So On friday night had a great celebrating (e:theecarey)'s birthday. First time at Fat Bob's Steak house. The food was very good and the bar afterwards was nice also. Plus there was hot wait staff and bartenders that distacted me. Before that though I went to see Resident Evil Afterlife in 3D. I thought it was preatty good and really thought Ali Larter was amazing but yes I do like her in her many roles from Heroes.
Got caught up on Sons of Anacrachy that was flun.
Saturday was the Sabres Puck drop and liked the open practic and scimage and the new Sweeters. I really like the white ones that look like the old ones.....
Watched and really enjoyed the start of Board walk empire.
Tonight HOuse starts. Tuesday going to a glee party that should be a good time.
Football was fun even with the bills lose....
Liked WWE night of Champions........
Sure I left out details about entertainment but this is just what came to me quickly.
Oh yeah sleeping in on friday does that count........
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/20/2010 18:35 #52791
weekend entertainmentCategory: enterrainment
09/07/2010 19:56 #52678
Dancing at Festival of the Arts UPDATEDCategory: summer
So the elmwood festival of the arts is a sign summer is almost over, but it was a great time. It used to be for me Edge Fest. Yes when they had it down at the park. It was fun But it was sad cause it meant summer was over. Well summer for me Even though there is a peach festival I guess is over on Saturday with Music Is Art (yes I need to look up the acts from links on their facebook page, and get another battery and another Memory card). Then Summer is really over cause the Regular season of football starts on sunday. I think it kicks off on thursday.
Sunday at Elmwood Festival of the arts was my dance day. I don't remember if there where any kids but I don't think so here are some pictures from that........
Sorry can't post the pictures one of my sis friends cleaned up the computer and the pictures are gone, dude those aren't your pictures to get rid of, but what I can't figure out is if they got deleted why aren't they in the recycle bin maybe they are some place on the external hardrive that I can't find, I swear no fucking respect for someone elses files, fuck....
UPDATE:FOUND THE FILES good thing she did transfer them since the computer got fried I just want to go buy one and soon.....
UPDATE: When I couldn't find the files I put this into private mode
Update: not sure if wehen and how MIA pictures and pictures of (e:Drew)'s and chicken wing festival and (e:theecarey)'s birthday last night are all going to get up here but we shall see being the Peterazzi isn't all fun and games that reminds me anyone remember HOt or Not? Or rate my Picture was that an adult one? Ok to the pictures

IE Sucks but I have no choice right now, this is the 2nd post of mine this happened to I upload photos and about the first set up pictures shows up, now where they show up with the names and the little picture there is no picture and they don't appear in the post ah fuck this means they won't show up in the post argh........................ Oh yeah and they all say 100%

well i uploaded 12 pictures and only one of them showed up oh well no picture posts till chrome
Sunday at Elmwood Festival of the arts was my dance day. I don't remember if there where any kids but I don't think so here are some pictures from that........
Sorry can't post the pictures one of my sis friends cleaned up the computer and the pictures are gone, dude those aren't your pictures to get rid of, but what I can't figure out is if they got deleted why aren't they in the recycle bin maybe they are some place on the external hardrive that I can't find, I swear no fucking respect for someone elses files, fuck....
UPDATE:FOUND THE FILES good thing she did transfer them since the computer got fried I just want to go buy one and soon.....
UPDATE: When I couldn't find the files I put this into private mode
Update: not sure if wehen and how MIA pictures and pictures of (e:Drew)'s and chicken wing festival and (e:theecarey)'s birthday last night are all going to get up here but we shall see being the Peterazzi isn't all fun and games that reminds me anyone remember HOt or Not? Or rate my Picture was that an adult one? Ok to the pictures
IE Sucks but I have no choice right now, this is the 2nd post of mine this happened to I upload photos and about the first set up pictures shows up, now where they show up with the names and the little picture there is no picture and they don't appear in the post ah fuck this means they won't show up in the post argh........................ Oh yeah and they all say 100%
well i uploaded 12 pictures and only one of them showed up oh well no picture posts till chrome
metalpeter - 09/07/10 19:59
I found them burried but they are there, that would have been a fight, ok time to go
I found them burried but they are there, that would have been a fight, ok time to go
09/03/2010 19:56 #52645
Elmwood Festival Of the ArtsCategory: photos
Thought some people might like to see a few pictures from this event that I went to for 2 days here is day 1

I thought that both Left on Red and The Skiffle Minstrels where both very good, well that is it for my time hope everyone has a great weekend... I'm looking forward to both Miss Buffalo Wing and the Eating Championship on Sunday hoping to try some wings on Sat.....
I thought that both Left on Red and The Skiffle Minstrels where both very good, well that is it for my time hope everyone has a great weekend... I'm looking forward to both Miss Buffalo Wing and the Eating Championship on Sunday hoping to try some wings on Sat.....
09/06/2010 17:38 #52671
Way To Young For MakeupCategory: sex
So Something Happened Yesterday at The National Buffalo Chicken Wing Festival that I can't put into words, but it expresses something that I have had some trouble with in the past and still feel it is kinda wrong.
NBA Teams, LaCrosse Teams and some hockey teams have some kind of Dance Team type of Cheerleaders. It is pretty common. Lets face it guys and some girls like to watch curvy girls (who also support the team) move in that way. The Bandettes had what the call Jr. Bandettes. If you want your kid to learn how to do that fine, but and here is the but. You have to sit there and watch the moves and how they dress and how they are made up. This are kids they shouldn't be dancing to Suggestive music and be made up like some girl on the chip strip trying to take a guy or two home.... Not so much with them as with dance but some of that stuff might not be right for kids. Remember they will at some point be out dancing in front of all the fans and some who want the other team to win. Once they are on that public stage anyone who wants can video (it will be on the jumbo tron) and take pictures. Once you let your child do that, all that is fair game......
I'm not picking on the Badettes at all, I think the last time they did it they had a family show and the girls where dressed like how they should be. That being said there are many festivals that have kids dancing in public where they are recorded. This is never a problem with the Irish Dancers they all ways have those outfits on that, cover everything and if there is some make up it just goes along with the hair, it isn't like they are trying to be some model on some magazine.....
I love Music Is Art and their Festival and it is coming up on Saturday. There is a lot of dancing in it. What worries me is that they are going to have some young kids trying to look like adults. I'm sorry that is just wrong. Why would (like fathers with kids in sports) force your Daughter (yes sometimes) to dance and go with the Pageant look (picture that ramsey girl who vanished). I'm sorry that just isn't right. I'm not saying they shouldn't dance, just don't dress them up that way. Dancing isn't about sex or being alluring but some dances are and those kids shouldn't be doing . Often times people don't listen to lyrics a good example of this is the Janet Jackson thing. That entire song is very sexual if people where listening they would have turned the channel before the boob came out. So the boob is bad but all the suggestive lyrics are ok? What. But see what happened fits into what the song is about.
So here is what happened .At the national Buffalo Chicken wing Festival they have a main stage where they have acts. On sunday I get there early and get my spot so I can watch the Miss Buffalo Wing contest. Before the contest starts they have dancers come out. You have video people putting it on the big board, and all kinds of other Video and photo graph people. So then after the contest starts along the way between Events they bring out dancers. One of them I couldn't watch hardly you could see her ribs and she had way to much make up on, she was pretty good, but I got the feeling she was forced into dance (the rib thing). So during one of the performances some dude and his son (looking at me like he thinks he's a tough guy). If I'm person I wish I was that kid would would be out cold for that look. Now the second he tried to block my shot I should have said hey ass hole your blocking my shot, there is a Pageant going on here, I also wish I could have thought of something to say to provoke those two to hit me. I would have loved to seen them taken off in handcuffs and shown whom ever they know how out of line they where, not to mention all the news people/media. But I couldn't think of the fact that most kidnapping and that kind of thing is by people or the parents know. The guy pretty much said that what Business did I have taking pictures of kids. I told him I take pictures of everything, what I should have said was this. "Sir you see that stage, well that is a video Camera and you see that Camera guy, if you don't like your daughter being recorded don't have her on stage " Then he threatens me to walk away. I should have called him out and here is why.
He tried to say with out saying it that I'm a sicko. Like I came there to get off to little kids then threatens me. I have no respect for a person like that. All he had to do was come and talk like a man not an animal. "Dude see that girl there that is so and so Ijust ask that you not take any more pictures of her and don't post any, see that I could respect. But he wants to assume and Judge me, so fuck him. If he spoke to me like a man then I would not post pictures and that would be the end of it. Did he not see me take pictures of the Models?
The point is if you put your child into any form of entertainment. If you can't handle them being recorded then don't put them on a stage. If you have a kid that dances look at the outfits before hand, and know the songs and the dance steps. Remember that they will be doing this in public and you have no control over who watches them. Also you need to know what the performances are part of. As Much as I like "The Wing Festival" Looking back I have to say 1. I'm all for Pagents and think that they are good for women but still are very sexaul. 2. Cause of 1 kids shouldn't dance at them..........
NBA Teams, LaCrosse Teams and some hockey teams have some kind of Dance Team type of Cheerleaders. It is pretty common. Lets face it guys and some girls like to watch curvy girls (who also support the team) move in that way. The Bandettes had what the call Jr. Bandettes. If you want your kid to learn how to do that fine, but and here is the but. You have to sit there and watch the moves and how they dress and how they are made up. This are kids they shouldn't be dancing to Suggestive music and be made up like some girl on the chip strip trying to take a guy or two home.... Not so much with them as with dance but some of that stuff might not be right for kids. Remember they will at some point be out dancing in front of all the fans and some who want the other team to win. Once they are on that public stage anyone who wants can video (it will be on the jumbo tron) and take pictures. Once you let your child do that, all that is fair game......
I'm not picking on the Badettes at all, I think the last time they did it they had a family show and the girls where dressed like how they should be. That being said there are many festivals that have kids dancing in public where they are recorded. This is never a problem with the Irish Dancers they all ways have those outfits on that, cover everything and if there is some make up it just goes along with the hair, it isn't like they are trying to be some model on some magazine.....
I love Music Is Art and their Festival and it is coming up on Saturday. There is a lot of dancing in it. What worries me is that they are going to have some young kids trying to look like adults. I'm sorry that is just wrong. Why would (like fathers with kids in sports) force your Daughter (yes sometimes) to dance and go with the Pageant look (picture that ramsey girl who vanished). I'm sorry that just isn't right. I'm not saying they shouldn't dance, just don't dress them up that way. Dancing isn't about sex or being alluring but some dances are and those kids shouldn't be doing . Often times people don't listen to lyrics a good example of this is the Janet Jackson thing. That entire song is very sexual if people where listening they would have turned the channel before the boob came out. So the boob is bad but all the suggestive lyrics are ok? What. But see what happened fits into what the song is about.
So here is what happened .At the national Buffalo Chicken wing Festival they have a main stage where they have acts. On sunday I get there early and get my spot so I can watch the Miss Buffalo Wing contest. Before the contest starts they have dancers come out. You have video people putting it on the big board, and all kinds of other Video and photo graph people. So then after the contest starts along the way between Events they bring out dancers. One of them I couldn't watch hardly you could see her ribs and she had way to much make up on, she was pretty good, but I got the feeling she was forced into dance (the rib thing). So during one of the performances some dude and his son (looking at me like he thinks he's a tough guy). If I'm person I wish I was that kid would would be out cold for that look. Now the second he tried to block my shot I should have said hey ass hole your blocking my shot, there is a Pageant going on here, I also wish I could have thought of something to say to provoke those two to hit me. I would have loved to seen them taken off in handcuffs and shown whom ever they know how out of line they where, not to mention all the news people/media. But I couldn't think of the fact that most kidnapping and that kind of thing is by people or the parents know. The guy pretty much said that what Business did I have taking pictures of kids. I told him I take pictures of everything, what I should have said was this. "Sir you see that stage, well that is a video Camera and you see that Camera guy, if you don't like your daughter being recorded don't have her on stage " Then he threatens me to walk away. I should have called him out and here is why.
He tried to say with out saying it that I'm a sicko. Like I came there to get off to little kids then threatens me. I have no respect for a person like that. All he had to do was come and talk like a man not an animal. "Dude see that girl there that is so and so Ijust ask that you not take any more pictures of her and don't post any, see that I could respect. But he wants to assume and Judge me, so fuck him. If he spoke to me like a man then I would not post pictures and that would be the end of it. Did he not see me take pictures of the Models?
The point is if you put your child into any form of entertainment. If you can't handle them being recorded then don't put them on a stage. If you have a kid that dances look at the outfits before hand, and know the songs and the dance steps. Remember that they will be doing this in public and you have no control over who watches them. Also you need to know what the performances are part of. As Much as I like "The Wing Festival" Looking back I have to say 1. I'm all for Pagents and think that they are good for women but still are very sexaul. 2. Cause of 1 kids shouldn't dance at them..........
metalpeter - 09/07/10 19:06
In this case I don't think the dances where bad or suggestive but on one of the acts I think it was an outfit for people who are older. Now some would say they are just kids and they haven't developed yet. But see when you have kids dress in a two piece out fit you are training them to dress like that. Don't get me wrong everyone should be proud of who they are and what they have (when they older), kids need to be kids and have fun and play. Yes it is good to have kids compete. I think Dancing can be great for kids but it has to be age appropriate.
I can understand how someone could see a Guy by himself and assume he is a sicko. I could see how someone could walk buy and not want someone to have pictures that aren't from "The Media". I will admit I have seen ladies who look around that not legal age with some guy and wondered if that is dad or "Something Else" But that is between those two people. It is the way you present your self. If the son (again here I am judging) looked like he likes to bully people and is over protective of sis and go on dates with her or spies on her, not in the dirty way in the over protective way. That I can get a little bit. But you talk to the person, or better yet here is what you do, you go talk to security. Maybe they told him to fuck off, like I should have. He also knew not to touch me or the camera though.....
Just to finish up what happened I went to the side of the stage and watched the talent and then when back to see more. On a side note a guy came back who was filming and he had a mic that said the dude was really funny during when the Ladies where being interviewed, he was great.
(e:paul) in terms of the blog being up twice I was having problems with Chrome. I seem to get messages a lot about Having problems with a site and do you want to wait or kill the page.......
In this case I don't think the dances where bad or suggestive but on one of the acts I think it was an outfit for people who are older. Now some would say they are just kids and they haven't developed yet. But see when you have kids dress in a two piece out fit you are training them to dress like that. Don't get me wrong everyone should be proud of who they are and what they have (when they older), kids need to be kids and have fun and play. Yes it is good to have kids compete. I think Dancing can be great for kids but it has to be age appropriate.
I can understand how someone could see a Guy by himself and assume he is a sicko. I could see how someone could walk buy and not want someone to have pictures that aren't from "The Media". I will admit I have seen ladies who look around that not legal age with some guy and wondered if that is dad or "Something Else" But that is between those two people. It is the way you present your self. If the son (again here I am judging) looked like he likes to bully people and is over protective of sis and go on dates with her or spies on her, not in the dirty way in the over protective way. That I can get a little bit. But you talk to the person, or better yet here is what you do, you go talk to security. Maybe they told him to fuck off, like I should have. He also knew not to touch me or the camera though.....
Just to finish up what happened I went to the side of the stage and watched the talent and then when back to see more. On a side note a guy came back who was filming and he had a mic that said the dude was really funny during when the Ladies where being interviewed, he was great.
(e:paul) in terms of the blog being up twice I was having problems with Chrome. I seem to get messages a lot about Having problems with a site and do you want to wait or kill the page.......
ladycroft - 09/07/10 04:45
that sucks! frankly i'm glad they DIDN'T hit you, even though i'm sure you would have liked to see them publicly shamed for being jerks. if you were a woman there would be no issue at all, and that's irritating.
that sucks! frankly i'm glad they DIDN'T hit you, even though i'm sure you would have liked to see them publicly shamed for being jerks. if you were a woman there would be no issue at all, and that's irritating.
paul - 09/06/10 22:49
I typed that from my phone, sorry about the typos, etc. It should have said, "How doe she know you weren't going to comment on how you were upset that girls of that age were doing such suggestive dances"
I typed that from my phone, sorry about the typos, etc. It should have said, "How doe she know you weren't going to comment on how you were upset that girls of that age were doing such suggestive dances"
paul - 09/06/10 19:42
Sorry to hear that (e:metalpeter). I am tired of people assuming everyone is out to photograph them for some devious plot and not to just document their experiences. I mean they have to realize it is very common now for many people to post just about everything they see.
How does he know you were going to comment on you were upset that girls of that age were doing such suggestive dances. I didn't see the costumes or the outfits so I can't say for sure but I agree, if you don't want other people taking pictures of your daughters in dressed up like sluts, doing sexually suggestive moves on stage - then don't dress them that way and have them perform like that at the festival. I wish I was there. I would have videotaped him acting like a jerk to you and we could have posted the whole thing right from there.
I think this video, that rocked that the nation says it all :::link:::
P.S. You have two copies of this blog posted.
Sorry to hear that (e:metalpeter). I am tired of people assuming everyone is out to photograph them for some devious plot and not to just document their experiences. I mean they have to realize it is very common now for many people to post just about everything they see.
How does he know you were going to comment on you were upset that girls of that age were doing such suggestive dances. I didn't see the costumes or the outfits so I can't say for sure but I agree, if you don't want other people taking pictures of your daughters in dressed up like sluts, doing sexually suggestive moves on stage - then don't dress them that way and have them perform like that at the festival. I wish I was there. I would have videotaped him acting like a jerk to you and we could have posted the whole thing right from there.
I think this video, that rocked that the nation says it all :::link:::
P.S. You have two copies of this blog posted.
09/06/2010 17:38 #52670
Way To Young For MakeupCategory: sex
So Something Happened Yesterday at The National Buffalo Chicken Wing Festival that I can't put into words, but it expresses something that I have had some trouble with in the past and still feel it is kinda wrong.
NBA Teams, LaCrosse Teams and some hockey teams have some kind of Dance Team type of Cheerleaders. It is pretty common. Lets face it guys and some girls like to watch curvy girls (who also support the team) move in that way. The Bandettes had what the call Jr. Bandettes. If you want your kid to learn how to do that fine, but and here is the but. You have to sit there and watch the moves and how they dress and how they are made up. This are kids they shouldn't be dancing to Suggestive music and be made up like some girl on the chip strip trying to take a guy or two home.... Not so much with them as with dance but some of that stuff might not be right for kids. Remember they will at some point be out dancing in front of all the fans and some who want the other team to win. Once they are on that public stage anyone who wants can video (it will be on the jumbo tron) and take pictures. Once you let your child do that, all that is fair game......
I'm not picking on the Badettes at all, I think the last time they did it they had a family show and the girls where dressed like how they should be. That being said there are many festivals that have kids dancing in public where they are recorded. This is never a problem with the Irish Dancers they all ways have those outfits on that, cover everything and if there is some make up it just goes along with the hair, it isn't like they are trying to be some model on some magazine.....
I love Music Is Art and their Festival and it is coming up on Saturday. There is a lot of dancing in it. What worries me is that they are going to have some young kids trying to look like adults. I'm sorry that is just wrong. Why would (like fathers with kids in sports) force your Daughter (yes sometimes) to dance and go with the Pageant look (picture that ramsey girl who vanished). I'm sorry that just isn't right. I'm not saying they shouldn't dance, just don't dress them up that way. Dancing isn't about sex or being alluring but some dances are and those kids shouldn't be doing . Often times people don't listen to lyrics a good example of this is the Janet Jackson thing. That entire song is very sexual if people where listening they would have turned the channel before the boob came out. So the boob is bad but all the suggestive lyrics are ok? What. But see what happened fits into what the song is about.
So here is what happened .At the national Buffalo Chicken wing Festival they have a main stage where they have acts. On sunday I get there early and get my spot so I can watch the Miss Buffalo Wing contest. Before the contest starts they have dancers come out. You have video people putting it on the big board, and all kinds of other Video and photo graph people. So then after the contest starts along the way between Events they bring out dancers. One of them I couldn't watch hardly you could see her ribs and she had way to much make up on, she was pretty good, but I got the feeling she was forced into dance (the rib thing). So during one of the performances some dude and his son (looking at me like he thinks he's a tough guy). If I'm person I wish I was that kid would would be out cold for that look. Now the second he tried to block my shot I should have said hey ass hole your blocking my shot, there is a Pageant going on here, I also wish I could have thought of something to say to provoke those two to hit me. I would have loved to seen them taken off in handcuffs and shown whom ever they know how out of line they where, not to mention all the news people/media. But I couldn't think of the fact that most kidnapping and that kind of thing is by people or the parents know. The guy pretty much said that what Business did I have taking pictures of kids. I told him I take pictures of everything, what I should have said was this. "Sir you see that stage, well that is a video Camera and you see that Camera guy, if you don't like your daughter being recorded don't have her on stage " Then he threatens me to walk away. I should have called him out and here is why.
He tried to say with out saying it that I'm a sicko. Like I came there to get off to little kids then threatens me. I have no respect for a person like that. All he had to do was come and talk like a man not an animal. "Dude see that girl there that is so and so Ijust ask that you not take any more pictures of her and don't post any, see that I could respect. But he wants to assume and Judge me, so fuck him. If he spoke to me like a man then I would not post pictures and that would be the end of it. Did he not see me take pictures of the Models?
The point is if you put your child into any form of entertainment. If you can't handle them being recorded then don't put them on a stage. If you have a kid that dances look at the outfits before hand, and know the songs and the dance steps. Remember that they will be doing this in public and you have no control over who watches them. Also you need to know what the performances are part of. As Much as I like "The Wing Festival" Looking back I have to say 1. I'm all for Pagents and think that they are good for women but still are very sexaul. 2. Cause of 1 kids shouldn't dance at them..........
NBA Teams, LaCrosse Teams and some hockey teams have some kind of Dance Team type of Cheerleaders. It is pretty common. Lets face it guys and some girls like to watch curvy girls (who also support the team) move in that way. The Bandettes had what the call Jr. Bandettes. If you want your kid to learn how to do that fine, but and here is the but. You have to sit there and watch the moves and how they dress and how they are made up. This are kids they shouldn't be dancing to Suggestive music and be made up like some girl on the chip strip trying to take a guy or two home.... Not so much with them as with dance but some of that stuff might not be right for kids. Remember they will at some point be out dancing in front of all the fans and some who want the other team to win. Once they are on that public stage anyone who wants can video (it will be on the jumbo tron) and take pictures. Once you let your child do that, all that is fair game......
I'm not picking on the Badettes at all, I think the last time they did it they had a family show and the girls where dressed like how they should be. That being said there are many festivals that have kids dancing in public where they are recorded. This is never a problem with the Irish Dancers they all ways have those outfits on that, cover everything and if there is some make up it just goes along with the hair, it isn't like they are trying to be some model on some magazine.....
I love Music Is Art and their Festival and it is coming up on Saturday. There is a lot of dancing in it. What worries me is that they are going to have some young kids trying to look like adults. I'm sorry that is just wrong. Why would (like fathers with kids in sports) force your Daughter (yes sometimes) to dance and go with the Pageant look (picture that ramsey girl who vanished). I'm sorry that just isn't right. I'm not saying they shouldn't dance, just don't dress them up that way. Dancing isn't about sex or being alluring but some dances are and those kids shouldn't be doing . Often times people don't listen to lyrics a good example of this is the Janet Jackson thing. That entire song is very sexual if people where listening they would have turned the channel before the boob came out. So the boob is bad but all the suggestive lyrics are ok? What. But see what happened fits into what the song is about.
So here is what happened .At the national Buffalo Chicken wing Festival they have a main stage where they have acts. On sunday I get there early and get my spot so I can watch the Miss Buffalo Wing contest. Before the contest starts they have dancers come out. You have video people putting it on the big board, and all kinds of other Video and photo graph people. So then after the contest starts along the way between Events they bring out dancers. One of them I couldn't watch hardly you could see her ribs and she had way to much make up on, she was pretty good, but I got the feeling she was forced into dance (the rib thing). So during one of the performances some dude and his son (looking at me like he thinks he's a tough guy). If I'm person I wish I was that kid would would be out cold for that look. Now the second he tried to block my shot I should have said hey ass hole your blocking my shot, there is a Pageant going on here, I also wish I could have thought of something to say to provoke those two to hit me. I would have loved to seen them taken off in handcuffs and shown whom ever they know how out of line they where, not to mention all the news people/media. But I couldn't think of the fact that most kidnapping and that kind of thing is by people or the parents know. The guy pretty much said that what Business did I have taking pictures of kids. I told him I take pictures of everything, what I should have said was this. "Sir you see that stage, well that is a video Camera and you see that Camera guy, if you don't like your daughter being recorded don't have her on stage " Then he threatens me to walk away. I should have called him out and here is why.
He tried to say with out saying it that I'm a sicko. Like I came there to get off to little kids then threatens me. I have no respect for a person like that. All he had to do was come and talk like a man not an animal. "Dude see that girl there that is so and so Ijust ask that you not take any more pictures of her and don't post any, see that I could respect. But he wants to assume and Judge me, so fuck him. If he spoke to me like a man then I would not post pictures and that would be the end of it. Did he not see me take pictures of the Models?
The point is if you put your child into any form of entertainment. If you can't handle them being recorded then don't put them on a stage. If you have a kid that dances look at the outfits before hand, and know the songs and the dance steps. Remember that they will be doing this in public and you have no control over who watches them. Also you need to know what the performances are part of. As Much as I like "The Wing Festival" Looking back I have to say 1. I'm all for Pagents and think that they are good for women but still are very sexaul. 2. Cause of 1 kids shouldn't dance at them..........
Well I try. I'm still not sure how I held down all the alcohol on friday it seemed like a lot for me. That being said there is that part of me that wishes instead of knowing what was on tv I was out snow boarding, or being a Player at a college bar or something. I think everyone does enjoy life but in their own way, some people are work a holics and they love to be there................
You sure do enjoy life, (e:metalpeter)!