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09/14/2010 23:14 #52735


tinypliny - 09/15/10 03:40
YIKERS! That one with the bus can happen anytime, really. Makes you feel really lucky. Some of those are of course foolhardy pranks. Surprising that some of them were even caught on film.
paul - 09/14/10 23:17
Holy crap that makes me feel better about my day.

09/09/2010 22:00 #52689

No title given!
Category: mobl


09/06/2010 16:47 #52668

So pretty & graceful
Category: mobl

paul - 09/07/10 22:50
What's up with the laser eye?

08/31/2010 08:56 #52617

Category: mobl

tinypliny - 08/31/10 14:37
Very mean spirited. :/
jim - 08/31/10 11:19
Yup, car window smashed. Nothing taken though. Fuckers.
paul - 08/31/10 10:05
Is that glass from your car?
matthew - 08/31/10 09:26
That sucks! Did they get anything of value?

08/26/2010 12:11 #52576

Category: mobl

tinypliny - 08/31/10 17:29
I would freak out if this were crawling on my skin.
enknot - 08/31/10 14:51
I love these things they're always so photogenic. and fuzzy. I love fuzzy stuff.
paul - 08/27/10 12:28
Those are the cutest kind. What do they turn into.