So Some how It is Memorial Day Weekend.... How did that Happen.... I just feel like getting away... Wish I was the kind that could just go hop on a bus or train and go to NYC but 8 hours isn't one of those fuck it I'm outta here things.... Even Toronto would be great but currently the USA Gestapo makes you prove who you are to get back into this country but yet all the illegals just kinda walk in.....ARGH.... Oh well Guessing I'll go down and look at the ships or maybe watch a bunch of war movies who knows.... Then the Next weekend is Pride.... I figure go to the Parade (think it goes the other way this year and then down to the Marina)... Might Check out the Dyke march and then later go drink and take pictures of the Stripteasers event think Club Diablo is having some cool event that night to.....
Ok now the TV question... I bought an HD LED TV..... I don't have the HD Channels yet but stations that have shows in HD don't take up the entire screen it has this thing called zoom but then it looks like the other settings either the picture is small or you lose a tiny bit of it......Does this mean to see the HD shows to take up the entire screen I need the HD Channels?
Next Question.... Some shows look different color wise if I lean back or forward.... Kinda like how some phones do this...Any Idea why (lights are on)......
Just thought if someone had one of these kinds of TVs they might have some insight....Mine is small 22 inches if that helps and is on a little stand.....
Metalpeter's Journal
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05/26/2011 17:01 #54347
TV and Wanting to get away.......05/22/2011 14:57 #54331
2011 Hospice walkCategory: photos
Not Much to really say about this but here are the pictures I took during it.... There are some fountain shots where I wonder why and how it got so soapy .....

Well hope someone enjoyed these shots of buffalo as I took part in the hospice walk...
Well hope someone enjoyed these shots of buffalo as I took part in the hospice walk...
tinypliny - 05/26/11 22:05
I have actually seen people washing clothes at that "ice-rink-by-winter". Though I wonder if they had to add an entire gallon of detergent to reach that level of foam! What a waste!
I have actually seen people washing clothes at that "ice-rink-by-winter". Though I wonder if they had to add an entire gallon of detergent to reach that level of foam! What a waste!
metalpeter - 05/23/11 16:58
From a distance it did look like snow so I went to go see it.... I wonder if someone added something so they could wash their clothes.... there where some clothes on a bench.... Or maybe there is something they put in the water to make it clean and there was to much not really sure but it sure was interesting............
From a distance it did look like snow so I went to go see it.... I wonder if someone added something so they could wash their clothes.... there where some clothes on a bench.... Or maybe there is something they put in the water to make it clean and there was to much not really sure but it sure was interesting............
paul - 05/22/11 19:09
I was so confused until I read the last part. I though that the foam was snow, lol. I wonder if that was okay for the fountain or if someone did it as a prank.
I was so confused until I read the last part. I though that the foam was snow, lol. I wonder if that was okay for the fountain or if someone did it as a prank.
05/21/2011 17:17 #54321
Pirates of the Caribbean+Category: movies
So went to see the newest installment of the Pirate movies in 3D today... It was a fun time... In Terms of 3D stuff there where two parts that I noticed that where pretty good but again not sure about the 3D thing... I suspect for a movie to really work in 3D the entire thing has to be shot in 3D and only 3D... See if a movie is going to be in 2D and 3D then the 3D parts don't make sense in the 2D version and the 2D stuff could be 3D? That is why I'm pumped for one of the previews I saw 3 Musketeers... The last version of it that came was pretty good but this 3D version looks like it will be amazing.... Oh yeah Pirates was good and if you liked the other ones you will like this one....I admit I don't remember the past stories cause for some reason I have only seen them at the show...... That being said as soon as the credits started to roll I was thinking wonder when the next one is going to come out.... Then end credits and the next movie starts or where I assume the next one will pick up AWESOME!
Hopefully tonight if the world hasn't ended by then I will finally get to watch Get Him To The Greek.... It is on HBO and what ever previous station it was On I kept missing it......
This Morning was kinda odd as it looked like there was fog but it was high in the sky and kinda distant......
Hopefully tonight if the world hasn't ended by then I will finally get to watch Get Him To The Greek.... It is on HBO and what ever previous station it was On I kept missing it......
This Morning was kinda odd as it looked like there was fog but it was high in the sky and kinda distant......
tinypliny - 05/26/11 22:09
I always like all the versions of the 3 musketeers! I need to catch this later. Did you ever watch that youtube video by a fake band called "the lonely planet" featuring Michael Bolton, where he keeps singing about the pirates of the caribbean while the others are singing about something completely different. It's a riot. Watch it on youtube when you get a chance. I think the band started out as a farcical group on SNL or something.
I always like all the versions of the 3 musketeers! I need to catch this later. Did you ever watch that youtube video by a fake band called "the lonely planet" featuring Michael Bolton, where he keeps singing about the pirates of the caribbean while the others are singing about something completely different. It's a riot. Watch it on youtube when you get a chance. I think the band started out as a farcical group on SNL or something.
05/19/2011 19:38 #54309
Tattoo IdeasCategory: body art
I will admit I love Lovely tattoos on women.... I Don't know about the sleeve thing though I prefer when you can see what each Tattoo is with some space around it.... Yes over on that other site I like tattoo pages and like tattoo shows.... Well there was a question about if you got a $1000 tattoo and had to spend all of it what would you get? I have no idea what anything costs....
-I don't think I could deal with the type of pain that tattoos give
-what if I don't like it, I mean how it look on me I'm more of a wall art guy
That being said I have 3 ideas for what I think could be pretty cool of course the pain of any of them might kill me and I don't know if they could be done artistically
1. San Fransisco Metallica Tattoo.... It would be include all the members yes even Mustane who went onto megadeth fame... Somehow the golden gate bridge and those famous Trolly's would have to be a part of it....
2. I tropical lagoon with a huge waterfall rising out of the water would be a water dragon and laying on the grass would be a white tiger.......
3. A mash up of Sean Madden art... Maybe the warpigs with a tank and one of them has the Bottle and gun with girls kissing as the pope looks on dancing with the devil or something like that
4. On top of a flat part of a mountain a huge dragon Sits with a Knight and is crying as they both look down on a grave yard... The crosses are swords with shields on them
Again just Ideas to get the detail on my skinny self to make any of them good I would need my entire chest or back......
-I don't think I could deal with the type of pain that tattoos give
-what if I don't like it, I mean how it look on me I'm more of a wall art guy
That being said I have 3 ideas for what I think could be pretty cool of course the pain of any of them might kill me and I don't know if they could be done artistically
1. San Fransisco Metallica Tattoo.... It would be include all the members yes even Mustane who went onto megadeth fame... Somehow the golden gate bridge and those famous Trolly's would have to be a part of it....
2. I tropical lagoon with a huge waterfall rising out of the water would be a water dragon and laying on the grass would be a white tiger.......
3. A mash up of Sean Madden art... Maybe the warpigs with a tank and one of them has the Bottle and gun with girls kissing as the pope looks on dancing with the devil or something like that
4. On top of a flat part of a mountain a huge dragon Sits with a Knight and is crying as they both look down on a grave yard... The crosses are swords with shields on them
Again just Ideas to get the detail on my skinny self to make any of them good I would need my entire chest or back......
tinypliny - 05/26/11 22:11
lol My tattoo dreams are not that grandiose. I just want to get to a point where getting a tattoo would mark something memorable and important enough.
lol My tattoo dreams are not that grandiose. I just want to get to a point where getting a tattoo would mark something memorable and important enough.
05/14/2011 17:21 #54284
THOR 3DCategory: movies
Wish I was good at the Movie Review thing .... But here goes it seemed there was a lot of story but that is a good thing cause lets face it a lot of people don't know the story and didn't read the comic or The Avengers... The way I think of it is that I think all "The Avengers" will get there own movie.... This is like the back story so you need to go see all of them to get the story... Yes this one at almost the same time as the Movie Company name set up the Avengers movie kinda like how Thor was set up at the end of credits of can't remember what movie Ha... Oh well. I thought the effects where pretty good... Again I can't compare them to the other movie so can't say how 3D it really was or not... I enjoyed it and before the movie two previews for two great looking movies the green lantern and Captain America both look like they should be amazing.......
tinypliny - 05/26/11 22:11
Did you ever see Scott Pilgrim Vs. the rest of the world. I really liked it. It was hilarious.
Did you ever see Scott Pilgrim Vs. the rest of the world. I really liked it. It was hilarious.
metalpeter - 05/16/11 16:50
One thing I have to add is I really like how the Villains looked it was a good time....
One thing I have to add is I really like how the Villains looked it was a good time....
matthew - 05/16/11 13:19
(E:terry) and I saw it over the weekend. I, also, didn't have high hopes for this film but I ended up really liking it. It is a great kick off to a summer filled with quite a few movies I want to see.
(E:terry) and I saw it over the weekend. I, also, didn't have high hopes for this film but I ended up really liking it. It is a great kick off to a summer filled with quite a few movies I want to see.
ladycroft - 05/16/11 04:39
You know, I was actually pleasantly surprised by this film. I thought it would be total crap but I actually enjoyed it :)
You know, I was actually pleasantly surprised by this film. I thought it would be total crap but I actually enjoyed it :)
@MrMike that is a help I assumed that the entire screen would be filled.
@tinypliny that 4am train sounds like a cool idea I may have to try that some time... Well In terms of hooking it to the computer I bought for my mothers house I have no idea how to do that.... Besides if I did that I would never leave .... It is 22 inch
It may just be me but the TV doesn't look like it is completely flat the screen looks like there is a tiny turn to a very almost not there curve...
A nifty trick is to take the 4:00 AM train to NYC and just sleep all the way till it gets there at around 12:30. It's the best way of avoiding the eternity of a train ride. You can't do that in a bus ride, that's why I have decided to always take the train or fly and NEVER commute by bus to NYC again. How big is your TV? Can you connect it to your computer?
Those sets have settings (check your remote) that decide the size and shape of the picture, won't always fill the complete screen