Mike's Journal
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08/24/2011 20:26 #55016
my clothes08/23/2011 23:27 #55010
Final ThreeI can't believe this is my final three days at my parents house before I move on Friday. Pretty much everything is packed, today I packed like all the stuff on the walls and stuff that I was keeping out til the end like some pictures and my funeral prayer cards and my color changing chameleons and such. The only things left out now are Fuzzy Wuzzy my bear and the graduation card my nonna was writing to me when she had her stroke. Those I will just pick up and care with me. I need those out and with me until the end. I really can't imagine what life is like outside of this house. It seems unreal . I know its ridiculous becuase I am almost 28 but I can't imagine what my life will be like not here how it's always been.
Also, my 10 year high school reunion this weekend and my birthday in a week from Wednesday. So much stuff going on. Its weird, I really thought I would be more excited about my 10 year reunion. Like I am glad I"m going but I wouldn't say i'm super excited. I always thought I would be way more excited. maybe it is because I have the whole moving thing on my mind . I also think it is kinda b/c of facebook. I basically know what anyone I wanted to know about has been doing and even many people I didn't really care about. I feel like the reunion would be to see what people are up to and what they are like 10 years later but I already know that about a lot of them. I'm sure it will still be fun. I'm sure it will still be me , jill,mk , jesse and maureen sitting at our own table , living in our own world as always. That itself would still be fun to me!
Also, my 10 year high school reunion this weekend and my birthday in a week from Wednesday. So much stuff going on. Its weird, I really thought I would be more excited about my 10 year reunion. Like I am glad I"m going but I wouldn't say i'm super excited. I always thought I would be way more excited. maybe it is because I have the whole moving thing on my mind . I also think it is kinda b/c of facebook. I basically know what anyone I wanted to know about has been doing and even many people I didn't really care about. I feel like the reunion would be to see what people are up to and what they are like 10 years later but I already know that about a lot of them. I'm sure it will still be fun. I'm sure it will still be me , jill,mk , jesse and maureen sitting at our own table , living in our own world as always. That itself would still be fun to me!
paul - 08/24/11 22:24
Oh that card. When do you let go of it? Are your descendents going to tell the story?
Oh that card. When do you let go of it? Are your descendents going to tell the story?
lilho - 08/24/11 12:07
the thought of a 10 yr reunion makes me want to vomit! since i deactivated my fb i really have no clue what people are doing... so exciting you're moving out, and i have moved back in, but will be moving out in a year... i can't wait to visit your new home. :o)
the thought of a 10 yr reunion makes me want to vomit! since i deactivated my fb i really have no clue what people are doing... so exciting you're moving out, and i have moved back in, but will be moving out in a year... i can't wait to visit your new home. :o)
leetee - 08/24/11 10:50
Good luck with your move! :o)
Good luck with your move! :o)
tinypliny - 08/24/11 07:37
I seriously have no idea what my high school mates are doing, or even what my college or former grad school mates are doing. I don't know what is more disturbing... that I don't keep in touch with anyone or that I couldn't care less.
I seriously have no idea what my high school mates are doing, or even what my college or former grad school mates are doing. I don't know what is more disturbing... that I don't keep in touch with anyone or that I couldn't care less.
08/19/2011 12:16 #54976
my rag08/19/2011 11:50 #54974
my favorite jeans08/16/2011 13:27 #54956
Just Hit MeSo every Monday I work two jobs and get home at 9, so does my mom. Full day Mondays for both of us has been going on for a while and when we get home after work me and her always eat and watch tv together, (usually castle during the tv season and whatever is on in the summer). My dad watches tv with us too and we all catch up on how our day was and just things in general. Even though I live at home that is really one of the few times during the week we are all together at the same time. It may sound dorkyish but I really love that time with my parents just relaxing and eating and watching tv after a long Monday. It just hit me last night that there is only 1 left before I move out , and then it hit me that I am really moving out. Its weird until that moment last night it almost felt more like I was going on vacation as compared to moving out. Even though I have packed mostly everything I own, it still didn't seem real and then all of a sudden it did. I am super thrilled moving out with (e:libertad) and to have my own place but it just struck me about how much I am going to miss about living here. Its been a pretty great 27 years I think, and I am definitely going to miss it!
paul - 08/19/11 18:33
That is so cute. You can still visit. You are not moving that far.
That is so cute. You can still visit. You are not moving that far.
metalpeter - 08/16/11 18:17
First of all I want to wish you both luck... The Reason I say that is it will be good and tough I don't mean tough in a bad way... Just a lot of adjusting... Not only will it be (If I understood you correctly) the first time not living with your parents but you will be sharing a place and sharing bills and all that kind of stuff.... That being said I'm guessing it will be tough on them also.... Guessing (for me I think it would be house on Monday) you will both be in your separate Places and thinking this is nice but seems like something is missing....
First of all I want to wish you both luck... The Reason I say that is it will be good and tough I don't mean tough in a bad way... Just a lot of adjusting... Not only will it be (If I understood you correctly) the first time not living with your parents but you will be sharing a place and sharing bills and all that kind of stuff.... That being said I'm guessing it will be tough on them also.... Guessing (for me I think it would be house on Monday) you will both be in your separate Places and thinking this is nice but seems like something is missing....
tinypliny - 08/16/11 17:38
I miss my parents still (and they tell me that they miss me.. who knows) even though both of us let out a big sigh of relief when I left home.
I miss my parents still (and they tell me that they miss me.. who knows) even though both of us let out a big sigh of relief when I left home.
leetee - 08/16/11 16:35
Awwee.... i don't think that's "dorkyish", i think it's sweet. Family is important and i think it's great you have a relationship with your parents that is sane and stable... and that you like and appreciate it. Will make you a great father if you ever decide to be one. :o)
Awwee.... i don't think that's "dorkyish", i think it's sweet. Family is important and i think it's great you have a relationship with your parents that is sane and stable... and that you like and appreciate it. Will make you a great father if you ever decide to be one. :o)
When I left home I didn't really get to take anything except for 2 suitcases. That was pretty much it. I don't miss any of it.
It will feel real when you are doing your own laundry.