metalpeter - 07/31/11 16:18 I can never keep track of when things go on I know there is some burlesque show I'm supposed to be going to that I can't remember..... This reminds me of a star wars character...
paul - 07/31/11 14:45 Ya they had great west side ones with cowboys during the Allentown art festival.
metalpeter - 07/31/11 10:47 Wish my junk banging into stuff was a problem I had Ha.... Seriously though I wonder if sitting like that feels good or bad? Think about I think it is silk boxers (some material) every time you move it feels good... But after some time it becomes to much... If it felt bad would he just stand up?
paul - 07/31/11 10:36 Haha. I would hate it if my junk dragged on the ground like that.
metalpeter - 07/31/11 09:25 I was kidding by the way hope the dog...HA..Found a non human to use that thing on.....
metalpeter - 07/30/11 19:04 This should be called The lead into dog Porn....
Heard of hooping and like the fire dancing don't think I've seen them together before though.......