These two girls where pretty good I believe they where the called Friends and Loves ones....
Now the first Burlesque act I believe was called The Beau Fleuzies or something like that...... I have to admit that I didn't get all the best stuff cause it seemed that is when my camera didn't like the lighting...
The Next Group Was The Boom Boom Betties.....I may have the acts reversed but I don't think so sorry....
So Next up was the Stripteasers a bit into the show I was told I couldn't take pictures so here is then I took......
I also Enjoyed The Stamplickers
so currently there is a pride Parade Part 1 uploading to facebook... Hoping to get the entire pride Parade up here on monday.... Then what I would like to look into is making photo slide shows for youtube..... Not saying once I figure out how to do that I would for sure stop posting pictures but it would be an option or another way of seeing them.....
I agree with ya there the first wonder women is pretty hot also... Not sure where but I've seen her dance before and not sure what the Tattoo on her left arm says I think I read it before though?
Yeah, pix much appreciated, (e:Metalpeter). I definitely need more Team Buffy and Wonderwoman in my life.
I don't think it was (e:tinypliny)'s link's fault I went onto another page and flash shockwave crashed so....Hoping to figure this out and tues... Once I get it figured and learn how it may be the big thing...
I admit it I miss myspace it was so simple you uploaded pictures and there was a button you push and wham a slide show granted I think it only worked there but I try the one link tiny gives me and no matter what I do I upload the pictures like how I'm supposed to and nothing happens.......ARGh.......... Even with one that is like 30 pictures....
I want to try it, it is just figuring out how to do it... There is a way to make a slide show on the computer I have but when I adjust the time interval it doesn't change so gonna see what the links tiny posted in chat do when I have some time.....
Slideshow format might be interesting. It might be worth it to just take video and do the video thing on youtube, then post that video, when you snap a bunch of pictures of the same thing in succession.
The Boom Boom Betties were first, then the Beau Fleuzies. I'm glad you got pics, since (e:) Heidi missed the show. For doing cover songs, I did like the Stamp Lickers a lot.
Now I want to learn to play the concertina. It's such a cool instrument!