live with that we have a base in another country... In fact it makes sense. If some crazy thing goes down we have troops over there that can sort it out and land some place in say an hour... But we still have to pay for that no wonder we have no money..... But this is part of our lets occupy the world and have our armies everywhere instead of working on our own country... That money could go for schools and educating kids who need it....
Then we went into another war.... I don't have a problem of fighting a real war oh wait conflict if it is justified but we attacked Iraq and they had nothing to do with the attacks of the world trade center.... It is like if say Detroit or the east side of Buffalo became a place where terrorists trained you wouldn't bomb Detroit you would only go after the people helping them... All this money wasted the numbers you can't really Imagine How can I working class guy really understand 10 million $ let alone what 1 billion is..... Am I glad we got Bin laden yeah but at one time he and his family was in the oil Business with Bush how did he turn on US? But what was done (if you believe the Official story) was with intel and spies and that kind of thing not a war....
Now I'm not picking on the people who started these wars and then said the troops are leaving and they are still there.. I'm saying that our country has a Military spending problem...That is why we have no money yes Barrack you are part of that to so don't put all the blame on Bush.... If you believe in the Industrial War complex that doesn't make you crazy I do believe it but not so much that I think 911 was an inside job did they let it happen maybe but that isn't the point really.... The Point is the military spending is out of control.....
Well Congrats on Making it this far!
Debit is the fact that You spend more then you take in.. Of course once you owe money there is interest (anyone with a credit card knows how out of control this can become).. So once you get behind the Debt grows Then you have to pay the interest so you have less money to spend so you have to barrow more money so things get out of hand quick and debit grows exponentially .......
I'm all for freedom and would love a government that stays out of business not going to try and spell the french term.. The problem is the greed and thinking the "Trickle Down Economic Theory" works.... Deregulation has killed us...
So I think it was Clinton that had this idea that everyone should own a house... Great Idea really home owners pay more tax and then schools get more money. Also people who own a home feel more invested in there community and that makes places better to live in... The Problem though is many people don't have the money to live in homes they just don't... Then you have people even some with money where the greed kicks in they buy a house they don't have the money for or a house that is to big... Recently the banks gave home loans to people they shouldn't... It isn't about making a profit it was profit margin and not about how much money stake holder make but how much growth there is ... I'm not happy with this car I need two cars and that kind of shit.....
Not sure when this changed but when I was a kid this national bank thing there was no such thing. You could only be open in one state... The banks I remember where M&T, Key bank and maybe Goldome not sure about that... Now if these banks would have only been in one state and gave out bad loans well the banks that did that or decided to do that might have been able to fail... But when a bank fails if you don't bail them out then you would have to bail out the people who have money in those banks ..... I don't know half the crazy ways they invested there money other then it isn't good... After the great depression laws where made so that another one would never happen ...... Yes you could buy stock at a bank ..... Here is an idea we have checks and balances in the government lets not let the banks run all over the place...... Now those banks that the government bailed out are doing great and the big bosses get big bonuses but do they pay back the government and say thanks.......
Granted the wars and bailing out the banks (or the people depending on how you look at it) put us into heavy debit... But where I think the other problem is that we lost Jobs and lots of Jobs.... Now where you place the blame not sure where to start... Is it the greedy unions who want way to much money.... Is it the greedy stock holders and owners who would move jobs over to Mexico..... Is it the Government people who think well if they put jobs over there they will make more money.... I think some can't say all of those companies have lobbies that liked to give all kinds of money away.... Any some how we let Jobs move out of this country.... Oh yeah and at the time people or some people think out sourcing is good or was good.... Yeah it is nice when Nike opens the best place to work in mexico but that is takes us jobs away and slashes expenses but you don't see nike drop there shoe prices .... They sell those Jordan's to mostly poor kids and those Air's to rich kids ok runners and get a John Lennon song.... No the Revolution should have been to tax the fuck out of nike for taking jobs away and taking the fuck out of every shoe made over there they shipped to sell here.... Oh but you do that we would be Socialist....FUCK! Not picking on Nike just using them as an Example... Jordan was one of Favorite Players and they do make great sneakers and Yes After Chuck D called those mother fuckers out they came out with P.L.A.Y and decided to help out a bit.....
The Point of that 30 lines of text above is that we let and help jobs leave... when jobs leave we have to pay people not to work and lose the taxes we got and if they owned homes they become renters and we lose more taxes......
I admit I fell for the Hope of Barrack and what he said he would do. I place some of the blame on him and not only the greed of others that they put them selves before the good of the country. (Yes I admit there are some good points to the Chinese view of the good of the whole out ways the good of the individual . You can make money and have enough and not do things like out source jobs and keep making money and put country/community first.... I contend that if banks stayed local they wouldn't have messed with their customers and still made great profits). Barrack for what ever reason let there be tax cuts for the rich... Now what we call rich can be debated.... But he way our tax system is supposed to work (guess what this is socialist and that is good). Is that as your income level goes up so does the percentage of your taxes.... This makes sense the more money you have the more extra money you have so the more you can give away... The counter to this is the trickle down thing... If that worked it would be great but it doesn't and even if it did it still doesn't give the people who have to spend the money on the people so.... Of course one could change the way people are taxed but that doesn't really factor in now... You can't have laws and Loopholes so that the people with the most amount of money pay the same amount as the people who don't have the money it isn't fair.......
What it comes down to at some point is asking the really tough question....... Should we help those that need it or not? If animal in the woods is born with 3 legs it can only eat what it can catch if that is enough it will live if it isn't it will either die or maybe learn to live on plants...
So If you are unable to provide for your self should the Government Help??? If the answer is no then that is the easy fix and our money problems will be gone... Kids starve and you starve to bad.... If you don't want to starve and be in pain make your piece with god and come to the army base and you can be the target we practice on.... Now then if the answer is yes then we have to decide who do we save and what do we cut... I think the answer is yes cause we are supposed to be the greatest country in the world?
What drives me crazy about all of this is how it is such a political issue.... With what I named not sure how many presidents and leaders I called garbage but it isn't just one view or party that got us to where we are.... The other thing is no one wants there taxes Higher really.... So many people say just spend less...Ok "What would you like to cut" . Then there is no answer....
At some point more money has to be coming in then going out.... What we need is Jobs and industry and to sell stuff but what we also need is to make cuts and what ever is cut will be tough.... But at the same time we need more taxes or they need to be raised... Why not legalize Gay Marriage oh yeah cause it is wrong even though it would help families and weddings would spawn buying stuff and taxes... How about the legalization and Taxation of Pot (you know that stuff that clinton and Obama both smoked and look how they turned out)..... I'm not saying those are the answers but we owe money and the bottom line is the American People have to pay for all the past mistakes cause you know the people we voted for and pay and whom our taxes support aren't going to give up there money (greedy bastards) to help out the country!!!!!!
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/26/2011 18:56 #54792
Why Our economy is screwed!Category: politics
07/24/2011 11:08 #54774
We Are all Voyeurs ?Category: philosophy
I'm going to have to Articles to share and then have stuff to write after that about why I think everyone is a voyeur in some way. Now I'm not saying that we all want to watch those pretty girls through the blinds but.......
Buffalo News Story about The Falls and Gay Marriage ..

I put that in a box instead of " because reading this and the next one are not that important in terms of this blog they are what got me to think about this blog.... If you are reading this hopefully it will make sense.......
Now with this one there is a nice video you can watch on the site of the Buffalo News....

So Even though New York state isn't the first state to Legalize same sex Marriage All this stuff in the falls still seems like a big moment in history.... Not only for the state but also for the people getting married ...
So my next thought was that I'm sure there will be lots of pictures and videos and having a great time and it will be on the news.... But is anyone going to film stuff for a documentary .... If so how many.... Or maybe it is to quick and those will be coming up... Would someone maybe do a series about people who come to the falls to get Married and leave all their friends and family behind to move to NYS or City and about the culture shock of from where they lived.... Will people move and will it create a new gay community? Will people film it.... Did it happen in any other of the states?
Of course one can't answer these questions until it happens. I know there is a big small or short film community in Buffalo that I know nothing about so maybe there are a bunch of movies I just wouldn't know of them.....
So if anyone is reading this by now I'm sure they are like "Dude where is the Girl licking someone action you are seeing through binoculars " well it isn't that juicy but maybe if I can find the add On youtube I'll ad it here at the end.....
At work someone not even sure how they work it out brings in a paper but even if they didn't I think I would still read stuff online... I think that reading the news is not just about seeing what is going on in the world it is about seeing what someone else did and they don't see you so why is that any different then being up in a tree or finding a web site that has city webcams..... There used to be one on elmwood and you could watch what went on at Half & Half as an option......
In Terms of places like myspace, Fubar, twitter, google+, Facebook and I'm sure some others there are various things you can do... I think some people join just to play Zombie Pets and some places like okcupid it is all about taking those tests.... But the real reason people join is to live other peoples lives or to see them from behind that tree....... Now not the only reason but I think it is at the core of why those places work.... I think this is true if it is just an update on new hair color or like here where you write an entire blog about something but the blog is a stronger case of this....
Now I know Reality shows get a bad rap... Lets face it does the camera effect things yeah it must.... It isn't like they are hidden.... Does the packs they have to wear yeah the must.... Are they only allowed to go and do certain that change how they act.... Yes ... On MTV there is no TV one reason for that is they don't want people sitting down watching it all day but then also any show that was watched or talked about they would have to get the rights to besides the show that is new would be old by the time everything is taped and aired they could even be a season of some shows maybe 2.... The Point isn't about how real or unreal they are as the viewer we watch yeah some times for the wrecks and drama but also to see how someone lives that isn't us... There is lots of Reality TV I have never seen like the contest ones but a lot of it is very very griping.... You start to feel like you know these people it has happened in the past with me and it is kinda scary......
At some point though Entertainment isn't about us it is about getting into that story. Now TV and violent movies get a bad rap.... Yes watching things blow up is cool.... Watching sports is fun... But the best TV is stuff with action and a good story line (True Blood, Sopranos, Sons Of Anarchy, House, Bones, and Heroes come to mind quickly)... Now you can't live the life of a witch or a vampire but you can live through the story lines.... Now many people get on a soap box and claim how bad tv is how books are the savior... Yes books are good cause reading is important and they help with vocabulary and you visualize stuff and most people don't eat a pizza a bag of chips and a bottle of coke.... But in terms of why people read them it is the same thing. For some books it is a way to escape and be some place else... but for some it is a story line of someone other life some other person... Not saying this is true for all books just like it isn't true of all movies , Documentaries/Reality shows.... But for many of them it is being a Voyeur and there is nothing wrong with that......
Comments please..... Again I assume people read this?
The Phone ad
Guess I should post the Follow up ad as well..... I just wanted to ad I wish I had stuff to talk about like this every day......
On a side not I never prof read blogs I know kinda what I'm going to say so hopefully this made some sense... That doesn't mean you would agree with it though......
Buffalo News Story about The Falls and Gay Marriage ..

Updated: July 24, 2011, 9:00 AM
NIAGARA FALLS -- At the very moment the state extended the right to marry to same-sex couples, Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd -- surrounded by hundreds of friends and well-wishers in a historic ceremony against the backdrop of the rainbow-lit Falls -- said, "I do."
In doing so, the Buffalo couple claim to be the first gay New Yorkers to legally wed.
And with that groundbreaking celebration, many wedding planners and tourism officials in Niagara Falls are envisioning a new booming business.
They want to turn the down-and-out city back into the Wedding and Honeymoon Capital it once was.
"For all people," said John Percy, president and chief executive of the Niagara Tourism & Convention Corp. "Not just gay. People have been saying, 'You're going to be the great wedding destination.' We can be for all people."
Percy is keenly aware of the Falls' potential to be a "top gay-wedding destination."
Others agree.
"I just think it's a brilliant way of kind of rebranding Niagara Falls again as a honeymoon destination," said Michael DiCamillo of DiCamillo Bakery, which makes wedding cakes. "It's gotten lost in neglect; it's gotten lost in casinos and other things."
The city became a hub of activity for same-sex couples as anticipation grew for the Marriage Equality Act, which Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law a month ago.
Lambert and Rudd timed their well-publicized wedding to begin as soon as the law went into effect at 12:01 this morning, but they aren't the only couples who are eager to wed.
Percy's agency has spearheaded planning for a group same-sex wedding at 10 a.m. Monday, when more than 40 gay and lesbian couples plan to tie the knot in a joint ceremony on a bluff overlooking the American and Bridal Veil falls.
It's expected to be the first ceremony of its kind in the state. Another is planned for noon Tuesday in Bethpage State Park on Long Island.
Dozens more same-sex weddings are believed to be in the works, with church secretaries and private wedding chapel planners in the Falls fielding dozens of calls in recent weeks from gay couples who want to get hitched.
Thirty-four same-sex couples had applied for marriage licenses as of Friday, according to Falls City Clerk Carol A. Antonucci.
Antonucci's office made arrangements to be open at 6 a.m. today to accommodate couples seeking licenses, which usually require a 24-hour waiting period, so that they can get married Monday morning in the group ceremony.
Other town and village clerks throughout the state also plan to be open today to issue licenses.
Buffalo City Clerk Gerald Chwalinski reported he had received 10 inquiries for licenses as of Friday.
Also, two judges in the Falls and two in Buffalo have agreed to consider waiving the 24-hour waiting rule between the time a marriage license is issued and a wedding may take place.
Among those who just couldn't wait to get married were Lambert and Rudd, who had their waiting rule waived by a State Supreme Court justice.
The couple began receiving guests early Saturday evening for two ceremonies: one religious, scheduled for
11 p.m., and the other civil, at 12:01 a.m. today.
The religious ceremony was to be overseen by clergy from three different faiths -- Baptist, Jewish and Episcopalian -- to highlight the various denominations that supported gay-marriage rights.
"At this exact moment in time, New Yorkers still stand without any protection," Lambert told reporters on Goat Island before the ceremonies. "But when that bell tolls for us at midnight tonight, and a new day dawns, literally a new day will dawn in New York."
As a wedding gift to the couple, Niagara Falls Mayor Paul A. Dyster, who was to oversee the civil ceremony, personally paid for the Falls to be lit after midnight with the colors of the rainbow.
The event, open to the public, was expected to draw hundreds, and most guests were dressed for a typical outdoor summer wedding.
A small group of reporters was on hand, and elected officials who support same-sex marriage were expected to arrive later in the evening. No protesters were seen as of 8:30 p.m.
Tourism officials are hoping Lambert and Rudd's nuptials are just the beginning of a rebirth for Niagara Falls.
Countless people in Western New York, across the country and even the world have parents or grandparents who got married or honeymooned in Niagara Falls.
No public relations campaign in the world could generate that kind of branding to a tourist destination, Percy said.
"We take that for granted," Percy said. "It has developed and been with us for 150 years. ... We need to build and strengthen that brand over the next five to 10 years."
Percy says he believes the Falls is already well-situated to attract gay couples for weddings and honeymoons.
"We're surrounded by rainbows," Percy said. "[We have] Rainbow Boulevard, the Rainbow Bridge. On the gay wedding side, we really have to play off of that."
Others see the opportunity, too.
The Empire State Development Corp. has added a new element to its "I Love New York" tourism slogan. The signature red heart has, in the words of officials, "gone rainbow."
Pastors of local churches, as well as nondenominational groups, say they already have noticed an uptick in wedding requests, and two pastors have already booked same-sex weddings into the fall.
Sally Fedell, president of the Falls Wedding Chapel, received the first call for such a wedding from two women at 9 a.m. the day after the law was passed.
"They were almost giggling over the phone," said Fedell, who already has booked 10 weddings, many for out-of-state couples. "They were just so excited and happy that they could finally get married."
Five weddings have been scheduled for First Congregational United Church of Christ in the city's northern section, and Pastor Marna Pritchard said she has detected a new acceptance of gay and lesbian couples in the community.
"I'm seeing an increase of desire to know how to interact with folks who are in the gay and lesbian community and not be offensive," Pritchard said. "And that's a huge step."
Acceptance is essential to any long-term tourism opportunities that might grow out of the new law, Percy said, noting that his tourism agency also will recommend acceptance training for future vendors at gay and lesbian weddings.
Not all in the region see the law's passage as a benefit.
A protest is scheduled for 3 p.m. today at Buffalo City Hall, and one Falls same-sex marriage activist reported receiving hate mail but said the response has been generally positive.
A Niagara Falls pastor plans a protest rally 10 a.m. Monday on Goat Island.
But any worries Percy had were "diminished greatly" as vendors volunteered their services at the group wedding.
Nearly a dozen local vendors have volunteered to provide free flowers, photography, beverages, staging, tables, music and tents for the group wedding, he said.
Two decorative wedding cakes will be crafted by the pastry chefs at DiCamillo Bakery and adorned with a special touch -- figurines of two brides to top one cake, and two grooms to top the other.
More dollars, more tourism and a growing acceptance of gays all added to the anticipation for this weekend, said Rick Crogan, who plans to marry his partner this evening at the brink of the American Falls.
But he envisions even more for the Falls in the future.
Crogan, president of the Main Street Business & Professional Association, has touted the area west of Main Street -- or "WoMa" -- as an emerging arts and cultural district that he said would be "hip, trendy, the place to be [and] new and cutting edge."
Development of that area, faded since many of the city's department stores closed or moved, has centered around events that have included the Main Street Music & Art Festival in June and a recent garden walk.
In addition, a vacant Main Street storefront soon will be converted into an art gallery, and Crogan helped secure funds for a farmers market set to debut next month.
"Gay people are so used to going into underdeveloped areas and redeveloping them, and they're going to see the potential of Niagara Falls," Crogan said.
Many of the gay couples flocking to the Falls have been together for years, Crogan said, and are in general a stable, professional group with money to invest.
"It's not just gonna be Niagara Falls," he predicted. "It'll be the whole community, Western New York, that will see a positive on it."
News Staff Reporter Kevin J. Bargnes contributed to this report.
NIAGARA FALLS -- At the very moment the state extended the right to marry to same-sex couples, Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd -- surrounded by hundreds of friends and well-wishers in a historic ceremony against the backdrop of the rainbow-lit Falls -- said, "I do."
In doing so, the Buffalo couple claim to be the first gay New Yorkers to legally wed.
And with that groundbreaking celebration, many wedding planners and tourism officials in Niagara Falls are envisioning a new booming business.
They want to turn the down-and-out city back into the Wedding and Honeymoon Capital it once was.
"For all people," said John Percy, president and chief executive of the Niagara Tourism & Convention Corp. "Not just gay. People have been saying, 'You're going to be the great wedding destination.' We can be for all people."
Percy is keenly aware of the Falls' potential to be a "top gay-wedding destination."
Others agree.
"I just think it's a brilliant way of kind of rebranding Niagara Falls again as a honeymoon destination," said Michael DiCamillo of DiCamillo Bakery, which makes wedding cakes. "It's gotten lost in neglect; it's gotten lost in casinos and other things."
The city became a hub of activity for same-sex couples as anticipation grew for the Marriage Equality Act, which Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo signed into law a month ago.
Lambert and Rudd timed their well-publicized wedding to begin as soon as the law went into effect at 12:01 this morning, but they aren't the only couples who are eager to wed.
Percy's agency has spearheaded planning for a group same-sex wedding at 10 a.m. Monday, when more than 40 gay and lesbian couples plan to tie the knot in a joint ceremony on a bluff overlooking the American and Bridal Veil falls.
It's expected to be the first ceremony of its kind in the state. Another is planned for noon Tuesday in Bethpage State Park on Long Island.
Dozens more same-sex weddings are believed to be in the works, with church secretaries and private wedding chapel planners in the Falls fielding dozens of calls in recent weeks from gay couples who want to get hitched.
Thirty-four same-sex couples had applied for marriage licenses as of Friday, according to Falls City Clerk Carol A. Antonucci.
Antonucci's office made arrangements to be open at 6 a.m. today to accommodate couples seeking licenses, which usually require a 24-hour waiting period, so that they can get married Monday morning in the group ceremony.
Other town and village clerks throughout the state also plan to be open today to issue licenses.
Buffalo City Clerk Gerald Chwalinski reported he had received 10 inquiries for licenses as of Friday.
Also, two judges in the Falls and two in Buffalo have agreed to consider waiving the 24-hour waiting rule between the time a marriage license is issued and a wedding may take place.
Among those who just couldn't wait to get married were Lambert and Rudd, who had their waiting rule waived by a State Supreme Court justice.
The couple began receiving guests early Saturday evening for two ceremonies: one religious, scheduled for
11 p.m., and the other civil, at 12:01 a.m. today.
The religious ceremony was to be overseen by clergy from three different faiths -- Baptist, Jewish and Episcopalian -- to highlight the various denominations that supported gay-marriage rights.
"At this exact moment in time, New Yorkers still stand without any protection," Lambert told reporters on Goat Island before the ceremonies. "But when that bell tolls for us at midnight tonight, and a new day dawns, literally a new day will dawn in New York."
As a wedding gift to the couple, Niagara Falls Mayor Paul A. Dyster, who was to oversee the civil ceremony, personally paid for the Falls to be lit after midnight with the colors of the rainbow.
The event, open to the public, was expected to draw hundreds, and most guests were dressed for a typical outdoor summer wedding.
A small group of reporters was on hand, and elected officials who support same-sex marriage were expected to arrive later in the evening. No protesters were seen as of 8:30 p.m.
Tourism officials are hoping Lambert and Rudd's nuptials are just the beginning of a rebirth for Niagara Falls.
Countless people in Western New York, across the country and even the world have parents or grandparents who got married or honeymooned in Niagara Falls.
No public relations campaign in the world could generate that kind of branding to a tourist destination, Percy said.
"We take that for granted," Percy said. "It has developed and been with us for 150 years. ... We need to build and strengthen that brand over the next five to 10 years."
Percy says he believes the Falls is already well-situated to attract gay couples for weddings and honeymoons.
"We're surrounded by rainbows," Percy said. "[We have] Rainbow Boulevard, the Rainbow Bridge. On the gay wedding side, we really have to play off of that."
Others see the opportunity, too.
The Empire State Development Corp. has added a new element to its "I Love New York" tourism slogan. The signature red heart has, in the words of officials, "gone rainbow."
Pastors of local churches, as well as nondenominational groups, say they already have noticed an uptick in wedding requests, and two pastors have already booked same-sex weddings into the fall.
Sally Fedell, president of the Falls Wedding Chapel, received the first call for such a wedding from two women at 9 a.m. the day after the law was passed.
"They were almost giggling over the phone," said Fedell, who already has booked 10 weddings, many for out-of-state couples. "They were just so excited and happy that they could finally get married."
Five weddings have been scheduled for First Congregational United Church of Christ in the city's northern section, and Pastor Marna Pritchard said she has detected a new acceptance of gay and lesbian couples in the community.
"I'm seeing an increase of desire to know how to interact with folks who are in the gay and lesbian community and not be offensive," Pritchard said. "And that's a huge step."
Acceptance is essential to any long-term tourism opportunities that might grow out of the new law, Percy said, noting that his tourism agency also will recommend acceptance training for future vendors at gay and lesbian weddings.
Not all in the region see the law's passage as a benefit.
A protest is scheduled for 3 p.m. today at Buffalo City Hall, and one Falls same-sex marriage activist reported receiving hate mail but said the response has been generally positive.
A Niagara Falls pastor plans a protest rally 10 a.m. Monday on Goat Island.
But any worries Percy had were "diminished greatly" as vendors volunteered their services at the group wedding.
Nearly a dozen local vendors have volunteered to provide free flowers, photography, beverages, staging, tables, music and tents for the group wedding, he said.
Two decorative wedding cakes will be crafted by the pastry chefs at DiCamillo Bakery and adorned with a special touch -- figurines of two brides to top one cake, and two grooms to top the other.
More dollars, more tourism and a growing acceptance of gays all added to the anticipation for this weekend, said Rick Crogan, who plans to marry his partner this evening at the brink of the American Falls.
But he envisions even more for the Falls in the future.
Crogan, president of the Main Street Business & Professional Association, has touted the area west of Main Street -- or "WoMa" -- as an emerging arts and cultural district that he said would be "hip, trendy, the place to be [and] new and cutting edge."
Development of that area, faded since many of the city's department stores closed or moved, has centered around events that have included the Main Street Music & Art Festival in June and a recent garden walk.
In addition, a vacant Main Street storefront soon will be converted into an art gallery, and Crogan helped secure funds for a farmers market set to debut next month.
"Gay people are so used to going into underdeveloped areas and redeveloping them, and they're going to see the potential of Niagara Falls," Crogan said.
Many of the gay couples flocking to the Falls have been together for years, Crogan said, and are in general a stable, professional group with money to invest.
"It's not just gonna be Niagara Falls," he predicted. "It'll be the whole community, Western New York, that will see a positive on it."
News Staff Reporter Kevin J. Bargnes contributed to this report.
I put that in a box instead of " because reading this and the next one are not that important in terms of this blog they are what got me to think about this blog.... If you are reading this hopefully it will make sense.......
Now with this one there is a nice video you can watch on the site of the Buffalo News....

Updated: July 24, 2011, 8:43 AM
NIAGARA FALLS — New York State ushered in same-sex marriage at 12:01 a.m. with the wedding of a Buffalo couple, punctuating the end of a long fight for gay-rights activists.
Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd were wed in Niagara Falls just after midnight.
"By the power vested in me by the laws of the State of New York, I now pronounce you legally married," said Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster, who performed the ceremony, with the Bridal Veil Falls thundering behind him.
After exchanging rings and sending out wishes to 44 states that don't recognize same-sex marriage, the couple danced in the grass near the falls.
Hundreds began gathering on Goat Island earlier in the night, waiting for the two to become among the first gay couples to legally marry in New York State following this morning’s enactment of the Marriage Equality Act.
"We’re so proud of everybody who crawled up this hill with us," a teary-eyed Lambert, 54, said in an interview Saturday evening. "This wasn’t done with just the two of us. Every single person here played a part in getting this law passed.â€
Rudd wore a white tuxedo and Lambert wore an aqua blue dress — and both brides made the outfits themselves, at their kitchen table, the same place they started OUTspoken for Equality, the Buffalo-based advocacy group that fights for gay rights.
That fight has been difficult on a personal level for Lambert and Rudd, who have been together for 12 years. Rudd has battled cervical and thyroid cancer, and Lambert has suffered three heart attacks. Each time one was in the hospital, the other struggled through red tape that failed to recognize their relationship.
"By law, because I had my last heart attack in Arizona, if I had died, they wouldn’t have notified her, they couldn’t have notified her," Lambert said. "And those are critical issues, those are critical things that people have to consider."
The couple began receiving guests Saturday evening for two ceremonies. The first was religious and began shortly before 11 p.m.
As a way of showing the different faiths that have actively supported same-sex marriage, clergy from three different faiths oversaw it: Baptist, Jewish and Episcopalian.
It featured a Celtic “hand fasting†ceremony and was capped by the couple dancing to Lady Gaga’s “The Edge of Glory,†after Lambert declared to the crowd “I need Gaga!â€
"At this exact moment in time, New Yorkers still stand without any protection,†Lambert told reporters as the sun came down Saturday on Goat Island. "But when that bell tolls with us at midnight tonight, and a new day dawns, literally a new day will dawn in New York. In not just the physical sense, but in that grand romantic sense that things are changing and life is good.â€
At the religious ceremony, following a brief reading from Genesis, former Assemblyman Sam Hoyt, D-Buffalo, gave an impromptu address to a loud, cheering crowd. Hoyt was one of the main sponsors of the act, and pointed to Lambert’s “passion and enthusiasm and dedication†as one of the driving forces behind his actions.
“About seven years ago, I met this incredible dynamo named Kitty Lambert. And she, in a lot of ways, changed my life,†said Hoyt, who resigned from the Assembly three weeks ago to take a position in Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s administration. “She and Cheryle and a few hours got me focused on the importance of marriage equality, on equal rights for all people.â€
As a wedding present to the couple, Dyster personally paid for the falls to be lit the colors of the rainbow past midnight, and presented them with a framed photograph of the falls lit up with those colors.
The event was open to the public and the media. No protesters were seen, something one park ranger said was unexpected but welcome.
Lambert said she and her wife will continue to fight for their rights on a federal level, and encouraged gays, lesbians and LGBT allies in other states to continue forward with her.
“Organize. Speak out. Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Don’t go away. Don’t be disheartened. Don’t buy into the nonsense. Organize, organize, organize,†she said. “The arc of history bends in the direction of equality, it always has, and this will change.â€ and
NIAGARA FALLS — New York State ushered in same-sex marriage at 12:01 a.m. with the wedding of a Buffalo couple, punctuating the end of a long fight for gay-rights activists.
Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd were wed in Niagara Falls just after midnight.
"By the power vested in me by the laws of the State of New York, I now pronounce you legally married," said Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster, who performed the ceremony, with the Bridal Veil Falls thundering behind him.
After exchanging rings and sending out wishes to 44 states that don't recognize same-sex marriage, the couple danced in the grass near the falls.
Hundreds began gathering on Goat Island earlier in the night, waiting for the two to become among the first gay couples to legally marry in New York State following this morning’s enactment of the Marriage Equality Act.
"We’re so proud of everybody who crawled up this hill with us," a teary-eyed Lambert, 54, said in an interview Saturday evening. "This wasn’t done with just the two of us. Every single person here played a part in getting this law passed.â€
Rudd wore a white tuxedo and Lambert wore an aqua blue dress — and both brides made the outfits themselves, at their kitchen table, the same place they started OUTspoken for Equality, the Buffalo-based advocacy group that fights for gay rights.
That fight has been difficult on a personal level for Lambert and Rudd, who have been together for 12 years. Rudd has battled cervical and thyroid cancer, and Lambert has suffered three heart attacks. Each time one was in the hospital, the other struggled through red tape that failed to recognize their relationship.
"By law, because I had my last heart attack in Arizona, if I had died, they wouldn’t have notified her, they couldn’t have notified her," Lambert said. "And those are critical issues, those are critical things that people have to consider."
The couple began receiving guests Saturday evening for two ceremonies. The first was religious and began shortly before 11 p.m.
As a way of showing the different faiths that have actively supported same-sex marriage, clergy from three different faiths oversaw it: Baptist, Jewish and Episcopalian.
It featured a Celtic “hand fasting†ceremony and was capped by the couple dancing to Lady Gaga’s “The Edge of Glory,†after Lambert declared to the crowd “I need Gaga!â€
"At this exact moment in time, New Yorkers still stand without any protection,†Lambert told reporters as the sun came down Saturday on Goat Island. "But when that bell tolls with us at midnight tonight, and a new day dawns, literally a new day will dawn in New York. In not just the physical sense, but in that grand romantic sense that things are changing and life is good.â€
At the religious ceremony, following a brief reading from Genesis, former Assemblyman Sam Hoyt, D-Buffalo, gave an impromptu address to a loud, cheering crowd. Hoyt was one of the main sponsors of the act, and pointed to Lambert’s “passion and enthusiasm and dedication†as one of the driving forces behind his actions.
“About seven years ago, I met this incredible dynamo named Kitty Lambert. And she, in a lot of ways, changed my life,†said Hoyt, who resigned from the Assembly three weeks ago to take a position in Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s administration. “She and Cheryle and a few hours got me focused on the importance of marriage equality, on equal rights for all people.â€
As a wedding present to the couple, Dyster personally paid for the falls to be lit the colors of the rainbow past midnight, and presented them with a framed photograph of the falls lit up with those colors.
The event was open to the public and the media. No protesters were seen, something one park ranger said was unexpected but welcome.
Lambert said she and her wife will continue to fight for their rights on a federal level, and encouraged gays, lesbians and LGBT allies in other states to continue forward with her.
“Organize. Speak out. Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Don’t go away. Don’t be disheartened. Don’t buy into the nonsense. Organize, organize, organize,†she said. “The arc of history bends in the direction of equality, it always has, and this will change.â€ and
So Even though New York state isn't the first state to Legalize same sex Marriage All this stuff in the falls still seems like a big moment in history.... Not only for the state but also for the people getting married ...
So my next thought was that I'm sure there will be lots of pictures and videos and having a great time and it will be on the news.... But is anyone going to film stuff for a documentary .... If so how many.... Or maybe it is to quick and those will be coming up... Would someone maybe do a series about people who come to the falls to get Married and leave all their friends and family behind to move to NYS or City and about the culture shock of from where they lived.... Will people move and will it create a new gay community? Will people film it.... Did it happen in any other of the states?
Of course one can't answer these questions until it happens. I know there is a big small or short film community in Buffalo that I know nothing about so maybe there are a bunch of movies I just wouldn't know of them.....
So if anyone is reading this by now I'm sure they are like "Dude where is the Girl licking someone action you are seeing through binoculars " well it isn't that juicy but maybe if I can find the add On youtube I'll ad it here at the end.....
At work someone not even sure how they work it out brings in a paper but even if they didn't I think I would still read stuff online... I think that reading the news is not just about seeing what is going on in the world it is about seeing what someone else did and they don't see you so why is that any different then being up in a tree or finding a web site that has city webcams..... There used to be one on elmwood and you could watch what went on at Half & Half as an option......
In Terms of places like myspace, Fubar, twitter, google+, Facebook and I'm sure some others there are various things you can do... I think some people join just to play Zombie Pets and some places like okcupid it is all about taking those tests.... But the real reason people join is to live other peoples lives or to see them from behind that tree....... Now not the only reason but I think it is at the core of why those places work.... I think this is true if it is just an update on new hair color or like here where you write an entire blog about something but the blog is a stronger case of this....
Now I know Reality shows get a bad rap... Lets face it does the camera effect things yeah it must.... It isn't like they are hidden.... Does the packs they have to wear yeah the must.... Are they only allowed to go and do certain that change how they act.... Yes ... On MTV there is no TV one reason for that is they don't want people sitting down watching it all day but then also any show that was watched or talked about they would have to get the rights to besides the show that is new would be old by the time everything is taped and aired they could even be a season of some shows maybe 2.... The Point isn't about how real or unreal they are as the viewer we watch yeah some times for the wrecks and drama but also to see how someone lives that isn't us... There is lots of Reality TV I have never seen like the contest ones but a lot of it is very very griping.... You start to feel like you know these people it has happened in the past with me and it is kinda scary......
At some point though Entertainment isn't about us it is about getting into that story. Now TV and violent movies get a bad rap.... Yes watching things blow up is cool.... Watching sports is fun... But the best TV is stuff with action and a good story line (True Blood, Sopranos, Sons Of Anarchy, House, Bones, and Heroes come to mind quickly)... Now you can't live the life of a witch or a vampire but you can live through the story lines.... Now many people get on a soap box and claim how bad tv is how books are the savior... Yes books are good cause reading is important and they help with vocabulary and you visualize stuff and most people don't eat a pizza a bag of chips and a bottle of coke.... But in terms of why people read them it is the same thing. For some books it is a way to escape and be some place else... but for some it is a story line of someone other life some other person... Not saying this is true for all books just like it isn't true of all movies , Documentaries/Reality shows.... But for many of them it is being a Voyeur and there is nothing wrong with that......
Comments please..... Again I assume people read this?
The Phone ad
Guess I should post the Follow up ad as well..... I just wanted to ad I wish I had stuff to talk about like this every day......
On a side not I never prof read blogs I know kinda what I'm going to say so hopefully this made some sense... That doesn't mean you would agree with it though......
07/23/2011 17:16 #54771
Captain America 3DCategory: movies
So Saw Captain America today and I liked it.... Can't really say why to much with out giving any thing away but there is action with a lot of story but the action is good.... But really I think this is true of all comic books that is why they work is from the story... They in this one set up The Avengers and Even have a part of the movie after the credits.... Now in terms of 3D not sure how much there really was... I haven't seen really any of the old Captain America movies so I have nothing to compare it to.....
One Preview I have to say kinda Shocked me...... There is another Spiderman movie coming out... It looks like it doesn't have any of the actors from the other series and there is no Venom or Carnage it is the retelling of an old story and then I saw the the tittle "The Amazing Spiderman" Not sure how much that story is different then the Spiderman comics but they where two different books so........
One Preview I have to say kinda Shocked me...... There is another Spiderman movie coming out... It looks like it doesn't have any of the actors from the other series and there is no Venom or Carnage it is the retelling of an old story and then I saw the the tittle "The Amazing Spiderman" Not sure how much that story is different then the Spiderman comics but they where two different books so........
07/17/2011 10:34 #54715
Buffalo & Italian Fest 2011Category: photos
So went to the Italian Festival Yesterday for a bit.... I do like the heat but my Irish skin doesn't like the sun.... But my eyes do like the Tan White girls. That being said though it does seem like a lot of things that feel good aren't good for you...Somehow someone needs to figure out how to change that...... In any event Pictures from around Buffalo.... A few pictures of Forest Lawn are taken from the bus so......

So I should explain that now they have a beer tent.... The stage is covered and they have seats and a little dance floor... and then out side of that they have where you can buy beer.... I thought about it but said nah but that being said I'm sure a Lynchberg Lemonade would be pretty good...
So I should explain that now they have a beer tent.... The stage is covered and they have seats and a little dance floor... and then out side of that they have where you can buy beer.... I thought about it but said nah but that being said I'm sure a Lynchberg Lemonade would be pretty good...
07/10/2011 16:52 #54674
Taste Day 2 2011Category: photos
So went back for some more today.... Let see if I can remember what I had......
Fat Bob's Texas chili was good......
Papaya had these rib things that where pretty good....
Again Lipton thanks for the free drinks tasty as all ways.......
Tops had free granola of some kind that was good......
Went to the place with the pretty Farmers Daughters and got wings that where good....
That new ice cream place had the small size of cake and eat it to.... Wish I could have got a picture of all the steam that comes off of the ice cream when they open it... It is pretty cool......
The Boneless wings I got where good as well.....
Yes some pictures are before I got to the taste.... After the taste had to Maragitas one frozen and one non man did they taste good........

Left out that hog Wing and then at BW's I had forget what it was called some kind of chicken pie thing.....
Fat Bob's Texas chili was good......
Papaya had these rib things that where pretty good....
Again Lipton thanks for the free drinks tasty as all ways.......
Tops had free granola of some kind that was good......
Went to the place with the pretty Farmers Daughters and got wings that where good....
That new ice cream place had the small size of cake and eat it to.... Wish I could have got a picture of all the steam that comes off of the ice cream when they open it... It is pretty cool......
The Boneless wings I got where good as well.....
Yes some pictures are before I got to the taste.... After the taste had to Maragitas one frozen and one non man did they taste good........
Left out that hog Wing and then at BW's I had forget what it was called some kind of chicken pie thing.....
metalpeter - 07/10/11 18:50
Sounds like you had a good time well except for the getting cut part.... Did you pass along my Alt show girls website address to her..... Only kidding....Glad you had a good time....
Sounds like you had a good time well except for the getting cut part.... Did you pass along my Alt show girls website address to her..... Only kidding....Glad you had a good time....
tinypliny - 07/10/11 18:14
Oooh, the casino girl with the outlandish bird costume was there today and I said hi. ;-)
Oooh, the casino girl with the outlandish bird costume was there today and I said hi. ;-)
tinypliny - 07/10/11 18:13
I went today and had two free glasses of coffee (blueberry and nantucket), grass-fed cow's organic milk, some granola cereal, flavoured nuts, flavoured olive oil, some energy jelly beans, lipton blue-berry flavoured chai, lipton mango passionfruit tea - all for free. Hee hee. I spent all my tickets on flavoured almonds and walnuts and then realized that I didn't want anything else. I then saw some crazy egg separation competition and wondered at the insanity of it all... I think they threw all the used up yolks and whites away after the competition. Such a massive waste when people are starving in Africa.
Getting a box of bandages from tops pharmacy tent proved very useful. I sliced open my finger cutting papaya just now.
I went today and had two free glasses of coffee (blueberry and nantucket), grass-fed cow's organic milk, some granola cereal, flavoured nuts, flavoured olive oil, some energy jelly beans, lipton blue-berry flavoured chai, lipton mango passionfruit tea - all for free. Hee hee. I spent all my tickets on flavoured almonds and walnuts and then realized that I didn't want anything else. I then saw some crazy egg separation competition and wondered at the insanity of it all... I think they threw all the used up yolks and whites away after the competition. Such a massive waste when people are starving in Africa.
Getting a box of bandages from tops pharmacy tent proved very useful. I sliced open my finger cutting papaya just now.
The Question that I pose is that we have to ask are people who need help able to get it or should they starve and what point is the cut off....
I have heard not sure if this is true (used to be ) that some countries you have a child and no husband you take the child to an orphanage and then go back to work.... There was a time when you got to a certain age when you didn't want to be a burden to the family any more and got on your piece of ice and where sent away....
Of course if the answer to the question was yes then you have to raise taxes...
What I think happens is people go oh cut food stamps but I'm white so cut just for the jungle bunnies... Or cut Social Security but not for my parents or grand parents.... I think all this cutting stuff is all ways aimed at someone who isn't them. You never hear this. Social Security and Medicaid ah who needs it my 401K will cover all that when I get to that age.....
Not that it would work but what I wish they would do is raise tax on everyone a bit... Then put in a new law you only file your taxes if you owe.... That is right you pay to much in during the year no rebate no check for you and that would solve so much.... This wouldn't be by income group it would be true for everyone.... Ever heard of anyone getting a grand back and going ya know what times are tight lets give it back so they can fix my street... I think it would also get rid of allot of the cheating like claiming kids that aren't yours and getting head of household ......
Who knows maybe in 3 years China will own us.....
I get that we need a military and that won't ever go away.... I get that we may need to go to "A Just War" but I haven't been alive for a just war so..... Not sure when the Korean aka forgotten war was but I think it was before 72 not sure so I think I missed it... Now granted if we didn't spend all this money on war we just might not spend it and have a much smaller debit but that doesn't mean we would spend the money on schools.....
I read your post with interest and agree with 98% of what you are saying here.
You asked:
"If you are unable to provide for your self should the Government Help??? If the answer is no then that is the easy fix and our money problems will be gone... "
A social net is CRUCIAL for the health of any community, however rich, poor, egalitarian, non-egalitarian, capitalist, socialist, communist or democratic it may be. That is why we are human and out of the woods. Cutting the social net is a very dangerous thing for the fabric holding us all together.
The question is WHY is everyone hell bent on ignoring military expenses and focusing on cutting down heath, education and BASIC civic amenities? Why are the public this EASY to divert and mislead? Isn't anyone empowered anymore to think critically and respond to the stupidity of war and corporate greed? Why doesn't any of you, voters and taxpayers have any say in the COLOSSAL military spending and is even willing to consider the possibility of your own basic health and living safety net?
80% of the resources of the planet are concentrated among less than 10% of the 6 billion who live on it. These 10% wage wars and try to amass even more resources and power capitalizing on the gullible among the rest of the 90% who don't bother even trying to make a change because they feel they can't or just can't be bothered to.