First of all Last Night on Bill Maher during new rules he did a great job of comparing baseball to the NFL it was about how the NFL is Socialist in how it divides up the money among all the teams and it was very good.
Second of all I have been meaning to write something about the NFL since the playoffs started a bit late I admit.......
So this weekend is the pro bowl and I have a few issues with it.. Yes being voted in is an honor. Once selected they call you a 2 time or how many ever times all pro. But that being said the game its self seems to be have been more about the trip to Hawaii. Now the current commissioner has tried to change that and make the game the week prior to the Super Bowl. Since it is a week before the Super Bowl no one on either team is going to play they have rest and practice and won't take the chance of injury... But that brings up something else if you are in the playoffs you don't want to play in the probowl cause that means your team lost... So it is kinda like for anyone in the playoffs like a slap in the face or at least a reminder that you didn't get to where you want to be... Of course for teams not in the playoffs it is a different story.... My other issue is that the voting starts way to early.... If you miss the first 4 games you won't get any votes but can go on to have a great season... The reverse is also true you can have a great half season get lots of votes then tank.... I say no votes untill week 12.
Will there be a pro bowl next year who knows there might not even be a season... College kids stay in school what happens if next season is scabs or there isn't one don't take that chance...
Logic would tell you that the owners and players will work something out... I hope that is what will happen... Maybe they will learn from baseball how much no season or from that other strike year how much that hurts both sides... People will stop watching.... But what would hurt more is the perception that people aren't watching ....
I can Admit that I don't know or understand all the money issues. But what I do get is that every so often the net works bid on the rights to the NFL ... That is why Monday night football is now on Cable and NBC gets Sunday Night Football. It used to be that when you took all the TV money each team got 1 million dollars more then the Salary cap. Now the reason that the net works pay that money is because people are watching the games. The amount of people who watch the games determines how much they can charge form advertisers. So if you lose viewers companies will pay less so the net works pay less so the NFL makes less and that is just TV. Not to mention things like who makes the shoes and the Jerseys and ads in the stadium. So loss of viewers hurts everyone pretty hard....
Now what may back fire on the NFL and when I say NFL I don't only mean the league I also mean the players and owners in this case is the international viewers. If there is no season you may lose them or if the play isn't at the level it should be you may lose them as well.
Before the NFL went international they had The World League Of American Football. That was a great league they would try things before the NFL would like helmet cams and things like that. Yes teams did have players that belonged to NFL teams but not sure if the NFL had any ownership or not but it did get interest over seas.... What was cool was that they had American teams as well. I can't imagine what traveling to Europe to play a game and vice versa would have been like.. Later on they took a year off and it became NFL Europe. At that point it became all about spreading the game over there and getting more fans for football and the NFL.
What I don't know is if the NFL figures hey if we out source we can get the same quality players at a cheaper cost... Hey the more players the less value each player has.....
Recently the NFL has continued this push with having every team play an international game. The plus side to this is you get more fans for the sport. But the downside is if those fans get into the game and then there is no season then you risk losing those fans to other sports and they will never come back and they will tell all their friends hey this Greedy American Shit doesn't happen in Soccer or Rugby....
I think that the NFL is trying to expand into other parts of the world and may add teams. I don't know what the best way to do this is though. Say they add a London Team is it fair to travel all the way to London for a game and the other way around.
The other issue I have is all the divisions are currently even so how do you add teams maybe an international team to each Division. Maybe add one each year till all have 5 teams instead of 4? Then maybe add one more Wild Card Team? If London won the Division would Americans Watch?
Or maybe the thing you do is ad another Division to both the NFC and AFC. The fact is that the NFL wants to make more Regular season games and less preseason games so since you play more games it makes sense that you would have more teams...
I have no idea what is going to happen to be honest. I think Toronto wants a team, They want their own team not the Buffalo Bills. There needs to be an LA team for sure. But if you go international who should get teams. I say go look at the CFL and where they have good crowds go there. I would say Toronto, Montreal , London England not Ontario, Not sure where else in Canada but How about a couple Teams from Mexico.
I admit that sometime the NFL is the No Fun League. I like when players get pumped and do dances but they need to do it for them selves not to put it in the other guys face. I wish they did the helmet cam thing for all the players. I know that would make it to hard to do replays but maybe put the helmet cams with a stream on line so people who want to watch the game that way can on featured games at least.......
I hope that the greedy owners, greedy league and Greedy players come up with what is best for the game and players in the future so that they don't destroy the game I like to watch every Sunday we shall see...........
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/29/2011 15:54 #53511
State of the NFL?Category: nfl
01/07/2011 17:05 #53407
FruitcakeCategory: food
So Last night I watched this show called Winter Wipeout. It is a new take on the show wipeout.... It is people who do an obstacle course but it is also funny... Last night someone had a shirt on that Said Fruit Cake and it got some jokes he meant the food....
I know Fruit Cake gets a bad rap. Lets face it some of it can be pretty bad and dry and not taste right.... The Other problem is that some people get it as a gift and then pass it along.....
I find people not liking it odd. I mean bread with fruit everyone loves and most people put Jam or Jelly on bread so.....
My Father used to make really good fruitcake... I know I never could. I think the big key to it being good is how it is made. He did some thing that I don't remember where the cake part just sits in the booze forever.... That is key because it keeps it wet and it stays moist and all the fruit stays moist. Then there was some trick with wrapping it in a cloth and again that was moist and then that went into aluminum foil... You could have it for over a month open it up and it was still soft.... So I say if you don't like fruit cake it is because you haven't found the good stuff yet.... Not saying it is worth it to try all the bad stuff to find the good but maybe there is some good fruit cake.... Oh yeah bye the way time wise this was before I had even heard of (e:strip)......
I know Fruit Cake gets a bad rap. Lets face it some of it can be pretty bad and dry and not taste right.... The Other problem is that some people get it as a gift and then pass it along.....
I find people not liking it odd. I mean bread with fruit everyone loves and most people put Jam or Jelly on bread so.....
My Father used to make really good fruitcake... I know I never could. I think the big key to it being good is how it is made. He did some thing that I don't remember where the cake part just sits in the booze forever.... That is key because it keeps it wet and it stays moist and all the fruit stays moist. Then there was some trick with wrapping it in a cloth and again that was moist and then that went into aluminum foil... You could have it for over a month open it up and it was still soft.... So I say if you don't like fruit cake it is because you haven't found the good stuff yet.... Not saying it is worth it to try all the bad stuff to find the good but maybe there is some good fruit cake.... Oh yeah bye the way time wise this was before I had even heard of (e:strip)......
metalpeter - 01/09/11 11:30
Well then when you eat it make sure you will be in house for some time, oh yeah and make sure to have all the supplies you need in the house........ HA....
Well then when you eat it make sure you will be in house for some time, oh yeah and make sure to have all the supplies you need in the house........ HA....
tinypliny - 01/09/11 11:16
I ended up making some super-super healthy bread which is so healthy, I am having trouble working up the enthusiasm to eat it... I think it must have 50% fibre in one serving. Why didn't I stick to my initial idea of making this fruit bread...
I ended up making some super-super healthy bread which is so healthy, I am having trouble working up the enthusiasm to eat it... I think it must have 50% fibre in one serving. Why didn't I stick to my initial idea of making this fruit bread...
metalpeter - 01/08/11 14:26
I never made it but there where some differences between that recipe and my Dad's... His was like a small thing of bread or looked like a giant muffin like the size of one those metal tins used for bread baking....
All though Rum is used not sure if you have any alcohol left with the cooking... But using that is I think the most important part. I think it is all ways added along the way that way it gets into everything and keeps everything moist of course I never made it just know it tasted very good and also know I'm not good enough ate any kind of baking to make it... I do think there was a part to it where things where made a head of time and let to sit.....
I never made it but there where some differences between that recipe and my Dad's... His was like a small thing of bread or looked like a giant muffin like the size of one those metal tins used for bread baking....
All though Rum is used not sure if you have any alcohol left with the cooking... But using that is I think the most important part. I think it is all ways added along the way that way it gets into everything and keeps everything moist of course I never made it just know it tasted very good and also know I'm not good enough ate any kind of baking to make it... I do think there was a part to it where things where made a head of time and let to sit.....
paul - 01/08/11 11:15
I've only ever had the commercial variety with like the green died maraschino style cherries. This cake sounds much yummier.
I've only ever had the commercial variety with like the green died maraschino style cherries. This cake sounds much yummier.
tinypliny - 01/07/11 23:25
Actually, I am thinking of making a version of this fruit cake this weekend... but without the rum. I am not sure I can handle all that alcohol and still function.
Actually, I am thinking of making a version of this fruit cake this weekend... but without the rum. I am not sure I can handle all that alcohol and still function.
tinypliny - 01/07/11 23:19
You serve it flambé. :~)
You serve it flambé. :~)
tinypliny - 01/07/11 23:13
Are you kidding. I love love love the christmas cake you are talking about. Someday, I plan to make this recipe exactly as it is described here including all the rum. :::link:::
Are you kidding. I love love love the christmas cake you are talking about. Someday, I plan to make this recipe exactly as it is described here including all the rum. :::link:::
01/05/2011 17:06 #53396
Buffalo Sky ShotsCategory: photos
So These Sunrise Pictures where taken Near work on New Years Eve. To me the sky didn't look like this it looked more dramatic... Now on the camera screen it didn't look like the sky but these pictures at least on facebook look more like the sky then they did on the camera Screen?????

Later that next night ok really the next morning I crashed at the (e:PMT) New Years Party..... My Plan was just to go home I went and sat on the couch for a second and next thing I knew I was woke up and no one was around...... Well here are a few pictures from my trip home......

Later that next night ok really the next morning I crashed at the (e:PMT) New Years Party..... My Plan was just to go home I went and sat on the couch for a second and next thing I knew I was woke up and no one was around...... Well here are a few pictures from my trip home......
metalpeter - 01/07/11 16:30
Thank you for reminding me about a post I want to write about Fruit Cake...... Yes there are certain things I like I'm guessing I could have found something I like... Maybe a spoon and that Black Raspberry Current stuff??????
Thank you for reminding me about a post I want to write about Fruit Cake...... Yes there are certain things I like I'm guessing I could have found something I like... Maybe a spoon and that Black Raspberry Current stuff??????
tinypliny - 01/06/11 22:31
Seem like you are one picky eater, lol. I could have made whatever you liked - (except of course, things that once had a face on them).
Seem like you are one picky eater, lol. I could have made whatever you liked - (except of course, things that once had a face on them).
metalpeter - 01/06/11 19:38
Well the dough thing if it was Bread I liked would be worth it.... Coffee I don't like and Eggs I don't like.... That being said I have never heard of scrambled egg Whites.... Regular ones yes but haven't heard of only the white part...........
Well the dough thing if it was Bread I liked would be worth it.... Coffee I don't like and Eggs I don't like.... That being said I have never heard of scrambled egg Whites.... Regular ones yes but haven't heard of only the white part...........
tinypliny - 01/06/11 17:24
oh wow, I could have made you coffee and scrambled egg whites!! Which is what I made and of course, you would have paid the price by kneading that crazy dough for me. ;-)
oh wow, I could have made you coffee and scrambled egg whites!! Which is what I made and of course, you would have paid the price by kneading that crazy dough for me. ;-)
metalpeter - 01/06/11 16:35
The Party was a good time...
According to my camera (not sure if the time is right) it was 8:58 Am when I went past the Mayflower ....
I still think that sun rise shots where more dramatic in person but not sure cause in person you notice the buildings and things going on around you more..................
The Party was a good time...
According to my camera (not sure if the time is right) it was 8:58 Am when I went past the Mayflower ....
I still think that sun rise shots where more dramatic in person but not sure cause in person you notice the buildings and things going on around you more..................
paul - 01/05/11 22:48
I love the color of the nighttime sky in those photos. great shots.
I love the color of the nighttime sky in those photos. great shots.
tinypliny - 01/05/11 22:24
I loved your suit and tophat! Very alice-in-wonderland! :-)
I loved your suit and tophat! Very alice-in-wonderland! :-)
tinypliny - 01/05/11 22:23
Lovely photographs! Sunset and Sunrise in buffalo are so spectacular.
Looks like you walked right past my building. heh. I probably was fast asleep at that moment. Can you recall the approximate time? I woke at around 9 AM on 1st!
Lovely photographs! Sunset and Sunrise in buffalo are so spectacular.
Looks like you walked right past my building. heh. I probably was fast asleep at that moment. Can you recall the approximate time? I woke at around 9 AM on 1st!
libertad - 01/05/11 21:05
It was nice to see you at the party.
It was nice to see you at the party.
01/02/2011 10:49 #53379
Part 2 NYE 2010-2011Category: photos
Now the first thing I'm Noticing (using Chrome sorry have no idea what number I assume the newest with standard install and nothing added on).. Is that the button Position and look on the blog controls looks different and are in different spots......
2nd thing: Thanks (e:PMT) for being great hosts. I didn't mean to pass out on a couch just went there to sit and next thing I knew where is everyone?
3rd: Sorry my taking Photo style and my Knowledge of whom everyone is doesn't allow me to like put up a tag line of whom this is in the pictures..... That being said if anyone sees them selves or someone else they know and wants to do that with some pictures feel free. Or You want that picture for Myspace, Facebook, Ok Cupid, Fubar, Adult Friend Finder, Alt, Am I hot or some other rating site (yes at one time many years ago think I was on all of these someplace), or live Journal or Friendster or what ever site you are on feel free to use those pictures of you or your friend......
4th I had a good time I hope everyone else did as well.....
5th ok I'm shutting up here are the Pictures......

Now to Be Honest I'm not sure if I have More Pictures Or Not! But that is all I'm posting for now. Somehow when they got downloaded they got out of order... The Program I used Yesterday the pictures came up but can't find them for some reason using that, I have a feeling it has something to do with that since they where downloaded it was taking the pictures right of the Camera but not sure about that.... In any event hope everyone had a great time............
2nd thing: Thanks (e:PMT) for being great hosts. I didn't mean to pass out on a couch just went there to sit and next thing I knew where is everyone?
3rd: Sorry my taking Photo style and my Knowledge of whom everyone is doesn't allow me to like put up a tag line of whom this is in the pictures..... That being said if anyone sees them selves or someone else they know and wants to do that with some pictures feel free. Or You want that picture for Myspace, Facebook, Ok Cupid, Fubar, Adult Friend Finder, Alt, Am I hot or some other rating site (yes at one time many years ago think I was on all of these someplace), or live Journal or Friendster or what ever site you are on feel free to use those pictures of you or your friend......
4th I had a good time I hope everyone else did as well.....
5th ok I'm shutting up here are the Pictures......
Now to Be Honest I'm not sure if I have More Pictures Or Not! But that is all I'm posting for now. Somehow when they got downloaded they got out of order... The Program I used Yesterday the pictures came up but can't find them for some reason using that, I have a feeling it has something to do with that since they where downloaded it was taking the pictures right of the Camera but not sure about that.... In any event hope everyone had a great time............
metalpeter - 01/03/11 17:45
I think there are two pictures of them together she has like a huge smile in one of them..... It was a great time.............
I think there are two pictures of them together she has like a huge smile in one of them..... It was a great time.............
paul - 01/02/11 17:47
I think the picture of (e:tinyliny) and geoffrey is great. Her facial expression explains how everyone was feeling, haha!
I think the picture of (e:tinyliny) and geoffrey is great. Her facial expression explains how everyone was feeling, haha!
tinypliny - 01/02/11 17:38
wow - I didn't realize I had such a massive pimple on me. Why, its almost as big as my face. Draw a nose on it and you have a Siamese-twin head.
wow - I didn't realize I had such a massive pimple on me. Why, its almost as big as my face. Draw a nose on it and you have a Siamese-twin head.
01/01/2011 11:39 #53370
NYE Party 2010-2011Category: photos
Well I'm doing part of this as a test to see what happens with list I don't see it listed so I assume that when I type it will just kinda happen we shall see.
So last night the party was great and it was a fun time
Ok Part one worked it made the Bulletin things Now to start uploading I mean dragging over the pictures lets see how this works.......

Well Looks like I'll get through the ball drop Photos

Well Time Wise that is about it for PART 1
Slight Edited a few things removed Part 2 sunday I hope
So last night the party was great and it was a fun time
- (e:Tinypliny) Made it
- (e:Heidi) was there and her dress was amazing
- I brought the pink stuff
- snooki showed up
- Even though they where with other there where a few cute ladies there
- Ball Drop was Fun
- The Mixed Drinks Where good
- There was a couch that worked as a bed not that it was my Intention just went to sit and that was it
- (e:PMT) where great hosts
- That Heater Was great
- Walt and Lee being there
- A good time was had by all as I could here laughing I couldn't see
Ok Part one worked it made the Bulletin things Now to start uploading I mean dragging over the pictures lets see how this works.......
Well Looks like I'll get through the ball drop Photos
Well Time Wise that is about it for PART 1
Slight Edited a few things removed Part 2 sunday I hope
metalpeter - 01/02/11 09:33
Posting was fun more to come very soon...
sometimes it is tough to go around and meet people sometimes you need someone who all ready knows them so you have an in as they say......
There where a lot of people I didn't know as well..........
Posting was fun more to come very soon...
sometimes it is tough to go around and meet people sometimes you need someone who all ready knows them so you have an in as they say......
There where a lot of people I didn't know as well..........
tinypliny - 01/01/11 23:46
thanks for posting, it was a fun time. I should have gone around and spoken with more people... There were so many I didn't know.
thanks for posting, it was a fun time. I should have gone around and spoken with more people... There were so many I didn't know.
metalpeter - 01/01/11 19:15
I know you intended on Making but I kinda figured that with working and all the crazy stuff downtown a slide on past to the ball drop down there might be the best thing to do.... I'm sure you still had a good time and that is what matters.....
Oh Bye the way I posted a few pictures to the Facebook Event page and Hope to do more on Sunday and Post Part 2 we shall see..................
I know you intended on Making but I kinda figured that with working and all the crazy stuff downtown a slide on past to the ball drop down there might be the best thing to do.... I'm sure you still had a good time and that is what matters.....
Oh Bye the way I posted a few pictures to the Facebook Event page and Hope to do more on Sunday and Post Part 2 we shall see..................
mrmike - 01/01/11 12:22
Looks great, sorry I missed it. Long time pitchin in at the arena for the hockey tourney wrecked me for last night.
Looks great, sorry I missed it. Long time pitchin in at the arena for the hockey tourney wrecked me for last night.
(e:tinypliny) makes a good point.
One thing I didn't really touch On that I meant to was the Injury thing and how they change the rules. My issue is this if you want to get rid of head injuries and all this serious stuff I get it.... I think that is one way they are trying to sell this game to world.. But my issue is that wait until the start of the season and in the pre season to say here is how we are calling games now... I've heard that one thing the nfl might do is put more pads right into the pants to help protect players from where like heads hit knees... Sorry boys this is back ward ... Don't get me wrong I love seeing defense come up and smack people hard and yes from what I have heard there used to be some gruesome injuries... You want to stop those take off the helmets.... The Helmets and those heavy are what make players feel safe to drive there face mask into a shoulder then it slides up to the head... Take those off and no one is going to fly through the air They won't take the chance of hurting them selves that way and in kind that will make the other players safer as well......
Looks like sports is more politics than politics itself.