(E:hodown) and I are headed for the grey skies of blo in two weeks. To what do you owe this excellent surprise?! A bday party for one littlest ho who happens to be turning 2 yrs old! I'm pretty excited....
Now I must find winter clothing damnit. Seriously... Not so excited about winter but I love my family and that baby and all my blo boyfriends.
Apparently because I am going to be a teacher that means I have to become bff with my classmates... Also one instructor passed around a list for each person to sign up to bring snacks in. Ok, I worked 40hrs a week in addition to my internships and 16 credits so sorry but I will not be wasting extra time providing a snack for 35 people. I don't have time for that. Also, while it would be nice to make a friend, I barely have time for the friends I already have so no - will not be making tons of friends at school. The only true friend I made thus far in college is (e:Tina)...
Do I just have a bad attitude? I just want to do well and keep to myself I don't like revealing a ton about myself to strangers which is why I have a blog... Ok that makes no sense. I doubt many people read this shiz anyway. And if they do I am not required to converse with them or provide them with snacks.
I have the weekend off go hiking!!! And hw... Boo. Maybe an adventure...yay!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/21/2011 12:49 #53466
tea party time01/20/2011 13:48 #53460
more than halfwaySo my obsession with the dance classes lasted about a week, as do all of my new favorite things...
I have such an odd schedule now that its hard for me to commit to a class especially with my friend being sick this week and I refuse to go alone.
Decided to hike with my cousin Aubrey this morning and three times a week for the next few months as a way of spending time together and also to do something healthy! I felt really on the mountain and was determined to make it all the way up when the wind caught speed and begin pushing us over. We gave in and headed down, partially because it was hard to breathe and partially because it was kinda scary... Here's a few pics. Of to 8 hrs of class and then a 12.5 hour work day tomorrow. Thank god for the weekend off.

I have such an odd schedule now that its hard for me to commit to a class especially with my friend being sick this week and I refuse to go alone.
Decided to hike with my cousin Aubrey this morning and three times a week for the next few months as a way of spending time together and also to do something healthy! I felt really on the mountain and was determined to make it all the way up when the wind caught speed and begin pushing us over. We gave in and headed down, partially because it was hard to breathe and partially because it was kinda scary... Here's a few pics. Of to 8 hrs of class and then a 12.5 hour work day tomorrow. Thank god for the weekend off.

tinypliny - 01/21/11 02:02
What kind of dance class were you in anyway? I felt for a short while like you today. :/
What kind of dance class were you in anyway? I felt for a short while like you today. :/
01/19/2011 09:07 #53456
when you're aloneAnd life is making you lonely you can always go... Downtown.
I keeping getting that song stuck on my head. That rat or mouse from some movies sings it and he falls into the champagne glass... What movie was that???
Anyway, I want to go tropical so badly!!! I wish I could go over spring break but I don't like the thought of a giant frat party so I must wait.
I just really need an exotic trip or something to look forward to so I can get through the semester and a spa day is not enough and idk about vegas...
Maybe ill just wait til summer and surprise my moms.
Downtown. The lights are much brighter there, you can forget all your worries forget all your cares!
Apparently someone has enough time on their hands to place religious paraphernalia inside books they deem inappropriate at my local Barnes and Noble. I read valley of the dolls and then loved it so went to purchase another book from the same author and I found a card inside telling me I need to be saved because I am a sinner...
I might go back to the bookstore tonight and buy yet another jaqueline Susann novel and see if they placed this lovely trinket inside all of her books...
I keeping getting that song stuck on my head. That rat or mouse from some movies sings it and he falls into the champagne glass... What movie was that???
Anyway, I want to go tropical so badly!!! I wish I could go over spring break but I don't like the thought of a giant frat party so I must wait.
I just really need an exotic trip or something to look forward to so I can get through the semester and a spa day is not enough and idk about vegas...
Maybe ill just wait til summer and surprise my moms.
Downtown. The lights are much brighter there, you can forget all your worries forget all your cares!
Apparently someone has enough time on their hands to place religious paraphernalia inside books they deem inappropriate at my local Barnes and Noble. I read valley of the dolls and then loved it so went to purchase another book from the same author and I found a card inside telling me I need to be saved because I am a sinner...
I might go back to the bookstore tonight and buy yet another jaqueline Susann novel and see if they placed this lovely trinket inside all of her books...
metalpeter - 01/26/11 20:28
That Card Idea is really a good idea.... I thought that if (e:paul) wanted to advertise with out really doing so with (e:stirp) to slip ads into random Artvoices........
That song by the way is the song they play at TATS when the show is over....................
That Card Idea is really a good idea.... I thought that if (e:paul) wanted to advertise with out really doing so with (e:stirp) to slip ads into random Artvoices........
That song by the way is the song they play at TATS when the show is over....................
tinypliny - 01/21/11 02:09
I just found a whole wiki for that song. :::link:::(Petula_Clark_song)
Quite unbelievable, what the net can possibly describe in detail... though they seem to have skipped over the rat/mouse adaptation you want.
I just found a whole wiki for that song. :::link:::(Petula_Clark_song)
Quite unbelievable, what the net can possibly describe in detail... though they seem to have skipped over the rat/mouse adaptation you want.
paul - 01/19/11 14:19
I can't believe people do that. Its so funny. I makes me want to slip "sinner cards" into religious books. We should make that our thing when you visit next time.
I can't believe people do that. Its so funny. I makes me want to slip "sinner cards" into religious books. We should make that our thing when you visit next time.
libertad - 01/19/11 10:55
I'de love to read Valley of the Dolls sometime. I saw the movie and it was awesome. I also have the soundtrack on vinyl (hahaha). That is hillarious those cards they put in your book. Arizona is starting to seem crazier by the minute!
I'de love to read Valley of the Dolls sometime. I saw the movie and it was awesome. I also have the soundtrack on vinyl (hahaha). That is hillarious those cards they put in your book. Arizona is starting to seem crazier by the minute!
01/15/2011 22:37 #53445
simply putsometimes men in general can be the biggest all around douches in the world. women too...
sorry guys i was stuck in the icu(guy c u today with an all male crew) and pretty much spent the whole day hating life.
they were either jerks who talked down to me or making weird passes or staring at my rear. eeew.
im accepting my non role in the dating world forever.
and i saw an rn picking his nose.
sorry guys i was stuck in the icu(guy c u today with an all male crew) and pretty much spent the whole day hating life.
they were either jerks who talked down to me or making weird passes or staring at my rear. eeew.
im accepting my non role in the dating world forever.
and i saw an rn picking his nose.
tinypliny - 01/21/11 02:14
I don't know who came up with the idea that men are the same species as women. Having an odd chromosome should count as a different species.
Makes me want to pick up a dance that is SO un-partnered in every way that there is no need to even miss the other species for practice. So not the spirit I was hoping for. :~/
I don't know who came up with the idea that men are the same species as women. Having an odd chromosome should count as a different species.
Makes me want to pick up a dance that is SO un-partnered in every way that there is no need to even miss the other species for practice. So not the spirit I was hoping for. :~/
paul - 01/16/11 11:20
Hospitals have people with a whole lot of weird issues. Then again I guess anywhere does.
Picking your nose at the hospital seems like such a bad idea.
Hospitals have people with a whole lot of weird issues. Then again I guess anywhere does.
Picking your nose at the hospital seems like such a bad idea.
01/12/2011 09:55 #53427
most fun ever!I am such a homebody these days... I decided to step out of my shell a bit this past weekend and go out and have some fun.
Fun is an understatement for the weekend... Probably one of the best weekends of my life!
Decided to go out dancing with my girl Liz on Saturday after a day of shopping and lunching with the moms. I bought her a laptop with a bit of help from (e:hodown). It felt nice to do something for my moms, she had a rough year.
So I actually was going to bail on going out because I'm lame but I'm so glad I didn't! We ended up meeting all sorts of characters and professional sports players which it seems I have a penchant for this, which is odd because I know nothing about sports. Anyway I yelled out to this guy who was talking to me that he looks like Lebraun James and it ends up he plays for the cavaliers, kinda a huge insult. Oops. He was trying to have an after party at the Ritz but we ditched out in favor of sleep. Then I met some former NFL player, which I again know nothing about.
Oh a whim I bought courtside tickets for the suns game and proceeded to sit directly behind the cavaliers player I insulted the night before. sitting courtside is like being in the cool club, it was so fun and VIP feeling.
Then we went dancing again Sunday night and they were all these people in town for the college football championships which I again had no clue about. We went this club that blasts cold smoky air onto the dancefloor, very fun. We ended up tearing up that dancefloor... So fun! All the pretty girls we asking to dance with us, I guess we have skills?!
Anyway, to top it all off, it has been comfirmed I will be starting my first block of the professional teachers program @ asu, so now I want to celebrate again! I'm proud that I finally have a set direction in my career. Asu is also a really good school so that makes me excited as well!!!
2011 is a year I definitely have a great feeling about!
Fun is an understatement for the weekend... Probably one of the best weekends of my life!
Decided to go out dancing with my girl Liz on Saturday after a day of shopping and lunching with the moms. I bought her a laptop with a bit of help from (e:hodown). It felt nice to do something for my moms, she had a rough year.
So I actually was going to bail on going out because I'm lame but I'm so glad I didn't! We ended up meeting all sorts of characters and professional sports players which it seems I have a penchant for this, which is odd because I know nothing about sports. Anyway I yelled out to this guy who was talking to me that he looks like Lebraun James and it ends up he plays for the cavaliers, kinda a huge insult. Oops. He was trying to have an after party at the Ritz but we ditched out in favor of sleep. Then I met some former NFL player, which I again know nothing about.
Oh a whim I bought courtside tickets for the suns game and proceeded to sit directly behind the cavaliers player I insulted the night before. sitting courtside is like being in the cool club, it was so fun and VIP feeling.
Then we went dancing again Sunday night and they were all these people in town for the college football championships which I again had no clue about. We went this club that blasts cold smoky air onto the dancefloor, very fun. We ended up tearing up that dancefloor... So fun! All the pretty girls we asking to dance with us, I guess we have skills?!
Anyway, to top it all off, it has been comfirmed I will be starting my first block of the professional teachers program @ asu, so now I want to celebrate again! I'm proud that I finally have a set direction in my career. Asu is also a really good school so that makes me excited as well!!!
2011 is a year I definitely have a great feeling about!
tinypliny - 01/13/11 10:35
Sounds like I need some lessons in dancing-style from you. :)
Good to hear you are having so much fun for a change!
Sounds like I need some lessons in dancing-style from you. :)
Good to hear you are having so much fun for a change!
Actually, I expect snacks when you visit - specifically these :::link::: It all started with these ones I found on etsy :::link::: but now I want more control over the flavors.
Tina? Really? I guess the first step is always owning to it. ;-)