So the elmwood festival of the arts is a sign summer is almost over, but it was a great time. It used to be for me Edge Fest. Yes when they had it down at the park. It was fun But it was sad cause it meant summer was over. Well summer for me Even though there is a peach festival I guess is over on Saturday with Music Is Art (yes I need to look up the acts from links on their facebook page, and get another battery and another Memory card). Then Summer is really over cause the Regular season of football starts on sunday. I think it kicks off on thursday.
Sunday at Elmwood Festival of the arts was my dance day. I don't remember if there where any kids but I don't think so here are some pictures from that........
Sorry can't post the pictures one of my sis friends cleaned up the computer and the pictures are gone, dude those aren't your pictures to get rid of, but what I can't figure out is if they got deleted why aren't they in the recycle bin maybe they are some place on the external hardrive that I can't find, I swear no fucking respect for someone elses files, fuck....
UPDATE:FOUND THE FILES good thing she did transfer them since the computer got fried I just want to go buy one and soon.....
UPDATE: When I couldn't find the files I put this into private mode
Update: not sure if wehen and how MIA pictures and pictures of
(e:Drew)'s and chicken wing festival and
(e:theecarey)'s birthday last night are all going to get up here but we shall see being the Peterazzi isn't all fun and games that reminds me anyone remember HOt or Not? Or rate my Picture was that an adult one? Ok to the pictures
IE Sucks but I have no choice right now, this is the 2nd post of mine this happened to I upload photos and about the first set up pictures shows up, now where they show up with the names and the little picture there is no picture and they don't appear in the post ah fuck this means they won't show up in the post argh........................ Oh yeah and they all say 100%
well i uploaded 12 pictures and only one of them showed up oh well no picture posts till chrome
1. It was a good time thanks to the hosts and everyone that brought something
2. It was nice that I wasn't the only one taking pictures
3. the fuzy or kind of Yellowish is from not using a flash problem with a flash is that if there isn't enough of it things come out dark or you get red eye, plus if it is dark the flash seems bright
4. For the Facebookers these are also posted on there as well
5, The Short Hair does look nice
I think I covered every thing, oh yeah I did get full at one part and thought man that is to bad that food really looks good. Oh yeah the drink Sunny D makes some kind of strawberry type red drink and it mixed great with the champagne
great lookin party, wish I wasn't laboring that day
Ya (e:janelle) looks great with short hair.
(e:janelle) - you look absolutely stunning. "rock" might be an understatement. Who is Buffawatt? The nephew of the Buffalo electric company?
Thanks metalpeter for the great pictures!
@(e:Libertad), Thank you! I like to rock the short cut every once in a while.
OMG Buffawhat was at (e:drew) and (e:janelle)'s house! Whoa. (e:janelle) is looking very good. Like the haircut.