So I admit it is pretty nice out... It would be great to be people watching (the girls with the low cut tops and those tiny shorts that make those long legs make them look tall) and not only that but to be outside... It makes me wish I had a top porch nice view of something doesn't have to be people and a laptop with one of those costly plans with the internet card.......
Maybe it was about a month ago when it was really this nice and it tricked everyone and everyone was out on the corners and porches and "The Strip". The last time I was coming home down elmwood with stuff other wise I would have stopped someplace and this brings me to my point....
As I went past Mezza I thought I saw Hookahs out front... At first no big deal some one was smoking from it but that gave me some thoughts.
1. Do you buy the stuff there or does it come with the meal or can you smoke with out a meal.....
2. Are you allowed to bring your own?
3. Is the hookah out there or do you have to request one...
Yes I get that what one uses is Flavored tobacco.. But what I'm wondering is if you replace that with weed or maybe something else would work or mix it in... If anything happened what would happen legally.... Do they have to have some things set up so you don't do any thing illegal... If say you did and say got into an accident couldn't they be sued since they provided the instrument for you getting high?
Again just kinda some thoughts I don't even know if they sell food I like.........
Metalpeter's Journal
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05/13/2011 16:35 #54279
Mezza Weather?Category: elmwood
05/11/2011 19:57 #54266
Pulp MusicCategory: music
Thinking this will be kinda rock-a-billy but I call it "Pulp Music"
That song is the one the Black Eyed Peas Barrow .... Now one may ask how do you learn music from a movie... But most good movies are good cause they have great music that fits the scene........
Another one by Dick Dale
Video is all over the place but here is one of Rumble
Hope to look for more with more time
That song is the one the Black Eyed Peas Barrow .... Now one may ask how do you learn music from a movie... But most good movies are good cause they have great music that fits the scene........
Another one by Dick Dale
Video is all over the place but here is one of Rumble
Hope to look for more with more time
metalpeter - 05/12/11 16:22
I have heard of Surf Music and I think you hit the nail on the head... Hoping to put some more time in to find more of this......
I have heard of Surf Music and I think you hit the nail on the head... Hoping to put some more time in to find more of this......
heidi - 05/11/11 22:22
I think these actually qualify for the subgenre "surf music" but I'm not sure how to put the difference into words. They originated around the same time and have common elements. Here's what wikipedia says:
Surf music began in the early 1960s as instrumental dance music, almost always in straight 4/4 (or common) time, with a medium to fast tempo. The sound was dominated by electric guitars which were particularly characterized by the extensive use of the "wet" spring reverb that was incorporated into Fender amplifiers from 1961, which is thought to emulate the sound of the waves.[6] Guitarists also made use of the vibrato arm on their guitar to bend the pitch of notes downward, electronic tremolo effects and rapid (alternating) tremolo picking.[9] Guitar models favoured included those made by Fender (particularly the Mustang, Jazzmaster, Jaguar and Stratocaster guitars), Mosrite, Teisco, or Danelectro, usually with single coil pickups (which had high treble in contrast to double coil humbucker pickups).[10] Surf music was one of the first genres to universally adopt the electric bass, particularly the Fender Precision Bass. Classic surf drum kits tended to be Rogers, Ludwig, Gretsch or Slingerland. Some popular songs also incorporated a tenor or baritone saxophone, as on "Surf Rider" and "Comanche".[11] Often an electric organ or an electric piano featured as backing harmony.
I think these actually qualify for the subgenre "surf music" but I'm not sure how to put the difference into words. They originated around the same time and have common elements. Here's what wikipedia says:
Surf music began in the early 1960s as instrumental dance music, almost always in straight 4/4 (or common) time, with a medium to fast tempo. The sound was dominated by electric guitars which were particularly characterized by the extensive use of the "wet" spring reverb that was incorporated into Fender amplifiers from 1961, which is thought to emulate the sound of the waves.[6] Guitarists also made use of the vibrato arm on their guitar to bend the pitch of notes downward, electronic tremolo effects and rapid (alternating) tremolo picking.[9] Guitar models favoured included those made by Fender (particularly the Mustang, Jazzmaster, Jaguar and Stratocaster guitars), Mosrite, Teisco, or Danelectro, usually with single coil pickups (which had high treble in contrast to double coil humbucker pickups).[10] Surf music was one of the first genres to universally adopt the electric bass, particularly the Fender Precision Bass. Classic surf drum kits tended to be Rogers, Ludwig, Gretsch or Slingerland. Some popular songs also incorporated a tenor or baritone saxophone, as on "Surf Rider" and "Comanche".[11] Often an electric organ or an electric piano featured as backing harmony.
05/11/2011 16:37 #54265
Rock Advance to Championship 2011Category: photos
So This Sunday live on Versus is the NLL Championship and the Bandits won't be in it they lost to Toronto .... I think I will watch it.... So here are only 35,000 pictures from the game... But first the Bandits started out not being able to score and it was like six to nothing and they fought back but with Tavares out and it wasn't good enough so........

Well hoping that is an ok representation never really sure...
Well hoping that is an ok representation never really sure...
tinypliny - 05/26/11 22:13
I love those cool pictures of the sky right at the top - strangely, it's like the background to windows 95 from back in the day... hahahaha
I love those cool pictures of the sky right at the top - strangely, it's like the background to windows 95 from back in the day... hahahaha
05/09/2011 17:39 #54252
True Blood Blue Grass?Category: music
I really like this song yes it is a bit short.... Or maybe it is just because I'm a true blood fan but in any event I thought I should post this....
Same Guy doing Please don't go but it sure sounds like other things then just his Guitar
Is This more Blues again same guy
So I typed bluegrass into you tube and found this Japanese Blue Grass no idea what they are saying or what song it is.....
This blows my mind it really does again Japanese Blue Grass (English)
When I heard this I thought it was a joke this is a piece on Steve martin doing blue grass.......
This was a quick post I don't really have the knowledge of music to really look a bunch of stuff up there is still a song I'm looking for but have no idea the band or song but oh well.... This beats posting pictures from the Bandits losing effort on Sat. night for now I guess.......
Same Guy doing Please don't go but it sure sounds like other things then just his Guitar
Is This more Blues again same guy
So I typed bluegrass into you tube and found this Japanese Blue Grass no idea what they are saying or what song it is.....
This blows my mind it really does again Japanese Blue Grass (English)
When I heard this I thought it was a joke this is a piece on Steve martin doing blue grass.......
This was a quick post I don't really have the knowledge of music to really look a bunch of stuff up there is still a song I'm looking for but have no idea the band or song but oh well.... This beats posting pictures from the Bandits losing effort on Sat. night for now I guess.......
metalpeter - 05/10/11 17:32
He had a song that I didn't post cause it was the first one I found Steve Martin that is about how the Atheists have no songs... Everyone was laughing so I thought maybe this was just his new way to do comedy....
Did I mention that I'm bad at putting music into a category .... Hoping to next post about what I call "Pulp Music" I call it that cause Tarentino (On a side note How can I love his movies but yet can't spell his name ARGH!) puts it in like all of his movies in fact one of those songs is used by The Black Eyed Peas.... We shall see if this ever happens now to follow your link.....
He had a song that I didn't post cause it was the first one I found Steve Martin that is about how the Atheists have no songs... Everyone was laughing so I thought maybe this was just his new way to do comedy....
Did I mention that I'm bad at putting music into a category .... Hoping to next post about what I call "Pulp Music" I call it that cause Tarentino (On a side note How can I love his movies but yet can't spell his name ARGH!) puts it in like all of his movies in fact one of those songs is used by The Black Eyed Peas.... We shall see if this ever happens now to follow your link.....
heidi - 05/09/11 19:39
The True Blood/Lightning Hopkins version of "Baby Please Don't Go" is classic blues - guitar, smoky vocals. My favorite version of that tune is probably the one from _Good Morning Vietnam_ by Them (Van Morrison's early band) :::link::: which is in a hard-driving rockabilly style (rockabilly being the fusion of country and R&B/blues that Elvis made famous). Lightning Hopkins is a gem.
Love the Japanese bluegrass! too funny. We export the strangest things. Even though he doesn't name it, Steve Martin is using the clawhammer style of banjo picking.
The True Blood/Lightning Hopkins version of "Baby Please Don't Go" is classic blues - guitar, smoky vocals. My favorite version of that tune is probably the one from _Good Morning Vietnam_ by Them (Van Morrison's early band) :::link::: which is in a hard-driving rockabilly style (rockabilly being the fusion of country and R&B/blues that Elvis made famous). Lightning Hopkins is a gem.
Love the Japanese bluegrass! too funny. We export the strangest things. Even though he doesn't name it, Steve Martin is using the clawhammer style of banjo picking.
05/07/2011 14:43 #54236
My Response to: "If I could live anywhere else I would choose to live in ...." suggested by paulI admit the best part of answering that would be figuring out where to live... I would have to visit places like and not limited to Hong Kong, Seoul, Tokyo, San Diego, London, Montreal, Charlotte and all of Hawaii .
I would love to move someplace where it is warmer and were there is no snow.... As Great as San Fransisco would be Could go to 49ers games at least I don't know if the summers are warm enough... I admit I like the heat but not what the sun does to me ..... The Other thing is I want Hockey and Lacrosse and Football and my sports... But maybe if I was living someplace new the city or the beach would be the thing to be there for and not the sports......
My quick Pick is Toronto (minus you know all the international document stuff)... As much as I think I would Love NYC... With out ever been there I think it is to big... Toronto you get the big city with out the crazy of NYC.... Most things like bands and shows that tour go there... Not that I would want to be a leaf's fan but other then the NFL (they do want a team that isn't the bills) they have all the sports stuff... They have the stripclubs in the city as opposed to have to go to the burbs , from what I have heard you don't need to worry about sex services enslaving people or getting you locked up...
The thing is you can't really tell what a city it like to live in my visiting only.............
I would love to move someplace where it is warmer and were there is no snow.... As Great as San Fransisco would be Could go to 49ers games at least I don't know if the summers are warm enough... I admit I like the heat but not what the sun does to me ..... The Other thing is I want Hockey and Lacrosse and Football and my sports... But maybe if I was living someplace new the city or the beach would be the thing to be there for and not the sports......
My quick Pick is Toronto (minus you know all the international document stuff)... As much as I think I would Love NYC... With out ever been there I think it is to big... Toronto you get the big city with out the crazy of NYC.... Most things like bands and shows that tour go there... Not that I would want to be a leaf's fan but other then the NFL (they do want a team that isn't the bills) they have all the sports stuff... They have the stripclubs in the city as opposed to have to go to the burbs , from what I have heard you don't need to worry about sex services enslaving people or getting you locked up...
The thing is you can't really tell what a city it like to live in my visiting only.............
metalpeter - 05/08/11 09:00
I haven't been in a long time.... Think I was a kid the last time.......
I haven't been in a long time.... Think I was a kid the last time.......
paul - 05/07/11 22:13
Ya I would never classify San franciscobas a warm place. I have been so cold the few times I was there.
Ya I would never classify San franciscobas a warm place. I have been so cold the few times I was there.
Wasn't sure just something I was pondering.... I don't have enough money for Richmond so Elmwood is way out of the question.... Not to mention the costly internet cards....... but it is a nice idea though
I think it would be all the smokers fault. As for sitting over elmwoodstrip on a laptop: that was my favorite part about living right on elmwood by Lafayette. Its awesome in the summer.