Metalpeter's Journal
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06/07/2011 19:26 #54443
1st SlideshowCategory: slideshow
So this Youtube slide show was just to test it out.... I still have to learn how to play with it and make the photos quicker or maybe not zoom so that I can do a bunch of pictures hoping to figure that out so I do the Parade on Wends and see what happens.......
06/05/2011 16:25 #54431
2011 Dyke MarchCategory: photos
So Before the big Stripteasers on Saturday was the Dyke March.....

here is what Happened I walked up summer and then got to that corner and watched the march but my camera was to low on some of the shots so there where no faces so I walked past the march had to go to Wilson Farms anyways and took more photos.....
here is what Happened I walked up summer and then got to that corner and watched the march but my camera was to low on some of the shots so there where no faces so I walked past the march had to go to Wilson Farms anyways and took more photos.....
06/05/2011 15:25 #54430
The Skiffle MinstrelsCategory: music
06/04/2011 19:19 #54424
X-Men and Such....Category: movies
So I thought the New X Men Movie 1st class was great... I love the fact that in the X-men you have Charles and "His Old Friend" on opposing sides and that there is that kinda not sure if you call it respect for the other view... I Won't give anything away other than that I thought this was a pretty good movie of course I guess anyone who is an X-men fan would like it.... That being said not really knowing any of the old X-men don't know if this characters with the exception of Beast, Charles, and Magneto are from the original comics or not.... hey I enjoyed it.....
I don't have any pictures yet but I also went to the Dyke March but not the Pride stuff after.... I think the 2nd set of pictures I took are better but oh well.... I mention this because I think the entire (in all the movies as a theme as in the cartoons what what I remember) Idea of acceptance fits in good with it being pride week here and month.... Even if it wasn't I would have seen the movie anyways... It is still a good super hero or action movie... I wonder if they had it come out this month on purpose?
Last Night Skiffle at Sportsmen was a good time they played longer then I thought so didn't go to 464 (gay artists) I wanted to watch WWE and other stuff... Should have gone since I passed out on wrestling and woke up with a nasty headache don't think it was from drinking felt like congestion then back to bed... So should have gone to see the art.....
Tonight Burlesque assuming I don't pass out....I do believe photos are fine so hope my camera doesn't die...Hope I don't drink to much and miss the parade.... If I was cool and awesome some or some people would take me home and we would have breakfast and take in the parade but that will never happen not me at least....Gotta be a pretty girl for that to happen Ha...
Not sure where to see the parade from see figure that out on sunday.....
I don't have any pictures yet but I also went to the Dyke March but not the Pride stuff after.... I think the 2nd set of pictures I took are better but oh well.... I mention this because I think the entire (in all the movies as a theme as in the cartoons what what I remember) Idea of acceptance fits in good with it being pride week here and month.... Even if it wasn't I would have seen the movie anyways... It is still a good super hero or action movie... I wonder if they had it come out this month on purpose?
Last Night Skiffle at Sportsmen was a good time they played longer then I thought so didn't go to 464 (gay artists) I wanted to watch WWE and other stuff... Should have gone since I passed out on wrestling and woke up with a nasty headache don't think it was from drinking felt like congestion then back to bed... So should have gone to see the art.....
Tonight Burlesque assuming I don't pass out....I do believe photos are fine so hope my camera doesn't die...Hope I don't drink to much and miss the parade.... If I was cool and awesome some or some people would take me home and we would have breakfast and take in the parade but that will never happen not me at least....Gotta be a pretty girl for that to happen Ha...
Not sure where to see the parade from see figure that out on sunday.....
metalpeter - 06/05/11 12:00
Last night was a lot of fun hoping pictures will go up after the parade just have to figure out where to stand yeah want some people but not where they are jumping out into the street ahead of you... I think with the new start point down by the church might be to much Sure I'll find a place and hopefully get good pictures we shall see.....
Last night was a lot of fun hoping pictures will go up after the parade just have to figure out where to stand yeah want some people but not where they are jumping out into the street ahead of you... I think with the new start point down by the church might be to much Sure I'll find a place and hopefully get good pictures we shall see.....
tinypliny - 06/04/11 19:36
Have fun! Thanks for the X-Men update. :)
Have fun! Thanks for the X-Men update. :)
06/05/2011 18:50 #54433
Pride's show of the Stripteasers and othersCategory: photos
I admit I got going a bit later then I wanted but that is ok still got a pretty good spot on the floor.....
These two girls where pretty good I believe they where the called Friends and Loves ones....

Now the first Burlesque act I believe was called The Beau Fleuzies or something like that...... I have to admit that I didn't get all the best stuff cause it seemed that is when my camera didn't like the lighting...

The Next Group Was The Boom Boom Betties.....I may have the acts reversed but I don't think so sorry....

So Next up was the Stripteasers a bit into the show I was told I couldn't take pictures so here is then I took......

I also Enjoyed The Stamplickers

so currently there is a pride Parade Part 1 uploading to facebook... Hoping to get the entire pride Parade up here on monday.... Then what I would like to look into is making photo slide shows for youtube..... Not saying once I figure out how to do that I would for sure stop posting pictures but it would be an option or another way of seeing them.....
These two girls where pretty good I believe they where the called Friends and Loves ones....
Now the first Burlesque act I believe was called The Beau Fleuzies or something like that...... I have to admit that I didn't get all the best stuff cause it seemed that is when my camera didn't like the lighting...
The Next Group Was The Boom Boom Betties.....I may have the acts reversed but I don't think so sorry....
So Next up was the Stripteasers a bit into the show I was told I couldn't take pictures so here is then I took......
I also Enjoyed The Stamplickers
so currently there is a pride Parade Part 1 uploading to facebook... Hoping to get the entire pride Parade up here on monday.... Then what I would like to look into is making photo slide shows for youtube..... Not saying once I figure out how to do that I would for sure stop posting pictures but it would be an option or another way of seeing them.....
metalpeter - 06/07/11 16:35
I agree with ya there the first wonder women is pretty hot also... Not sure where but I've seen her dance before and not sure what the Tattoo on her left arm says I think I read it before though?
I agree with ya there the first wonder women is pretty hot also... Not sure where but I've seen her dance before and not sure what the Tattoo on her left arm says I think I read it before though?
heidi - 06/06/11 20:01
Yeah, pix much appreciated, (e:Metalpeter). I definitely need more Team Buffy and Wonderwoman in my life.
Yeah, pix much appreciated, (e:Metalpeter). I definitely need more Team Buffy and Wonderwoman in my life.
metalpeter - 06/06/11 19:54
I don't think it was (e:tinypliny)'s link's fault I went onto another page and flash shockwave crashed so....Hoping to figure this out and tues... Once I get it figured and learn how it may be the big thing...
I don't think it was (e:tinypliny)'s link's fault I went onto another page and flash shockwave crashed so....Hoping to figure this out and tues... Once I get it figured and learn how it may be the big thing...
metalpeter - 06/06/11 18:30
I admit it I miss myspace it was so simple you uploaded pictures and there was a button you push and wham a slide show granted I think it only worked there but I try the one link tiny gives me and no matter what I do I upload the pictures like how I'm supposed to and nothing happens.......ARGh.......... Even with one that is like 30 pictures....
I admit it I miss myspace it was so simple you uploaded pictures and there was a button you push and wham a slide show granted I think it only worked there but I try the one link tiny gives me and no matter what I do I upload the pictures like how I'm supposed to and nothing happens.......ARGh.......... Even with one that is like 30 pictures....
metalpeter - 06/06/11 17:42
I want to try it, it is just figuring out how to do it... There is a way to make a slide show on the computer I have but when I adjust the time interval it doesn't change so gonna see what the links tiny posted in chat do when I have some time.....
I want to try it, it is just figuring out how to do it... There is a way to make a slide show on the computer I have but when I adjust the time interval it doesn't change so gonna see what the links tiny posted in chat do when I have some time.....
paul - 06/06/11 00:21
Slideshow format might be interesting. It might be worth it to just take video and do the video thing on youtube, then post that video, when you snap a bunch of pictures of the same thing in succession.
Slideshow format might be interesting. It might be worth it to just take video and do the video thing on youtube, then post that video, when you snap a bunch of pictures of the same thing in succession.
puddlediving - 06/05/11 23:05
The Boom Boom Betties were first, then the Beau Fleuzies. I'm glad you got pics, since (e:) Heidi missed the show. For doing cover songs, I did like the Stamp Lickers a lot.
Now I want to learn to play the concertina. It's such a cool instrument!
The Boom Boom Betties were first, then the Beau Fleuzies. I'm glad you got pics, since (e:) Heidi missed the show. For doing cover songs, I did like the Stamp Lickers a lot.
Now I want to learn to play the concertina. It's such a cool instrument!
going to try again and see what happens
(e:metalpeter), there is something wrong with that video. I thought it was just because you had uploaded it recently and youtube was processing it. But it's been more than 12 hours now and it is still not available...