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08/22/2010 11:40 #52512

Category: mobl




james - 08/26/10 16:28
That one picture is almost as bad as the taco picture from years ago.
jim - 08/23/10 09:15
He was at his parent's downstate near NYC, I drove down to visit for the weekend. I'm back in Buffalo now (no thanks to crazy rain/floods yesterday), and he's flying back to Portland later today from NYC.
tinypliny - 08/22/10 12:16
Hehee \m/ James rocks. \m/
paul - 08/22/10 11:44
Are you there or is he here?

08/18/2010 19:17 #52470


jim - 08/19/10 10:02
It's his favorite stuffed animal, an elephant.
paul - 08/18/10 22:42
What is thing he is attacking?

08/05/2010 23:02 #52372

This Is So Sad/Cute

jenks - 08/07/10 09:30
aww! poor little guy! he doesn't have Down's- it's just that he's a tiny baby! French Bulldog, I think.
fortunately there is a followup video "puppy finally makes it!" where he gets up. And according to the comments, all bulldog puppies have trouble getting up when they're teeny tiny, and have to learn.
So freaking cute I can't stand it. I've been contemplating getting a dog, specifically a french bulldog, for a while now- and that just about pushes me over the edge.
tinypliny - 08/07/10 09:11
Can canines have Down's? I never thought about that...
paul - 08/06/10 13:37
Is it just a baby or a baby one with canine down syndrome.
tinypliny - 08/06/10 08:58
That was the director's cut. :::link:::

07/29/2010 14:47 #52329

Category: mobl

libertad - 07/29/10 21:34
Is that really bad?
jim - 07/29/10 18:11
Definitely no fun, and not exactly as rare as you'd think.
paul - 07/29/10 18:09
Freakin' Macs :)

07/29/2010 11:21 #52326

Domesticated Foxes


libertad - 07/29/10 21:49
  • Because of proximity and international FDA regulations related to animal transportation it takes 1-3 months to deliver a fox.
libertad - 07/29/10 21:44
Six thousand dollars for one of those! They are cute but they freak me out. I'm afraid of squirrels though so whatever.
metalpeter - 07/29/10 19:35
that one in the middle is so cute. But I'm sorry the brown one looks like something someone would wear on their neck......
matthew - 07/29/10 12:20
It's like taking a kitten and a puppy and smashing them together to make one extra cute little animal.
matthew - 07/29/10 11:47
OMG, I want one!