The last month has been a huge test. Not just with school, but with life. I think sometimes I put all of my eggs into one basket and count on things working out in my favor when that just can't be the case all of the time. I place so much importance on others and I've realized that I really need to dig deeper and start living for me.
One thing I can say I've done is learn to respect myself and stand up for what I feel is right. I did something big the other day, and it felt good to know that I am capable on defending my character.
Life is an adventure.... A friend told me last week that sometimes it is good to sit back and be patient and just wait. I think that is some good advice. I have been able to really focus on school and I think next semester I will be more prepared. I honestly don't think I've ever worked so hard towards a goal before or wanted something so badly.
I just found out today (e:tina) is coming back! She was accepted to Pratt for grad school.... NYC here I come bebe! I better start working harder and more, I want her to visit me and I'll be needing to buy here a plane ticket. Then she can't say no....... It's been at least 2 yrs and I think about her everyday. Sounds creepy but I feel like she is my friend soulmate. When I am around her, I just feel great and I know I can tell her anything. I have been missing her so much lately and I can't wait to see her in August! She can meet the baby(my niece)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome sara congrats babe ;) hi Tina!!! Miss you so much I'm happy your coming back to the states
Yay, Tina! We miss you!