Heidi's Journal
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09/23/2010 17:49 #52823
Hot Dog Eating ContestCategory: home
Blossburg, PA, Sept. 24 - Blossburg V.I.B.E. will host a hot dog eating contest at the Blossburg Fall Festival Sunday, Oct. 17. Registration begins at 1:00 p.m. with the contest starting at 1:30 p.m. at Riverside Plaza. A $5 registration fee includes a t-shirt and all the hot dogs a contestant can eat in five minutes.
The winner will receive an award belt, the honor of being Blossburg's Top Dog, and a chance to defend the title at the contest next year.
Bloss Holiday Market is donating hot dogs and buns. Shane Nickerson will provide bite-by-bite commentary for the audience. The competition is open to anyone age 16 or over.
Sponsored by Blossburg V.I.B.E., the Fall Festival will be held from noon to 5:00 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 17, at Riverside Plaza. The festival includes Keith Lindie's special hay ride sponsored by William B. Wilson American Legion Post 572, food and craft vendors, local organizations, music, pumpkin painting, raffles, and more family fun.
Interested vendors and nonprofit organizations may visit www.blossburg.org/fallfest for an application or contact Jackie Smith at 570-xxx-xxxx.
Created in 2004, Blossburg V.I.B.E. (Visions in Business & Entertainment) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that envisions, plans and implements projects to enhance the quality of life for those who live, work, play or attend school in Blossburg. Visit www.blossburg.org/vibe for more information.
09/18/2010 18:07 #52779
CupcakesCategory: food
Chocolate cupcakes with creme de menthe frosting. they take a long time but they're so fun!

libertad - 09/18/10 22:27
They look good.
They look good.
metalpeter - 09/18/10 19:14
looks tasty, now the fun part eating them all
looks tasty, now the fun part eating them all
heidi - 09/18/10 18:46
Food coloring. McCormick now has neon colors! purple, green, pink and blue. i used the purple and then added some pink & blue. It's going to be sensory conflict, but i like purple. and mint. :-)
Food coloring. McCormick now has neon colors! purple, green, pink and blue. i used the purple and then added some pink & blue. It's going to be sensory conflict, but i like purple. and mint. :-)
jbeatty - 09/18/10 18:30
What turned the frosting purple?!
What turned the frosting purple?!
09/16/2010 18:43 #52761
Lamp needs shadeCategory: testing
(e:Matthew), do you have any suggestions for a style of shade for this lamp?

heidi - 10/05/10 18:55
Lampshades are expensive :-p I went to Target and Lowes looking for shades - they had great prices ($12-25) but the bell-shaped ones were only in a kinda dark tan, not a light cream. I'll keep poking around.
Lampshades are expensive :-p I went to Target and Lowes looking for shades - they had great prices ($12-25) but the bell-shaped ones were only in a kinda dark tan, not a light cream. I'll keep poking around.
matthew - 09/27/10 11:14
I don't know of any local places except the Royallight on Sheridan Dr. In tonawanda. I find lampshades to be surprisingly expensive.
I don't know of any local places except the Royallight on Sheridan Dr. In tonawanda. I find lampshades to be surprisingly expensive.
heidi - 09/22/10 12:30
ooooh i really like that. Do you know of somewhere local that sells lots of lampshades? Thanks!
ooooh i really like that. Do you know of somewhere local that sells lots of lampshades? Thanks!
tinypliny - 09/16/10 19:04
That's a tough lamp to fit with a shade. How about a solid red shade?
That's a tough lamp to fit with a shade. How about a solid red shade?
09/16/2010 18:25 #52760
Acid Mine Drainage ickCategory: home
More photos from the not-sand-run-falls hike (e:heidi,52710) & (e:heidi,52714)
What a cool mushroom, just hanging out on a dead branch.

Boney pile

Pine tree yellowed from the highly acidic shale that it's growing in.

Acid mine drainage pond above Babb's Creek. As the water moves down the mountain, it hits various treatment facilities but wow it's gross. And stinky.

We took a break here.

A nice August sunset shot from the visitors center on Rt. 15 S near Tioga, Pa.

What a cool mushroom, just hanging out on a dead branch.

Boney pile

Pine tree yellowed from the highly acidic shale that it's growing in.

Acid mine drainage pond above Babb's Creek. As the water moves down the mountain, it hits various treatment facilities but wow it's gross. And stinky.

We took a break here.

A nice August sunset shot from the visitors center on Rt. 15 S near Tioga, Pa.

tinypliny - 09/16/10 18:39
I love the sunset shot!
I love the sunset shot!
09/16/2010 18:04 #52759
George Eastman House & Mt. Hope CemeteryCategory: tourism
I had a lovely adventure in Rochester with several (e:peeps) and a Casey at the George Eastman House and the Mt. Hope Cemetery

metalpeter - 09/17/10 16:43
what a great looking house
what a great looking house
heidi - 09/16/10 18:47
Bleach usually cleans up grout.
the dancer is an elf we picked up along the way. The tombstone hugger is (e:holly).
Bleach usually cleans up grout.
the dancer is an elf we picked up along the way. The tombstone hugger is (e:holly).
tinypliny - 09/16/10 18:38
I really wish I had cleaner grouting in my bathroom. :/ I just can't scrub it white. I guess it's so old that the dirt is embedded in it.
I really wish I had cleaner grouting in my bathroom. :/ I just can't scrub it white. I guess it's so old that the dirt is embedded in it.
tinypliny - 09/16/10 18:36
Nice pics. Who is the ballerina on the grass and the Susan B. Anthony-hugger?
Nice pics. Who is the ballerina on the grass and the Susan B. Anthony-hugger?
I wonder if any pros would show up to get into form? Ha. Kidding hope it goes well......