More photos from the not-sand-run-falls hike
(e:heidi,52710) &
What a cool mushroom, just hanging out on a dead branch.
Boney pile
Pine tree yellowed from the highly acidic shale that it's growing in.
Acid mine drainage pond above Babb's Creek. As the water moves down the mountain, it hits
various treatment facilities but wow it's gross. And stinky.
We took a break here.
A nice August sunset shot from the visitors center on Rt. 15 S near Tioga, Pa.
They look good.
looks tasty, now the fun part eating them all
Food coloring. McCormick now has neon colors! purple, green, pink and blue. i used the purple and then added some pink & blue. It's going to be sensory conflict, but i like purple. and mint. :-)
What turned the frosting purple?!