Hope the pictures look ok hard to tell....
Metalpeter's Journal
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06/05/2011 15:25 #54430
The Skiffle MinstrelsCategory: music
06/04/2011 19:19 #54424
X-Men and Such....Category: movies
So I thought the New X Men Movie 1st class was great... I love the fact that in the X-men you have Charles and "His Old Friend" on opposing sides and that there is that kinda not sure if you call it respect for the other view... I Won't give anything away other than that I thought this was a pretty good movie of course I guess anyone who is an X-men fan would like it.... That being said not really knowing any of the old X-men don't know if this characters with the exception of Beast, Charles, and Magneto are from the original comics or not.... hey I enjoyed it.....
I don't have any pictures yet but I also went to the Dyke March but not the Pride stuff after.... I think the 2nd set of pictures I took are better but oh well.... I mention this because I think the entire (in all the movies as a theme as in the cartoons what what I remember) Idea of acceptance fits in good with it being pride week here and month.... Even if it wasn't I would have seen the movie anyways... It is still a good super hero or action movie... I wonder if they had it come out this month on purpose?
Last Night Skiffle at Sportsmen was a good time they played longer then I thought so didn't go to 464 (gay artists) I wanted to watch WWE and other stuff... Should have gone since I passed out on wrestling and woke up with a nasty headache don't think it was from drinking felt like congestion then back to bed... So should have gone to see the art.....
Tonight Burlesque assuming I don't pass out....I do believe photos are fine so hope my camera doesn't die...Hope I don't drink to much and miss the parade.... If I was cool and awesome some or some people would take me home and we would have breakfast and take in the parade but that will never happen not me at least....Gotta be a pretty girl for that to happen Ha...
Not sure where to see the parade from see figure that out on sunday.....
I don't have any pictures yet but I also went to the Dyke March but not the Pride stuff after.... I think the 2nd set of pictures I took are better but oh well.... I mention this because I think the entire (in all the movies as a theme as in the cartoons what what I remember) Idea of acceptance fits in good with it being pride week here and month.... Even if it wasn't I would have seen the movie anyways... It is still a good super hero or action movie... I wonder if they had it come out this month on purpose?
Last Night Skiffle at Sportsmen was a good time they played longer then I thought so didn't go to 464 (gay artists) I wanted to watch WWE and other stuff... Should have gone since I passed out on wrestling and woke up with a nasty headache don't think it was from drinking felt like congestion then back to bed... So should have gone to see the art.....
Tonight Burlesque assuming I don't pass out....I do believe photos are fine so hope my camera doesn't die...Hope I don't drink to much and miss the parade.... If I was cool and awesome some or some people would take me home and we would have breakfast and take in the parade but that will never happen not me at least....Gotta be a pretty girl for that to happen Ha...
Not sure where to see the parade from see figure that out on sunday.....
06/01/2011 17:53 #54398
Memorial Day 2011Category: photos
Don't get me wrong I like the city. As much as I bash people who oh no there is someone who is black or talks words I don't understand I"m moving to the burbs.... I have to admit those houses at least during summer of near Old Man River look like a great place to live.... I doubt I would really like it not cause of the view but you have to travel to get food and movies and things like that.....

Hope those bird shots look ok it was hard to tell....
Hope those bird shots look ok it was hard to tell....
metalpeter - 06/04/11 19:36
I took a couple of me the close up and on the rocks my sis did... In terms of the birds think they where being feed...
I took a couple of me the close up and on the rocks my sis did... In terms of the birds think they where being feed...
tinypliny - 06/04/11 18:59
Who was taking your pics? Your little niece? :-)
Who was taking your pics? Your little niece? :-)
tinypliny - 06/04/11 18:59
I really like your photos by the marina. They are beautiful. And look at those seagulls. What is that in that seagull's claws? Toilet paper?!? LOL
I really like your photos by the marina. They are beautiful. And look at those seagulls. What is that in that seagull's claws? Toilet paper?!? LOL
metalpeter - 06/02/11 18:21
It was a little crazy but fun.....
It was a little crazy but fun.....
libertad - 06/01/11 19:41
Looks like a fun time. I love being by the water.
Looks like a fun time. I love being by the water.
06/02/2011 19:03 #54404
Happy Pride Weekend and Month?Category: philosophy
Ok So been meaning to post about this one topic for some time so Figured now is as good as any of a time... Hoping for a very busy weekend.... Friday going down to see The Skiffle Minstrels at Sportsmen should be a good time... Then hoping to slide on up to 464 for a few maybe take a few pictures who knows maybe there will be some art I must have...... Hoping to catch the end of wrestling and I think Maher and Camelot are both new? We shall see what happens... Hoping on Sat. to go see the new X men movie then gotta double check Dyke March time 4 I think and then at Night Off to see The Stripteasers now I think there is also some cool Vauldvile thing at Diablo with Burlesque but can't do both... Then Sunday is the Parade... There should be Picture taking at all of these events.... It might take me a week with here and facebook to get pictures posted.... Now after the Parade Don't think I'm going to the pride stuff... Not that there is anything wrong with it but now that it is downtown on Sunday (if I have this right) and Sat.. On Allen.... Besides I don't know if I would feel right.... It isn't that I think someone would grab me but what if I liked it....HA kidding.... I don't know it is hard to explain......
Maybe it is a little bit of a bias and if so then sorry.... Maybe it is fear of the protesters .... Maybe it is partly that you don't want someone to think you are gay.... Not that I care if they do but it is I don't know really....I do think that Racism, homophobia and sexism or any other ism is taught or I should say the way we are taught makes those stereotypes or fears happen and that is what I want to write about even if it isn't clear...
Not that I can remember being that age where you are taught but.... Kids are taught this is what red is.... This is Blue ... This is green.... Kids are also taught shapes. Kids aren't taught here is where orange changes to yellow or shades... Back in the day if you had one of those 64 color crayon boxes you where the cool kid and everyone wanted to be your friend... But even with those colors all had names and you could tell the different types of reds apart most of the time what is Aqua wow.... Then of course kids learn letters and numbers but not at the same time and not together.... so then kids some kids get to say algebra and there mind is blown weight why are there letters in my math and some peoples minds can never handle it....They just can't It makes no sense.... The reason is that this way of teaching is by common Characteristics .... But more importantly at a young age we learn to categorize everything....
This way of learning is why people who fit out side of this little pigeon holes or social norms or groups get picked on praised or Bullied (based on where they are compared to you). This only gets noticed when there is a problem...Loving all the football players is fine.
I kinda lost my point someplace I think... I think part of the problem with homophobia is that somehow kids get taught gender roles... Don't know about kids books now but the boys have short hair and the girls long.... Hello anyone ever watched Wrestling or seen a Metal Band... My Poison or Ratt should have came out with some kids books.... Or maybe Nathan Explosion from Dethklok .......
I guess my point is final thought is this:
You teach us to Categorize everything you shouldn't be surprised when we do it to people.....
I also feel that it might be kinda like part instinct as well we are animals... There is a safety thing. You wouldn't pet a tiger walking down the street a Cat maybe but when the tiger pets back you will make a good meal.... Now a chicken you can eat... Somewhere we had to have this to survive so I think it is ingrained ......
That being said though I think everyone should be treated the same and I think these thing can be learned and unlearned based on whom you know....When I was in school there was a game called Smear The Queer it had nothing to do with sex I think whom ever had the ball got tackled and when they lost the ball someone else picked it up and people tried to catch them and Tackle them not sure about that though.... But over time I learned there is nothing wrong with being gay and that people who are gay should be treated the same and have the same rights as everyone else.........
Still not sure if I said that how I wanted to and didn't prof read it but maybe I'll see some of yall out and about and happy pride.....
Oh yeah still not sure If it is better to Have Pride at different times in different places.... Yes that way people can say go to Toronto or NYC or some other place.... But maybe if it was the same time everywhere then Protesting would be harder?
Maybe it is a little bit of a bias and if so then sorry.... Maybe it is fear of the protesters .... Maybe it is partly that you don't want someone to think you are gay.... Not that I care if they do but it is I don't know really....I do think that Racism, homophobia and sexism or any other ism is taught or I should say the way we are taught makes those stereotypes or fears happen and that is what I want to write about even if it isn't clear...
Not that I can remember being that age where you are taught but.... Kids are taught this is what red is.... This is Blue ... This is green.... Kids are also taught shapes. Kids aren't taught here is where orange changes to yellow or shades... Back in the day if you had one of those 64 color crayon boxes you where the cool kid and everyone wanted to be your friend... But even with those colors all had names and you could tell the different types of reds apart most of the time what is Aqua wow.... Then of course kids learn letters and numbers but not at the same time and not together.... so then kids some kids get to say algebra and there mind is blown weight why are there letters in my math and some peoples minds can never handle it....They just can't It makes no sense.... The reason is that this way of teaching is by common Characteristics .... But more importantly at a young age we learn to categorize everything....
This way of learning is why people who fit out side of this little pigeon holes or social norms or groups get picked on praised or Bullied (based on where they are compared to you). This only gets noticed when there is a problem...Loving all the football players is fine.
I kinda lost my point someplace I think... I think part of the problem with homophobia is that somehow kids get taught gender roles... Don't know about kids books now but the boys have short hair and the girls long.... Hello anyone ever watched Wrestling or seen a Metal Band... My Poison or Ratt should have came out with some kids books.... Or maybe Nathan Explosion from Dethklok .......
I guess my point is final thought is this:
You teach us to Categorize everything you shouldn't be surprised when we do it to people.....
I also feel that it might be kinda like part instinct as well we are animals... There is a safety thing. You wouldn't pet a tiger walking down the street a Cat maybe but when the tiger pets back you will make a good meal.... Now a chicken you can eat... Somewhere we had to have this to survive so I think it is ingrained ......
That being said though I think everyone should be treated the same and I think these thing can be learned and unlearned based on whom you know....When I was in school there was a game called Smear The Queer it had nothing to do with sex I think whom ever had the ball got tackled and when they lost the ball someone else picked it up and people tried to catch them and Tackle them not sure about that though.... But over time I learned there is nothing wrong with being gay and that people who are gay should be treated the same and have the same rights as everyone else.........
Still not sure if I said that how I wanted to and didn't prof read it but maybe I'll see some of yall out and about and happy pride.....
Oh yeah still not sure If it is better to Have Pride at different times in different places.... Yes that way people can say go to Toronto or NYC or some other place.... But maybe if it was the same time everywhere then Protesting would be harder?
tinypliny - 06/03/11 11:07
Heh.. advanced maths is about numbers but you hardly ever see numbers in practice. The more advanced you go in maths, arithmetic is all but forgotten. I remember looking at my father's textbooks and wondering if they were maths at all.
Heh.. advanced maths is about numbers but you hardly ever see numbers in practice. The more advanced you go in maths, arithmetic is all but forgotten. I remember looking at my father's textbooks and wondering if they were maths at all.
metalpeter - 06/03/11 11:06
Well maybe I will go we shall see...It being at the marina would be nice but I hate treking places on sundays.
Well maybe I will go we shall see...It being at the marina would be nice but I hate treking places on sundays.
paul - 06/03/11 01:29
The festival afterwards is where you can get all the good pics of everyone in their outfits, etc. I wouldn't worry about people thinking you are gay. There are so many people at this thing that they had to move it to the waterfront.
The festival afterwards is where you can get all the good pics of everyone in their outfits, etc. I wouldn't worry about people thinking you are gay. There are so many people at this thing that they had to move it to the waterfront.
05/30/2011 14:39 #54385
Memorial DayCategory: holiday
I really enjoyed Sleeping in..... I don't think I have ever gone to a Memorial Day Parade... I think for some reason they don't have them in Buffalo really I think that is why.....
I did watch a pretty interesting Documentary on showtime called "Hugh Hefner:Playboy, Activist, and Rebel"... Was there some nudity um think so but it wasn't about that at all really... If one is to pickup a playboy magazine one would find well after they got off to the girls that it is really about the articles.... The really famous ground breaking stuff and Famous writers and all that kind of stuff happened before I was born but still some good stuff....
So later I guess going out for a dog or burger.... Now I'm going to see what Videos of music I can find on Youtube that relate to the movie......
Lots of writing and a medley see what else I can find
Well this isn't going so great so I'll end it here
I did watch a pretty interesting Documentary on showtime called "Hugh Hefner:Playboy, Activist, and Rebel"... Was there some nudity um think so but it wasn't about that at all really... If one is to pickup a playboy magazine one would find well after they got off to the girls that it is really about the articles.... The really famous ground breaking stuff and Famous writers and all that kind of stuff happened before I was born but still some good stuff....
So later I guess going out for a dog or burger.... Now I'm going to see what Videos of music I can find on Youtube that relate to the movie......
Lots of writing and a medley see what else I can find
Well this isn't going so great so I'll end it here
Last night was a lot of fun hoping pictures will go up after the parade just have to figure out where to stand yeah want some people but not where they are jumping out into the street ahead of you... I think with the new start point down by the church might be to much Sure I'll find a place and hopefully get good pictures we shall see.....
Have fun! Thanks for the X-Men update. :)