Metalpeter's Journal
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12/30/2010 14:30 #53355
Soon it will be 1/1/11Category: new year
As The New Year Rings In
On the eve of each New Year we often reflect on our lives. As we say good-bye to 2010 and hello to 2011, I wish you joy that never ends and happiness with all your family and friends.
Where were you when 2010 began?
At the (e:PMT) Party.
Who were you with?
A bunch of (e:peeps) having a great time.....
Where will you be when 2010 ends?
At (e:PMT)'s hopefully with a bottle in one hand camera in the other with my arms around people and with others hoisting my legs, kidding about that I'll be taking pictures of the ball drop and what ever is going on .
Whom will you be with when 2010 ends?
Can't say for sure since I don't know who will be at the party
Was 2010 a good year for you?
Yes .
What was your favorite moment of the year?
How Does one chose one (e:tinypliny) drinking on New Years day was great, My Niece's 2nd Birthday Party was Great, St. Patrick's day was a blast oh Yeah and Paying for part of "The Girl show" at Gary's stag was a blast to.................................................
What was your least favorite moment of the year?
I don't Like calling him "A RAT" cause sometimes people do need to be told on and it is an insult to rats and my Birthyear is the year of the rat, but when that rat ass pussy got a friend of mine and my boss fired and changed how we work, and he is back again argh........ .
Did you keep your New Year resolutions of 2010?
I don't do The resolutions thing. I didn't really have any goals other then to have fun and I over did it with pictures a bit as I'm so behind......
Do you have any New Year resolutions for 2011?
Well Not really I'm allways trying to expand my mind some but that doesn't mean I could implement things.....
I would like to travel and get my passport or = documentation
doubt I'll get to Vegas but a trip to NYC just to explore and then maybe more trips would be fun (I won't hold my breath).....
Do Want and try to get more Organised!
Did you fall in love in 2010?
Other then with my self or Camera then NO, HA, Seriously no
What was your favorite month of 2010?
Sept. ? Music Is Art not sure some summer month with lots of stuff going on.....................................
Did you travel outside of the US in 2010?
How many different states did you travel to in 2010?
New York so that would be 0
Did you lose anybody close to you in 2010?
What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2010?
So Many Great One.... Alice In Wonderland?
What was your favorite song in 2010?
I Never know when a song reall came out so .... Bad Rommance By Lady GaGa hey my heavy bands didn't put out any music......
What was your favorite album in 2010?
Again Not sure of what is considered what year The Tron Soundtrack is pretty good.................
What was your most exciting moment of 2010?
I get pretty excited during sports stuff but I don't think this is what the question Means! I'll say Happy New Year to 2010
What was your proudest moment of 2010?
Pride 2010 and the Stripteasers, HA. I don't think they mean that. It is really more then one but that I buy Buffalo Art.... This is a thanks to (e:Heidi) she had photos at 464 so I went to check them out and through there I found Sean Madden who has some amazing art and also bought some local stuff at Allentown and Music Is Art (same guy for some of it)...
What was your most embarrassing moment of 2010?
I Really have nothing to be embarased about..........
If you could go back in time to any moment of 2010 and change something, what would it be?
My Birthday at fat bobs was Nice. What wasn't though is how I'm on the computer and the lights go off as I'm in the middle and people don't even ask or talk and a cake comes in that wasn't cool.
I also some how kept running out of time to go see Tru Grit....
What I would have done Go to the Sabres game that night and eat there... Then maybe stop off at Club Diablo for a few drinks (christmas party on the 23rd) [had no idea about that till a couple days before so planning that would have been tough] or Just go to Roxy's (yes the lesbain or is it a girl friendly bar what every youwant to call it) and go see the Stripteasers (and skip wrestling)... Again one would have to have planned this and if I'm not apporached find the back of art voice [Not that I ever had] and see if I can find some fun kinky fun would be better.... {of course for all this I would need funds that I might not have}
What are your plans for 2010?
Kinda said this in another question but here goes
-Passport and Travel I would love to go to Montreal but Toronto would be good enoug
- Buy lots of storage stuff and get my place under control
- Need a computer with Internet
-Need an HD TV
[have them hooked up in same room so if I want I can use Pandora and net flix on the DVD player if I can ever figure that out]
- As Much as the long hair is who I am would like to donate some of it to locks of love
- wish I could take the pain of a Tattoo there are a couple I would like to get if they can be done
-During the Summer and Fall go out to bars more, this isn't about getting fucked up or finding a lovely couple to go home with, it is more about being out and enjoying the weather and being me, if I could find a metal night someplace that would be great
-I All ways think I'm going to try all these places to eat and I never do
-Most of the places on "The Strip" don't sell stuff that is me but get up there more just to be out and about
- Try to be a better person what ever that means.....
I'm sure I've left stuff out but that is really all I can think of........
12/21/2010 18:45 #53315
Does the Internet connect us ArticleCategory: internet

That is about if the Internet really connects us more..... I will say this before I copy the article. I think in some ways it does. Yes it is true that often times you connect online with people you all ready know.... But look at like how ever flash mobs work... I assume that some of those people wind up meating each other and also connecting off of the web. Some shows in some cities (bigger then Buffalo I assume) have viewing parties for TV shows.... Then there are things like (e:drew) has had Viewing parties (not just for Church People either) and that great Champagne Brunch... Oh and bye the way thanks to you and (e:Janelle) they have been a great time and I'm sure a lot of work for you two.... I guess the point I'm making is it isn't the Internet it is how we use it... Yeah you can watch porn all day untill it hurts and you have no fluid left and you can order food and never go out side... But you can also find people on dating sites and chat on video and keep connections tight and find new people online. At the least you can keep up with people who you don't have time to see or call ....................................
I admit I'm hoping for some Comments>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Does Web really connect us?
Many use Internet to unite with others like them, experts sayBy Stephen T. Watson
News Staff Reporter
December 20, 2010, 8:00 AM
Updated: December 20, 2010, 11:06 PM
The Internet promises to let us connect with a stranger in Tokyo, but in reality we're much more likely to talk to a friend in Tonawanda.
It was viewed as a potentially globalizing tool. But if you look at how users really spend their time online, they interact with people who are a lot like them -- sharing the same ethnicity, hometown or class status.
"I think in part that's just natural human behavior," said Gregory R. Wood, Canisius College associate professor of marketing, who studies how businesses use social media. "Our online behavior tends to reflect, in part, our offline behavior."
Millions of conversations take place on Twitter, Facebook, blogs and other websites every day, but most are segregated from the rest. Users talk near, but not with, others unlike them.
Local users say they notice the same pattern in their own online interactions, where they mainly chat with friends from school, or back home, about what's on their mind.
"Sometimes we talk about whatever the trending topic of the day is, or an event that happened," said Ricza Lopez, a media production major at Buffalo State College. "I like Twitter for the entertainment. A lot of people go on there and complain about their lives. It's funny."
Experts say this Internet isolation is a concern because, as the problems we face and the economy become more international in scale, we need to become more global in our outlook.
The way to resolve this issue is to translate more websites into other languages and to find the right guides to nudge us out of our online flocks, advocates say.
"These bridge figures, I'm pretty well convinced, are the future of how we try to make the world wider through using the Web," Ethan Zuckerman, a senior researcher at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society, said at a recent Technology Entertainment and Design, or TED, conference.
From the beginning, theorists argued that the Internet had the potential to revolutionize how we communicate by opening up people to new perspectives from across the globe.
But social media drive so much of the online conversation, and the people we talk to through Facebook, LinkedIn and other sites are usually people we've met in our offline lives.
On Twitter, where people send status updates in 140 characters or less, users start out by following people they know.
They expand their Twitter base by following people who write about topics that interest them, while Twitter suggests others to follow based on a user's location or current connections.
New technologies such as Twitter "amplify and extend who we are and our existing tendencies," said Steve Macho, an assistant professor of technology education at Buffalo State.
At noontime one Friday earlier this month, the most-repeated phrases worldwide on Twitter were "firstkiss," which encouraged users to describe their first lip-lock; "ifihadsuperpowers," a more whimsical topic; and "Xiaobo," a reference to Liu Xiaobo, the Chinese dissident who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize that day.
If you dig down into those conversations, however, you'll see that the people engaging in them for the most part share a common denominator of race or geography or interest.
Zuckerman, in his lecture, said he was surprised to see how many African-Americans use Twitter, which recently did some research on its users.
The service believes 24 percent of American Twitter users are black, about twice their representation in the general population, Zuckerman said. White and black Twitter users aren't talking to each other, however.
Citing research performed by Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas, Zuckerman points out most popular topics on Twitter are exclusively posted by either white or black users. In May, for example, the term "cookout" was posted almost entirely by black users, while the term "oilspill" was almost uniformly white.
Mate Salekovics, a D'Youville College student from Hungary, said he goes online to call friends and family back home, check out news from Hungary and interact with others who study information technology.
He said he doesn't think there's much that would make him change his habits.
"I know many other things are going on online," Salekovics said. "I do what I like."
Digital segregation also occurs in online news.
Google Ad Planner found in June that 99.9 percent of Chinese users, 98 percent of Japanese users and 93.9 percent of American users get their online news from domestic sites.
"We occasionally stumble onto a page in Chinese, and we decide that we do, in fact, have the greatest technology ever built to connect us to the rest of the world, and we forget that most of the time we're checking Boston Red Sox scores," Zuckerman said in his lecture.
Beginning in 2008, researchers noticed a trend of users seeking out websites that have an explicit point of view, and one that reinforces their own views, Aaron W. Smith, a senior research specialist with the Pew Internet & American Life Project, told The Buffalo News.
Smith isn't convinced the Internet is totally to blame.
"Is this a symptom of the broader polarization we've seen in the political world?" he asked.
Others argue the Internet has changed how we consume news, making it more interactive, and the medium is filled with information that can challenge a belief system. Liberals can visit the Drudge Report, for example, and conservatives may stop by Huffington Post.
"The key point is, I have to want to do that. It is there," said Wood, the Canisius professor.
People employ different media -- TV, radio, print and online -- to get their news, and on the Internet they "forage broadly" and rely on friends to fill in what they missed, Smith said.
But these are people you already have something in common with, so they are sending you links to issues that you might already know about.
Jeffrey J. McConnell, a Canisius computer science professor, laments that we don't just stumble across things anymore because we're always directed exactly where to go.
The search engines powered by Google, Microsoft and other high-tech heavyweights don't encourage the kind of pleasant meandering that happens when we go to a library or look up a word in a dictionary.
Data showing the most popular search terms in a particular country or community shows how inwardly focused we are.
Buffalonians using Google over the 30 days ending Friday to look up news or current events most often searched for the terms "news," "buffalo news," "wgrz" and "wivb," with "channel 2" and "channel 4" also high on the list, according to Google's Insights for Search.
Is this insularity bad? "[The Internet] helps us to not feel isolated as individuals," McConnell said. "It can be bad because we don't get a chance to find out what's going on beyond our small world. It still is a very narrowly focused interaction."
Zuckerman suggests following well-placed, internationally oriented guides who can point Internet users to ideas and people and places they otherwise might never have found.
Lopez, the Buffalo State senior, is a music buff, and this is a popular topic among her friends on Twitter. "Not only do we talk about music that we are into, but also music from other regions that I am not from, such as Africa, Europe and the Caribbean," she said.
@ (e:Paul) I do think that there are still sites where people have an interest and they talk about that or share things about with out meeting. Sometimes they may even talk about the interest instead of taking part in it (of course a lot of that all depends on the person)......
Now In Terms of the people you want to Join (e:strip) or the direction you want the site to go in (not sure what things they would be) there are things you could do to try and get more of that kind of site. The other thing is that if you wanted a site to go in the other direction come up with a Version 2 or and ALT version and try to get strangers or whom ever on that site. I don't know how do to it on the computer end but from a programing point of view it would look just like this one. Maybe when there is something new you want for that site or this site one site would be the testing ground.... Again I'm not saying to do that.... Maybe even link them like how here and lisa's site was is that still up I wonder?????
This one is tricky for me because I am actually not very social at all. For me the internet does not provide much social interaction but rather a place to document what is going on.
With that being said, I ironically made estrip to fight against the trend at the time in 2002, where people were clustered around hobbies in online sites at the detriment to their local community. At least that was how I perceived it. E.g. user a loves cabbage patch kids, user b loves cabbage patch kid they hang out on the cabbage patch kid site.
I also liked that total strangers could meet in a similar fashion to the way you run into strangers on the street.
Mostly though I was just interested in helping people document their life. In the end I totally failed to really push the boundaries on getting people to get their friends involved. I think it would have been cooler if there were just more random strangers and less people that knew each other before.
One Of the reasons I posted this is because I thought one of the ideas of (e:strip) was that there are many sites and many ways that the internet keeps us isolated and (e:paul) wanted the opposite of that, I site where you are more connected socially but Of course I don't want to speak for him.....
There are sites that I know of where all you do is discuss stuff and I've heard of flame wars, where people use tones and words they would never have the guts to say to the persons face.....
I contend that in some ways the net does make us less connected in way. Take a great flash mob Youtube video or something. Everyone loves it but everyone who watches does so by them selves it isn't like they call there buddy hey come over to my place and watch it with me on the net.
Now what it doesn't really get into is the question of? Is an internet conversation or even chat the same thing as speaking face to face.... I say it can be close but isn't really the same.... There are pauses and people can be do two things at once if there is a pause at a party then it is onto talk to someone else.....
I don't know Just something to think about.....
Whoa, I must be a total outlier if these people are anywhere near correct (which I doubt very much). Do I interact with people
-- "sharing the same ethnicity" NO
-- "hometown" NO
-- "class status" What is that? Not really.
Also, what kind of population did they sample? Looks like they are looking closely at the habits of
a) undergrads from local community colleges
b) local high schoolers who are shouting their OMGs in 140 characters
These two specific populations are bound to be "insular" by definition. You cannot possibly expect a general member of these two populations to be networked with friends of different ethnicities, nationalities etc. because they simply have not accumulated that many years of life to be considered well-connected to a wider variety of people.
Also, seeking out newer ways to connect happens only when there is some need compelling it. What need could UGs and high schoolers possibly have? May be school-based research, exchange programs? Wherever you see these instances or opportunities for network expansion, I bet you will see a departure from how they usually use the internet. The generalizations in the article are so sweeping as to be completely incorrect or to a large extent, off target.
12/29/2010 16:14 #53349
Tru Grit and Movie stuffCategory: movies
I went to see Tru Grit today. I've been meaning to go see it last week and then eat for free at Moe's (Birthday thing) but ran out of time all the time last week o-well saw it today...
This Is A Bit of a Spoiler perhaps for anyone reading this.......
I liked the movie. That being Said there was a lot of talking and story more then there was Killing... Not saying that is a bad thing there was still shooting.... This is a Coen Brothers movie and not a Micheal Bay lets blow up everyone watching it and take out the next theater also.. I read from a post on facebook that someone went and thought the movie was funny and was taken back like what are they talking about... But there where parts that really where funny.... Now it is a different kind of funny they say a comedy movie your not going to fall out of your seat and roll down the isle as the usher removes you from the movie but some of the duologue is funny.
Now some might say yeah but it is a remake so it will suck (yes a John Wayne movie I never saw don't think I ever have seen a John Wayne Movie). Now I have no idea if the story lines up at all with the original or how the casting would fit compared to the original. That Brings up one point though. Matt Damon (I'm sure some people say he can't act or don't like him) was pretty good in this movie. That being said There was a part of me all through the movie that thought Heath Ledger would be perfect for this part (yes I know he is dead and assume this was filmed after this but for some reason thought he would fit in this part). Also the guy who plays Jax from Sons of Anarchy reminds me of him and at first I thought Heath would have been great on that show as well.... But the point I want to make about remakes is that what makes them a good remake is if they go back to the Source Material.... At the end of the movie it says that Tru Grit is based on the book of the same name. So I think the Coen's went back and came up with a movie off the book and not the John Wayne movie.. If you are going to make a movie that has been done before that is the way to do it... This leads to a point of why getting kids to read and write early is so important... Well not just so they can do good in school but sometimes us Movie and TV lovers forget that most movies are based of something written and even the ones that aren't still have a screen play... Some People might look to these big action movies and say no but most of them are based of a graphic novel or comic book or maybe even a show based off one of those......
I think the movie was $8 or was that the food. In any event it costs money to go to the movies and movie place has to make money to. It was odd to see so many kids out , is there no school this week? In any event Then there is money to made how ever it is done after the movie leaves and goes to DVD. Stores sell them Nex Flix and Blockbuster and Cable PPV are ways to pay for seeing them. Some People like me get pay channels to see them. So how ever the money works the movie companies make more money for people who didn't see the movie and want to or whom want it again and that leads into my next point kinda...
At Target I bought 4 movies (wish they had Spartacus there and saw some other ones like 24 all 8 seasons for $199 say 200). Now in this case they where movies I had seen all ready. On Blu-ray I got Inglorious Bastards for the extras I want to see that Germen Movie that is in the movie I think they show the entire thing and they list something about the original movie I hope they have all of it maybe just a recap and clips we shall see. Darknight was on sale but for a few more I opted for the Blu Ray should be good. The A Team that was a good movie and it is an extended cut (not sure by how much more really) hoping for good extras... Non Blue Ray I had to Pick up the New Star Trek movie if that has been On cable I've never seen it. It is a pretty big movie to not be on any of the pay stations or maybe I missed it somehow. Now some of these Blu Ray Movies are insane in the prices $29 you have to be kidding me. Yeah I get you get a non blu ray and a digital copy for what ever device you use but still. So That is why I'm not sure if this format will stay around... Why Pay that much if you can pay $15 a month and stream all the movies you want... But see my Blu Ray (don't have internet over there) you can use for Pandora (somehow) and Netflix (somehow) so at least the DVD player companies will be making money.....
Granted going to the movies in Person is Different then watching them at home. Some Prefer to go out and interact with the screen and have the group laugh or to Boo When Darth Maul get killed.... Or even for the Movies we went to with IMK2 people dress up. Some people though will stay home and pause the movie and do all the kind of at home stuff only and not take the chance of a holiday night fist fight. But if you take that away for a minute there is a cost thing. One person and sneak in your own candy not so bad vs. Buying a DVD but a group or with kids and they have to eat somewhere and all of a Sudden that DVD is looking pretty good price wise.... But there is a Hidden Cost The TV, The DVD Player and cords and all that stuff....
Now On top of that Movies are starting to go 3D. Not sure as I like this.. Sorry to me 3D means when an ax is used it looks like it is coming at me past the screen a bit and or maybe the blood slapter (hey here is an idea ad a sound so it sounds like the blood hit me! yes me the viewer)... That being said now not only do you Have HD TV (need to get a small one) and HD 3D but you are getting players and some movies and the prices are so high.... I don't think DVDs are going away some people can't spend money like that and you also have independent movies and can they really shoot in 3D? But what I think may happen is that down the line (assuming 2012 doesn't happen or some other movie like end of the world thing) is that Blu - rays and 3D movies start to take over... Everything won't be in 3D (does anyone really want to see Porn that way, I doubt it)... But what will happen is that everything will stay very costly to buy. What this will do is make people not buy movies that are ify. Do you really want to buy a movie that is going to suck or not worth the money. I think in turn this will make it so Hollywood has to make better movies that also look really good so people buy them again. ****Again though what is good***** I really like Kevin Smith but he is way to raunchy for a lot of people. What about Zombie Movies they had kinda been log Budget all the time. Maybe instead of 3D they could hire people to walk out from behind the screen you know how many people would stain their pants seeing that or better yet coming from the back and walking down the isles.... My Point is some people love shoot outs and some love romantic comedies (no reason for those to be in 3D) and then gross outs like American Pie (not sure how 3D would work sounds kinda scary in fact)... But we shall see...............
wow Good thing I sliped then If I would have aproached that would have been odd........
Probably not me - I haven't left my apt all day, and the only movie theater I've been near lately is the one in Bloss. Yep, there's no school this week. Glad you had fun!
12/28/2010 16:58 #53346
Waterfront Vs. The Mall?????Category: buffalo
What has kept the building going is that Food Court.... I kinda just went through it and didn't look to see what is there... The other thing is that there is walk way to AM&A's (well not used anymore) and there is a walk way to The RAth Building and some other building through the Food Court........
This is an Important Building.... Now there are still a few shops left but not many.... Don't get me wrong there was a very pretty Christmas tree in front of a bank with Security infront thought that might not be a good thing to take a picture of and the mall was decked out but it got me thinking about something...... Why Aren't there more shops there?!
Wait there are supposed to be all these Loft Places some high end and some for students and you have ECC down there. Now above the mall you have that big building not sure what kind of offices are up there...
The Point is during the week you have a lot of people downtown why aren't there a lot of shops and places in that mall.... Well other then the Food Court?
I think there are 2 no make that 3 wait might be 4 not sure issues......
1. People who work downtown and even live downtown would rather shop at the Galleria or what ever mall or Plaza is by there house.. I admit it I lived in Kenmore I would go to tops and target and places over there and not downtown...... Some Of that is what they know. I would rather go where there are a ton of places.... I love the Galleria mall.......
2. To People who live in the city The Elmwood stirp and Waterfront Area are different parts of the city. But to people out side the city or maybe who just work here Elmwood is thought of part of Downtown. So because of that Elmwood Development = Downtown Development hence nothing new in the Mall shopping wise.......
3. Even with all the uncertianity of what will happen with the Waterfront I'f I'm going to open a store I would much rather have it down by the water where you get people in this new, cool, pretty and hip shopping area then a mall that Working people walk through........
4. Don't get me wrong 464 Gallery and Blink over on Amherst and a few new places are great. There are a couple new places on Grant St. There is a movement to get Grant up to the Elmwood Strip... But yet there are Vacant places that may never get rented on elmwood (sweet tooth) or some spots where over the years places can't stay open for the long haul. The Ugly truth is right now there aren't enough people to support all the shops and all the places in Buffalo. To do that you need more people or less shops.....
So at some point I think it is going to lead to the Waterfront Vs. The Mall... I would love to see the mall be aimed at people who live and work downtown and sell clothes or what ever they want to buy after work or maybe even after a play or something...... Then You have places on the waterfront for people who visit Buffalo during the summer for the boating and a beach and the waterpark and the Stadium on the water with the Only NFL team that Plays in the state of NY.
What I figure is this. If someone moves downtown and what they want to buy or do isn't there then they travel someplace to get what they want, once that Habit kicks in they won't buy downtown..... I think that what this means is that with the small amount of $ and small Population of Buffalo soon it will be a battle between the mall and the waterfront for good shops and the Mall will lose and it will be a shame , Hope I'm wrong though...............
A Few Pictues.....

That is an Interesting point about the rich people that I didn't think about... Maybe where they shop could go into the waterfront. I think there needs to shops of high and low end but also places that are fun and cool to go to as well. Yes having a great waterfront would bring some people here... But what Buffalo really needs is Jobs.... Oh by the way Job Creation is Bullshit sorry there is no such thing... The exception is when you create something new then that causes new jobs.... But most Job Creation is just taking jobs away from someplace else. Yes When Verizon opens a Call Center in India or Nike Moves jobs to Mexico those are sometimes the sought after Jobs by some people in those countries (same thing works for when someplace moves to Buffalo from some other city). But all you did was move Jobs from one place to another so that things are cheaper for the company the people there get a job and Americans lose them. ........
I am not sure that rich people who live here would even think of shopping here - even if a super-high end store opened. And I am of the opinion that its the middle and low income people that make a place safer to move about and more "lived in" - not the rich people who zoom about to their next pit stop. To make a place safer, people need to come with their families and children and hang around for a good period of time. I don't see that happening with super-high end stores.
I think some nice shops for the waterfront is a really nice idea. Why argue about Walmart Vs. high end stores - I say anything substantial would be a right move for the waterfront. Even if they opened a second pricerite there, more people would come to the waterfront - even from across the border.
I get my contacts there at Sterling Optical. I should probably go someplace better because they don't have good eye exams. They do seem to be a cheap place for poor people though. I would recommend them when money is tight.
I agree that they need some high end places, but I think with those student lofts they also need some places for students to shop as well. Now with the Thursday in the Square I wonder if they can other then say "The Chip strip" turn those people into people who partake in other things downtown.....
In Connection with that if it ever gets finished I would love to live in the Hotel Lafayette. Think about how cool or maybe bad it would be to pop open your window and be able to see the square and here the music.... Granted I would need an (e:) Heidi or (e:TheSourthernya)nkee style Camera to get pictures or Video you don't like the music just close the window. Also one would be close to Bisons and Sabres games and Club Diablo.. But where does one buy food down there. Sorry But Tops Niagara is a bit shady sometimes.... Well maybe with more people it would lose or has lost some of that.......
Just to clarify, I am not saying there is anything wrong with bargain stores. I shop at them too. I just meant they probably would not attract the shoppers from the fancy lofts, business executives, etc without offering some more high end stores downtown.
@(e:Paul) You make a lot of great points.. I myself like wal-mart yes they buy a lot of stuff from where I work but it is more then just that... I get that there are things where the move into a town all every place closes but the people who shop their have the choice to shop local. The Reason they are good though is there are a lot of people who if it wasn't for Wal-Mart wouldn't have a Job... Also there is what I call the working poor and others that don't go to places like target cause they are costly.... Well those people need a place to shop... I remember a teacher I had (he was funny Mr. Opera) was talking about that thing about when you run into someone you know at K-mart "Hey what are You doing Here" it is kinda like you don't like that they saw you there but you saw them also so....... I think that fits wal-mart
Now in Terms of the Mall. You are Younger then I so I'm guessing you went later years then when I was there but that might not be right.... Back then in school I didn't have money really... But that mall was the place to be.. Clothing stores, Record store, book store places to eat that toy store..... I don't remember when the food court got added but that was what took the spot of the Court Yard Mall that place to me was just about the food........
I read an Article about the People being here for the Hockey Tournament In the Buffalo News the other day.... It talked about people finding places to eat. I'm not going to go the Hoyt route and guess at how much or little info the people coming to town have about what is around here to do... Yes there is the hockey town stuff and that is cool there should be... But what struck me is one person who they talked to who went to the Galleria mall to shop....
I Admit I love the Galleria mall I really do and if you don't want to eat there, then there are other places close by to eat that are pretty good (Famous Dave's, And Chipotle and Fudruckers come to mind first)... But the thing is that those places to shop should be downtown or maybe they shouldn't?
I Love Toronto (Yes (e:vincent) I know I should have gotten my idea a long time ago and I admit I'm fucked up in some ways and that is part of why I haven't got it). I love how they have the signs for a district and you can walk and go from one right to another. But yet somehow all of that feels like it is Downtown... Maybe that is cause I don't live there and to people not from Buffalo that is how Elmwood feels.....
I have heard there are two kinds of cities. Some have a downtown and that is what it is. People work there and if you want food or something it is in the building you work in.... Then You have the kind where there are stores and Christmas windows (you know how like Buffalo used to be).....
Maybe Buffalo should be the first one where there are no shops where if you come to downtown you come for that thing and then leave but that isn't the Downtown I want.... I want one where you come downtown (assuming you drive) and eat and go to your event and maybe do some shopping and after that if say you have a few dollars left go to the casino and play some slots or play 21 aka black jack for fun.... I just don't think Buffalo has the people to support that... Hope I'm wrong.... I think that the people we do have is only enough to support waterfront shops though.............
This is where Buffalo is way behind Rochester. They tore down their Urban Mall and are currently building a new office tower on the site for a company called Paetec.
To attract shoppers with money they would need to have stores those people are interested in. I was saying to (e:terry). If people are afraid of robberies and hustlers they could create credit card only stores. Its kind of hard to hold up a store with no cash. Like imagine if they put in a semi high end grocery store like the coop. I think business people might shop there and nobody else would because of the prices. It seems to work for the coop. Low prices tend to bring in low end clientelle which can be awesome for places like walmart and the dollar store, but a disaster for any other kind of business.
They again, I guess the whole atmosphere is kind of depressed there and nothing can help. Its not new though, it was kind of run down even when I was a kid in the late 80s - early 90s. We used to skip school and take the bus down there from Kenmore. There we would buy incense and then trade it back home for cigarettes from friends who stole stole them from their parents. Wow, thinking back it was always a sketchy place to me - even in middle school.
12/24/2010 16:41 #53332
Christmas 2010 ARGH!Category: holidays
Family Channel or some Station Every Year has on Christmas Specials on all December..... I admit I never check into what they are.... I'm sure they have some of the Classics and Movies as well.... Movies about Christmas are great and have some message and can be really good. Rudolf is great. Now I did post something over on facebook from Cracked about how it has all these bad Messages. But you know what I like that special because it shows how flawed things are Love the island of the Misfit Toys. Not sure where but recently some places you could buy all the misfits... I think that anyone who has never fit in really likes that movie or at least that part of the movie.....
I also Have to admit I love the lights. It is amazing how much work some people put in. Yes I like the Cheesy Blow up Animals as well. Some people really go hog out or what ever the saying is and I think that is pretty cool. I have heard of some Famous house in Buffalo where they have Santa sometimes those that Have seen it in years past know what I mean......
But Christmas Itself not so found of. See Christmas is a Holiday for kids... The entire thing is about getting Kids Gifts. Now there is nothing wrong with that per say.... But see what it does do is teach kids that it is only about the gifts. I don't care how much family is over and about how many times you go to church and if you get to see a live manger with real live animals.... to Kids they still get the idea of gifts and toys and fun. Well what I think that does is it makes it so that as we get older that is all we care about. My Proof = Black Friday.... That is All I have to Say!!!
But See for me What do I want. I got it CDs of Bands I like..... Wait I don't have time to Listen to the ones I have now.. Wait there are all these great movies and great Blu Ray combo Packs and Yes I would love that Giant Wizard of Oz gift set and all kinds of things that come with shirts and toys and have special animated cartoons that you only get to see on blu
ray... But Again I have DVD's from 2 Years ago I'm guessing I haven't had time to watch..... I also think that when you grow up you now have your own money. So if there is something you really want you go get it. Yes there are things you don't have the money for but that is the exception I think.......
I'm not all Anti Christmas... Sometimes I just don't get the point. Why buy someone something they might not like and they do the same for you.... Why Not just take the money and you each buy your self stuff and enjoy it and things that are the same you can enjoy together.
That Being said though Opening up gifts is fun so I'm not really a Grinch... Sometimes I just think (not that I'm going to do it)... That maybe in stead of giving people gifts go out and buy for each person then instead of wrapping them go to the good will or salvation army or toys for tots and just donate them all.... maybe keep track of all the stuff and have people open empty boxes. It would be great if you could some how get a picture of the people who got the winter coat and are warm out on the street instead of hiding in some building that isn't safe.....
All that being Said I hope everyone Has a Great Christmas or what ever other version of it you do.... If you don't celebrate anything then go help people who want your help (a Charity)..............
Well I Got Clothes that I can Use...... Clothes that I feel I will Never wear but could be wrong.... Oh Yeah and a Movie that I can't spell and doesn't show up in spell Check dispicable me (that I wanted and looks great)....
Now That Being said it was a Nice Christmas ..... It isn't really about me it is about the Niece and other people I guess.....
What Will Make it really Nice is when I go and buy My Self some Storage stuff that I badly Need, well that or maybe some random porn movie and TV so big I have to watch it from the other room, HA kidding..... Storage Stuff and a New TV since the big one has some color issues beside an HD one will go good with the blu ray player (at some point I have to hook it up and look into how to go online with it)...
Well it is still Christmas day and it is snowing so it is a White Christmas so I'll continue to enjoy it......
Things are changing a lot at home though...
Well... you do get new clothes, a new coat of paint for your home, a new kitchen appliance for your home etc. but you won't gift these things to others. I guess the focus on gifting is much more here. I wonder why...
It's interesting how holidays are driven by whatever kind of economy underlies the country largest GDP generator. Back home, the biggest festival season (Navaratri and Deepavali) is around Thanksgiving and you just can't escape gifting sweets and food. The focus is on gifting food and silverware - subtly reflecting how much the economy is dependent on agriculture and mining.
Here the focus is on consumer goods... the country basically runs on it.
The Trouble Maker is gone.....YES!! Now I can think about working on a good 2011 we shall see..................
Sounds Like and Interesting Idea @(e:ladycroft)................
I all ready Am Having a not so great year and have no idea if any of these goals can be done at all..... Work Sucks as right now.... I'm able to do my work but things are so stressful we shall see what happens.... I have a feeling that I shouldn't (sure it is safe to most likely) say much. But the guy who was the trouble maker came back and has started trouble again or his issues have started again what ever you want to call it...... I have a bad feeling that work is going to get worse instead of better but maybe the bosses or what ever you want to call those people will fix things but I doubt it but I could be wrong hope I'm wrong and the get rid of the problem. .........
In Terms of Getting a Tattoo I'm still not sure If I can Handle that type of Pain.... Plus I'm so Thin I'm not sure if any design would really look right on me, but I am thinking about it....
Storage Stuff I think I will get done but not sure if I can cure the at home lazyness but maybe I can.......
So. To help you with some of your goals this year....I'll pay for you to get a small tattoo if you donate your hair to locks of love!
Maybe Cool Aid is more like it got it again it is like 15% and tasty or maybe it was just the buzz from the tasting at Hodge........ Not to mention that stuff is advertised all over the counter sorry no photos think that might be frowned on, But Photos Tonight... I just wish I had a fun Suite maybe flames or tigers or some bright color to go along with it ok time to start the getting ready part......................
It is Called Nouvo or something like that in looked like it was Perfume it was Champange but kinda tasted like candy..... Not sure what kind I'm going to get this year I'll go back to Hodge Liquar and hope they are having a tasting again....
You know. THAT pink stuff.
What pink stuff?
That pink stuff you brought was crazy. I need to avoid it. :)