This was a great time it really was.
Yes I can admit that I did get distracted a few times by the hot lady with pig tails and a great ass as Fat Bob's Smoke House and then the bartenders over at the bar as well. I found it odd that, that same bar was in the news recently for having some networking event there. Food was great, company was great, drinks where great.
Oh yeah the look to the pictures: I have a high speed setting that I use. Yes if anyone moves it becomes kinda blurry or ghostly. But a flash in dark places hurts the eyes. Also sometimes it can make shadows and you can't really see everything.
Ok 1 of the 9 pictures showed up that I took before the event so putting this into private mode........
Well now I'm using chrome and it is much later and I don't see the drop files spot so I'm going to try and upload pictures and see what happens..........
Ok one picture showed up of the 10 lets try something else here
it was a good time. I think it was put together by someone who wasn't Carey and that is why it wasn't really mentioned on here......
I love fat bobs. I wish we could have made it. I didn't know until about it until it we were already somewhere else.