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12/13/2010 19:46 #53267

weekend movies and shows and stuff
Category: entertainment
First the link is for a Picasa so I don't forget it
The Idea of downloading it and then using it as a place to post all the pictures and then link to it is a good idea. I may wind up doing that in the future we shall see.....

I went to see The Narnia 3D movie. Now in the past I heard that there is religious stuff in the movies. Now I never saw it but could see where one could. But this one it was right out there. That being said I enjoyed the movie but man $11.50 during the day was a lot then food.... I see why people buy the big screen and stay in but those Blu-ray movies are costly as well....... I don't want to get into why I liked the movie cause I would give stuff away....

I watched a not happy at all but very good cop and drug movie. Good action. Good story and lots of tits well some tits maybe a lot not sure but they fit the story.

Last night I watched a lot of Christmas stuff.....

Family Guy had an hour special that I found a lot of fun with singing and stewie and all kinds of fun and crazyness. That was followed by crazy American Dad that had awesome shoot outs. Later it was onto Robot Chicken Christmas that was pretty good followed by 2 old ones that I had seen like parts of.......

metalpeter - 12/14/10 17:31
There are a few Churches on Main not sure what one that is.
1. Glad you had a good time
2. The inside of some Churches are really amazing
tinypliny - 12/13/10 20:02
I went to a season's sounds chorus by the BGMC at the Lutheran Church on Main yesterday.. It was amazing! Most of all, I couldn't believe that it took me just 3 minutes to get to my seat in the church (because they have back door entrance on linwood!).

12/12/2010 11:18 #53244

Bandits Open Practice last sunday
Category: photos
So I have to admit that being the Peterazzi has been taking its toll a bit I'm mega behind. Music is art I have so many photos not even really sure how to post them and that was in Sept.

I also feel as if I don't have much to say lately.... I think part of that is the holiday season thing. Some of it is facebook though. Like for example I went to see Narnia 3D on Saturday and yes it was fun but it isn't like something I can write an entire blog about with out giving away the entire movie. The Other thing is pictures....

I admit Windows 7 is annoying. When Selecting pictures to upload if you just slide that mouse a little bit they all get copied argh...... Not only that but no mater what I do (this might be different for when the website scans your computer (JAVA) and you can upload them that, but normally only 139 pictures at a time so that is argh!!!!

So Last Sunday I went to the Bandits Open Practice it was fun...

I'm going to see what happens if I drag the picture from what happened last to first kinda.

The Last thing they did was reveal the 20th year jerseys to me they look like an old one they wore......


Ok maybe part of the problem is how sensitive the optical mouse is I just lost the post because I mis slid the picture and got it on one big page so I'll cut it here for now...........

I admit that the pictures I took where on the screen aka jubotron or what ever you want to call it. Some times you see things better from higher up. This was really cool. the didn't throw fists put they practiced fighting or wrestling it was pretty cool........


So To be on the safe side I publish again

Well Now to add some Pictures of the Bandettes these are from before the Practice started their practice or what ever.......



Well Time for Football pregame but I think the point is gotten maybe more pictures soon?
tinypliny - 12/13/10 19:18
Windows 7 is a loser OS that gobbles too much memory.
metalpeter - 12/13/10 18:09
On Here Chrome and If I remember correctly chrome over there as well........
I think I manly need to find more time.... Or maybe it is Just some thing wacky with widows 7 ?
paul - 12/12/10 14:06
Not that chrome would save time though, it just might nor be so flaky.
paul - 12/12/10 14:04
What browser are you using. I would suggest chrome if you are using IE.
metalpeter - 12/12/10 12:13
Well what I think I wish is that there was say some program (not asking anyone to make one or anything) that if you uploaded the photos to there it would post them to any site. What I need to find out how to do is how to make slide show or video from pictures for Youtube and then I could post the video on like every site. I have a feeling that is beyound my level though.....

I think one of the things is Time. I just don't have enough time online between here and facebook and Webshots..... Also with this goofy windows 7, I can't just like upload all the pictures from an event to webshots, I used to be able before this new computer. I may look into a computer that is more made for uploading pictures but not sure as I'll have much luck with that.................
tinypliny - 12/12/10 11:59
Cool photos! :-) Just curious... do you feel pressurized to post photographs? Let go if it strains you.

I think you like taking photographs - but if sharing seems like a lot of work, you might be much more happier just uploading maybe 1 or 2 once in a while. There was a time, when I decided to post just about every grocery trip I made. It then got to a point where I was grocery shopping too much and the lists got bigger and more unmanageable, till I just decided to ditch it and enjoy the groceries without documenting them. :-)

11/30/2010 17:51 #53179

CFLs? Um No Backward thinking
Category: issues
I know I have talked about this some where else and about being green but.... I often find one of the problems in this country is we fight things backwards....

There is a war on drugs! why? Well a lot of people make money on it... We lock up drug addicts and cause gangs to have a product to fight over instead of trying to make it so people who want to escape or feel life more enhanced don't turn to drugs....

But what I want to talk about is CFLs. The Idea shown in ads for them is that they last for years. They are environmental... Well but see that isn't true at all.... First of all I have heard they have Mercury in them, yes that thing that causes cancer and so what do you with those lights when they burn out...

What the ads and packaging tells is. These lights can last up to 5 years. They are these great lights that last a long time and never run out. Well what that does is make you think oh then I can leave them on. That is right they encourage you to keep lights on. Here is an idea to save on energy and not burn your lights out. You leave a room and turn them off. Oh but we can't tell people to do that, cause then the power company loses money. So just leave the lights on all over the house....

But there is another part that those lights that kinda look like curly fries don't tell you.... If you have an old house and you use CFL's they stick out past the light shades or what ever you call those glass things. Also if you have other types of fixtures they may not work with those. So then what are you supposed to do go out and buy new light covers for everything??????

Not to mention there is this thing that many people think that electricity likes comes out of the air... It doesn't some is from hydro power like Niagara Falls. Some is from coal. Yes there are still coal mines and some from wind farms... We all use it with out thinking about where we come from. In stead of having some kind of light that is supposed to last a long time, why don't we just think about when and where we really need light. For example I'm typing now do I really need the lights on.... No I don't so I should turn them off in this room and I will once I hit publish.........
metalpeter - 11/30/10 19:51
I didn't know about that, I had no idea they cost that much but I knew they where costly...... I think one factor with "Being Green" is things are more complex then people make them out to be. People want a simple answer. I know (e:tinypliny) will like this one. You want to make the world greener here is one way. Turn off the TV and and computer and Read Books only. Well ok maybe recycle them by smashing them with a baseball bat. But then how would you find out what books are good? I heard that those florescent lights where good because they where gas and you just lite the gas but I only really see those in offices, wonder what the down side was to them?
paul - 11/30/10 19:22
The thing I hate about them is that they sometimes burn out if the power ever fluctuates. Its way expensive when a $15 light burns out.

11/26/2010 18:40 #53169

2010 4 course Thanksgiving
Category: holiday
Well Thanksgiving this year was a little different. But that is ok. I like to watch football and I watched the Patriots beat up on the lions it started out as a great game. Then it was off to Old Country Buffet with my mother......


That Taco Salad thing I made was a lot of food and fun but messy to eat I ate like a burrito meaning a I ate the shell and stuff in side at the same time kinda.

Then after that I got home and watched the Half time show... Is it me or does Keith Urban Look like Johny Reznik (lead singer of the goo goo dolls) or maybe he stole his look. So I watched the end of the cowboys game and it was a pretty good game. Then TNA wrestling was pretty good to, yeah they did have it thanksgiving themed some so that was cool.

I did try to buy one thing on black Friday it was a $200 Kodak camera that was 10X Optical zoom and only $99 on sale but online they ran out....

Went to see Faster and then Burlesque. Faster was a pretty good action movie that had a story and muscle cars and that kind of cop thing it was pretty good. I have to admit in terms of Burlesque I'm not really a Cher fan but she was pretty good and looked pretty hot, kinda looked like Vat Von D. Now in Terms of Christina she is amazing all movie long.... I guess if you don't like her singing style you might not like the movie. That is in fact the reason I don't watch American Idol. To Me that show isn't about who can sing. It is about We Like this voice over that voice and it has nothing to do with if someone can sing and play a master riff it is all about this voice and that voice. In any event I really Enjoyed it.

When I left the movies I saw it had snowed for the 1st time this year. The pictures look dark on facebook but decent on the camera not sure how well you can see the snow but here goes....


Right now 464 Gallery is doing something, and I think there is a Tree lighting on Elmwood and carriage rides, and Club Diablo is having a fetish show but I don't feel like treking home in the cold so, I'll go have chunky soup and go watch wrestling plus I'm working on Sat so....

11/24/2010 17:43 #53159

Acceptance isn't Glee Approval
Category: issues
So Last night I really enjoyed Glee. But the odd thing is that I didn't know any of the songs they did. Maybe that was why I liked it since I didn't have the original song in my mind to compare it to that being said there is something wrong with me. The Episode had me laughing and crying I think with the wedding argh....

In Any Event the main part of the story was about the Bullying thing. I kinda wonder if it is more about the bullying then the gay thing. Cause when he transfers schools it isn't just that he is being picked on and is scared it is that there is no Bullying about any thing Zero tolerance...

Last week what got me thinking was that part of the issue with the football player is that he can't come out. Not that he wants to. But as a football player you can't be gay. Now the show didn't really touch on this like I thought they wouldn't, but hey it is just a TV show. But to me they kinda hinted at it. When Kurt didn't mention the kiss and instead said picking on him....

But What I was thinking about some place in the show was that often in life acceptance and approval get kinda mixed up in our minds. I think this is so true with Homosexuality and really any kind of sex that isn't what you are into. I think often times someone thinks that what someone does or is is wrong so they don't approve of who or what they are. But just because you approve of someone doesn't mean you can't still accept who they are and let them be them selves and just not like what they are....

Again this isn't just about homosexuality it is about anything. It could be that you think that pan handler shouldn't bother you and should go get a job (you don't approve of them). But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't accept them as a person or that you are mean to them. I don't think I really have the words to explain what I really mean.

That being said hope everyone enjoys their Holiday weekend!!!