that I haven't figured out how to fix. (Solved whines are marked and in blue.)
- Hot corner and dock are on the left: I am RIGHT HANDED dammit. So are a majority of people in the world. Stop pandering to left-handers or give us a way to switch the damn things. I HATE it when menus are on the left.
- Gnome extensions are inconsistent and crash the shell often. I installed some gnome extensions to shift the dock and hot corner to the right but they are inconsistent in the sense that they may or may not work. Additionally, they crash the gnome shell one too many times for comfort. The better sounding extensions have to be installed manually from something called "git". I tried to follow these steps:
Extensions But I am stuck on the compilation step because of not one but several errors that I can't make head or tail of... ./ –prefix=$HOME/.local – enable-extensions=â€dockâ€
- Brightness settings are NEVER remembered! I hate this too. I get it that ATI cards are not the general linux favorite but atleast debian and ubuntoid versions can remember basic settings every time you login even though the proprietary ridiculously screwed up driver is not installed.
- Chrome launches S.L.O.W. In debian and ubuntoid distros I used e4rat to prefetch applications I use the most so that they would start instantly. But here I can't install e4rat... or atleast I haven't figured out how to block fedora-readahead and install e4rat (because there is no rpm for it).
- Terminal and windows cannot be made transparent. This seriously makes me want to switch to xfce4 with debian where things just work AND look good. :/
On the surface, all of the gloss seems nifty and the ability to connect remotely to work is great but these annoyances persist. Worse is I don't know how to get around them so they keep getting under my skin.
Other low grade irritants include:
- Nautilus. Yuckety yuck! Doesn't have a native way to launch in root view. Totally lacks the elegance and flexibility of Thunar. I miss Thunar a LOT whenever I am in file-browser view.
- That top panel: I want it to autohide, dammit! Why should I need an extension to do this simple thing?
- That top panel: I don't want all those icons on the right, I want them on the left or not at all. For example, I don't want the accessibility icon or the battery icon when its not charging. I have no way to remove those because right-clicking doesn't give me any customization options.
- Clock: I don't want it bang in the middle. It's not helpful. I want it extreme right.
- That top panel: I want to maximize windows over it without going into a full-screen F11 mode. That top panel is seriously a waste of screen estate.
- And yes, why can't themes work properly in Gnome 3? I know it's new and all but I hate the clunkiness in general.
- Fonts were miserable but I installed a different font-rendering engine and I am stuck in Verdana now, the only font that looks partway decent. Liberation Sans and Droid Sans still look like crap and give me a headache.
[SOLVED] Turns out the super/windows/meta key is reserved for bringing up the activities menu in Gnome 3. So you need to press it twice and hold it down before pressing any other alphabet keys (that make up the keyboard shortcut). This workaround will make a custom keyboard shortcut (involving the macro/super/windows key) work. (or don't use the macro/super/windows key for any custom shortcuts. Use the ctrl key instead). Source:
- Keyboard shortcuts for applications: Don't work if set under system settings > keyboard > custom shortcuts. You can make as many shortcuts as you want but they won't work. What's the point?! I know you can hit the windows key and start typing but I really like shortcuts. I set the same shortcuts across all my workstations and OSes. Its so annoying that I have to type more and remember what applications are called to get to things in gnome 3. For eg. browsers are always win-z everywhere for me. Now, I need to type win-chro before the icon for chrome comes up and then click on it to launch it. Not cool.
Search for gnome 3 CSS themes. One of the advantages of gnome 3 was that the II is styled with CSS just like a web page.
That being said I think the more you tweak and deviate the more problems you will end up with. I never really have an issues that requite a hard reboot but I also run it pretty vanilla.
You could just ditch gnome 3 for something like xfde or gnome 2 or something less fancy.
use Window Maker :::link::: as your window manager with gnome compability.