A mass scale epidemiological investigation into the German e.coli outbreak spread over the past few weeks FINALLY identified organically grown bean sprouts as the source of the offending e.coli strain. People who ate these sprouts were nine times as likely to develop bloody diarrhoea when compared with people who didn't. From:
After wild allegations against the whole Spanish salad produce industry, the unmasking of the organically grown sprouts as the culprits comes as a bit of a eye-opener about the health risks of organic farming. Are we really sure that the human and animal refuse used as fertilizers in organic farms do not leave behind cysts and eggs of sundry virulent bacteria and parasites? Do we always make sure that we wash our produce well before eating it raw?
In the past, I have been guilty of trusting apparently fresh-looking greens and produce too much and eating them after a cursory wash. However it pays by the spadefuls to remember that cysts/eggs are hardy and can survive mild non-abrasive washing. It is up to us to make sure that our food sources are not contaminated.. and even if they are, that we do the utmost that we can to prevent superficial parasitic and bacterial cysts and eggs from entering our system.
I'll quit whining. See ya inna few. (e:puddlediving) is coming too.
There will be other balloon rides you know... And besides the weather isn't that great for floating over downtown. Once we go up we could be stuck up there for quite a while before the petrol store gives out.
I should be studying! Massive waves of guilt washing over me.
doing that much? What shouldn't you be doing? I am confused... Am I missing something here?
and really i shouldn't be doing that much.
I'm only in for the balloon, so no balloon = no heidi.
Or here is the rain plan. If it is raining we are going because we surely don't want to miss out on celebrating our city like they did at the Pan American exposition in 1901. But we will go to the Sunset Reception at the City Hall instead?
How about we are going with raincoats etc. but if it's thunderstorming or raining kangaroos, I am not about to throw my life away by getting into a balloon. Your option....
Tweet from the citybration balloon ride organizers: Unfortunately, we don't have anything planned as a backup...but let's see how the day evolves. We'll keep everyone posted!
Okay, someone has to make the call before 4:25 when I leave my house. Are we going? is the event on?
Update on the planned 4:45 (e:strip) trip to the balloon land: If it is thunderstorming, I don't want to be electrocuted. Besides, there will then be no sunset to speak of.
AAARRGRGH. I swear someone is always waiting and watching to spoil whatever little fun I plan!!!!!!
If it rains at 6PM like it is now (8:26AM), I think the Balloon will need extraordinary powers to even launch... or be an airplane in disguise. Besides, might not be the wisest of moves to go up in a balloon in a thunderstorm.
The forecast is so crappy for tomorrow 6PM = 80% chance of precipitation. I hope they are wrong like they always are!
I'm in! 4:45 @the 24!
VERY exciting!! Who else is coming for the grand (e:strip) balloon adventure!! (e:Paul), could you put this on the front page as an invitation! :)
using this a possible excuse for a day off I need one.... Yes it screws everyone else at work but hey there are a couple people who need to do more anyways..... So for now 4:45PM at the 24 sounds great.....
Sounds like a plan
Or maybe 4:45. I want to be on the first balloon and then make a dash for the city hall.
Oooh -let's meet up at the 24 at 5:00 then, we can walk to the theatre station from there (~5:20), take the train to the skyway (~5:40). The balloon rides start 6:00 PM.
I am all about it.
I forgot to say I want to go as well......
I wanna go on the hot air balloon. Let's do it!
OMG. I also want to go on the Queen City Ferry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :::link:::
I am seldom much higher than any of the parapets. Maybe that is why I always feel safe. lol
I have been up there a couple times actually. I am not really scared of heights at all... Updated the post with times. We should totally make it so that (e:strip)pers populate a complete balloon ride. HEE HEE.
The Friday event doesn't list a time....
Making it an (e:strip) event would be cool.....
That being said I have a thing with heights.... Sometimes they freak me out a bit and sometimes they don't... Top of city hall is high and amazing if you haven't been up there it makes me wish I had one of those big cameras with the big zooms like at least 7x and 13x or even a 26x would be great think I'm thinking of those ashton camera ads....
Don't you want to come with me, (e:metalpeter)???!! We will make this an (e:strip) evening out! :)
That is an event you need to be all "Japanese tourist" for yes the views would be great and that is what you should focus on with your eyes (assuming your tall enough to see over the basket Ha...Kidding) but then as you look over take pictures as well....