Kapela ze Wsi Warszawa (Warsaw Village Band) - exponents of alternative Polish Folk Music
11/24/2010 23:25 #53163
Generacja nic (Generation Nothing) Category: polish songs
Cool Kids of Death - Generacja nic.
English Translation (quick and dirty):
The light is not in you
Went off like bad dreams
Modern man
It's definitely not you
The light is not in me
Went dark sometime
Modern man
It's definitely not me
I know that together we can achieve a lot
Who has more is right?
And we can create a new generation
Generation Nothing
Generation No
Generation No One
Generation Bad
It can not succeed
It ends
Generation Nothing
Generation No
The light is already not in us
Went dark sometime
The movement is no longer in the eye
This is urban guerrilla warfare
Take everything out of the house
Burn the Bed
break down the door
Build a barricade
Defend yourself to the last drop of blood
The light already is not in us
Burned out
Polish Lyrics:
Światła nie ma w tobie
Zgasło jak złe sny
Nowoczesny człowiek
To na pewno nie Ty
Swiatła nie ma we mnie
Zgasło kiedyś tam
Nowoczesny człowiek
To na pewno nie ja
Wiem że razem można wiele
Kto ma więcej ten ma rację
A my stwórzmy całkiem nową generację
Generacja nic
Generacja nie
Generacja nikt
Generacja źle
To nie może się udać
To się kończy śle
Generacja nic
Generacja nie
Światła już w nas nie ma
Zgasło kiedyś tam
Nie rzucamy się już w oczy
To jest miejska partyzantka
WynieÅ› z domu wszystko
Podpal łóżko
wyważ drzwi
Zbuduj sobie barykadÄ™
Broń się do ostatniej krwi
Światła już w nas nie ma
Wypaliło się
Generacja nic
Generacja nie
Generacja nic
Generacja nie
Generacja nikt
Generacja źle
To nie może się udać
To się kończy śle
Generacja nic
Generacja nie
paul - 11/25/10 12:32 I really like the black white and red styling of the video. It looks like a poster.
11/24/2010 00:00 #53157
Minus Zero Category: polish songs
Talking to (e:tinypliny) about my Polish experience, made me in a fit of Polish madness think that I should do a "Polish Song of the Day" on E-strip even though Warsaw isn't exactly on the Elmwood Strip.
This song is by Lady Pank . The video is directed by Zbigniew Rybczyński
This video references many Polish and American stereotypes both in Poland and in the U.S.
The video was filmed on Battery Park City landfill in lower Manhattan in 1985.
(The English language lyrics have very little to do with the Polish language lyrics). Less Than Zero would be a better translation of the original song title.
Ula models for top magazines
See her smile in her pink limousine
Queen of lipstick, shampoo and suncreams,
She's the fun of every man's dreams
She thinks she's ooh-la-la,
But she's just la-de-da
Minus zero
Flies to Rio when Rio is sunny
Never sweats,'cause she stands in the shade
She's a honey, and brings in the money
Works for pleasure, but always gets paid
She oozes sex appeal,
But she just isn't real
Minus zero
Ula models for top magazines
See her smile in her pink limousine
Queen of lipstick, shampoo and suncreams,
She's the fun of every man's dreams
She thinks she's ooh-la-la,
But she's just la-de-da
Minus zero
metalpeter - 11/24/10 18:04 Love The Pink Tank.......
The Weird Part is the Lyrics you have down there make me think of Paris Hilton for some reason????
uncutsaniflush - 11/24/10 12:57 Poland has a strong art/literary song tradition. I was planning posting some songs in that tradition. As to Classical music, I've often though that Polish musicians were underrated especially when there was an Iron Curtain.
My taste in Polish music tends towards the punk/alternative side with a seasoning of traditional Polish folk music.
(e:tinypliny) - If you can read IPA - the Polish pronunciation for Zbigniew is ˈzbiɡɲɛf. "Zbig" is pronounced like the English "Big" with a "Z" sound before it and "niew" is "nef" with the "e" sound from the English "bed". That's about the best I can do.
tinypliny - 11/24/10 02:07 How exactly do you pronounce "Zbigniew"? I have always wondered?
tinypliny - 11/24/10 02:06 Hehehhehe... Loved it! I am on a Polish song-kick lately. It all started with Jan A. P. Kaczmarak , went on to Zbigniew Preisner and then led on to Piotr Rubik - which, led to Fiolka, Michał Bajor, soprano Małgorzata Walewska and pianist Leszek Możdżer. It's like the season of fine Polish music descended upon us from nowhere and took us unawares in all its magnificence.
10/22/2010 22:51 #53003
11 Years Gone
My mom died a few hours from now 11 years ago. She would have been 71 on August 25.
Here are a few of my favorite photos of her.
She visited the Falls in 1970
My mom and I at a reception in 1974
tinypliny - 10/23/10 21:53 Your mum is so pretty in these pictures. I love the 3rd picture - very 70s-chic dress. :-)
uncutsaniflush - 10/23/10 21:05 Thanks, (e:paul). The fade does give the photos a patina of age. Maybe it is the 21st Century sepia tone.
paul - 10/23/10 12:41 Sorry about your loss, Those are great picture though. At one point I hated how old photos faded but now, it gives them a sense of time.
09/16/2010 11:58 #52757
Drag and Drop Test
OK, this is what I figured out. In the gnome Linux Mint 9, drag and drop does NOT work from the Desktop or if the file manager and firefox windows do not overlap.
But it does work if the file manager and the firefox winows DO overlap.
None of this works on a heavily-patched PCLinuxOS 2007 box with KDE 3.5.9 and Firefox 3.6.9. Because the PCLinuxOS is rather old and very far away from a vanilla install, I reckoned I should try something more modern like Linux Mint.
(e:leetee) suggested that the problem might be that the drag and drop won't be supported from the Desktop so I tried drag and drop from the File Manager on both boxes. Linux Mint worked if the windows overlapped. But, alas, the ancient PCLinuxOS box was just too old and cranky and refused to work. Thank you for all your efforts, (e:paul). I think the mystery is solved. There is no more reason for you to do anything about this. It's a combination of user error and old software.
uncutsaniflush - 09/17/10 22:16 (e:scott) - thank you for the kind words but I always fear that no matter how I try to explain stuff in Linux it is way too geeky. For example, how many average computer users know the difference between a Desktop Environment and a Window Manager? And, more importantly, does it really matter to them? People just want stuff to work. We geeks on the other hand want stuff to work our way.
When I started out with Linux, I was a KDE gui man despite liking lots of Gnome suite apps. These days I have to say that I like the newer Gnome better than the KDE 4+ desktops. But, ironically enough, I tend to prefer KDE suite apps. Go figure.
I love E17 (Enlightenment DR17). I'm sad to say that right I don't have a box that is running E17 because I've been compiling it from source lately and I just don't have time and energy to deal with that.
Any old way, again thank you for the kind words. As you can see, I can ramble on about Linux. I'm a bit of an absent-minded professor. My train of thought often makes unscheduled stops.
scott - 09/17/10 14:17 Excellent summary of the different players (kernel vs desktop env) in linux for the non-linux user. Well said! (You should write those up in a separate post of their own!)
uncutsaniflush - 09/17/10 13:54 (e:tinypliny) - Gnome and KDE are both desktop environments who have their own suites of apps. In a way, they are the Coke and Pepsi of Linux Desktop environments. There are others but they are the most popular.
These days gnome and kde apps play well with each other. And I've not had any problems using Gnome apps in KDE and visa-versa since 2001 or 20002.
In general terms, in Linux, you can use any Gnome or KDE app with any desktop environment (Gnome, KDE, lxde, xfce, etc), desktop shell (Enlightenment DR17 (my personal fave), etc.), or windows manager (Window Maker, fluxbox, etc.) as long as you have access to the supporting toolkit libraries. And these days, most distros have pre-compiled library binaries available. Of course, if you are geeky, you could just compile stuff even if your favie distro doesn't have libraries for ready download.
I hope that answered your question and didn't confuse you more.
tinypliny - 09/17/10 12:49 Since you are explaining stuff, where exactly do Gnome and KDE stand in this hierarchy of things? Can things made for Gnome run in KDE based systems and vice versa?
uncutsaniflush - 09/17/10 12:27 (e:paul) - If you think about it Linux isn't an operating system, it's a kernel. To me that is one of Linux's greatest strengths and one of its greatest weaknesses.
Because it is an implementation of a kernel with user space api's, anyone and everyone can make their own Linux and developers aren't limited by what the other developers are doing. While both Fedora and Ubuntu are operating systems using the Linux kernel, they aren't "Linux" in the same way that MS Windows is Windows and osX is osX. A better way to look at it is that Fedora is Fedora and Ubuntu is Ubuntu, etc. But,of course, you already knew that.
On an enterprise level, the lack of standards can cause problems. That's why the Linux Standard Base :::link::: was started.
When I first used Linux in another century, cut and paste was a real problem. Even if your distro could run gnome and kde apps, you couldn't always cut and paste between them. If memory serves it was because of qt and gtk not playing together well.
paul - 09/16/10 15:50 Isn't it so crazy how crazy this stuff can get because of minor differences in Linux. Sadly, this is exactly why big software companies don't want to support Linux.
I really like the black white and red styling of the video. It looks like a poster.