But first I think the opening band was called The Thermidors . I thought they where very good.... The Point is some opening bands are great and some are ok, I think they all have talent it is just if you like how they use that talent. Some people don't watch opening bands and that kinda pisses me off. You know that band you came to see well they where the opener at some time in some tiny place that no one except people in that city know of. Yes for some bands that is years and for some it is weeks but that is beside the point. Watch the openers there have been tours where the next year they where the headliners........
now onto Shonen Knife from last night
Well I think those pictures are a good sampling , it was a great time everyone should go out and see bands at bars (you don't have to drink) and if you can support local bands you like, not sure if the opener was local in this case......
it was a good time. I think it was put together by someone who wasn't Carey and that is why it wasn't really mentioned on here......
I love fat bobs. I wish we could have made it. I didn't know until about it until it we were already somewhere else.