I went to see The Narnia 3D movie. Now in the past I heard that there is religious stuff in the movies. Now I never saw it but could see where one could. But this one it was right out there. That being said I enjoyed the movie but man $11.50 during the day was a lot then food.... I see why people buy the big screen and stay in but those Blu-ray movies are costly as well....... I don't want to get into why I liked the movie cause I would give stuff away....
I watched a not happy at all but very good cop and drug movie. Good action. Good story and lots of tits well some tits maybe a lot not sure but they fit the story.
Last night I watched a lot of Christmas stuff.....
Family Guy had an hour special that I found a lot of fun with singing and stewie and all kinds of fun and crazyness. That was followed by crazy American Dad that had awesome shoot outs. Later it was onto Robot Chicken Christmas that was pretty good followed by 2 old ones that I had seen like parts of.......
There are a few Churches on Main not sure what one that is.
1. Glad you had a good time
2. The inside of some Churches are really amazing
I went to a season's sounds chorus by the BGMC at the Lutheran Church on Main yesterday.. It was amazing! Most of all, I couldn't believe that it took me just 3 minutes to get to my seat in the church (because they have back door entrance on linwood!).