Uncle Dudley and her bf Bernie bought a scooter to use when they're traveling in their RV. Here's Uncle Dudley scooting around the yard.
I tried it out, too. It was way more fun than I expected, and much easier. Would this be a good city transportation option?
Uncle Dudley & Bernie create "Headstone Halos," cemetery headstone decorations that keep the flower pots off the ground and make the veterans' flags stand up straight. This one is on my great grandmother's grave.
I love the shadows.
Bernie creates custom artwork for the Halos.
I've mentioned the industrial invasion of Tioga County by gas well drilling... From 2007 through April 2010, Pennsylvania has issued 1,559 permits in the four counties of Bradford, Tioga, Susquehanna and Wayne.

This well pad is behind American Legion Post 167 in Morris Run.
They're clearing paths to create roads for the well pads.
This land was strip mined for coal and reclaimed.
Another well site.
This shows the truck traffic on a Saturday at Fallbrook, Pa.
Permits displayed at another well site.
A compressor station. There are lots of cabins around here - their property values are shot.
Ward & Union townships are also the site of a large windfarm. Although windfarms do cause some noise pollution, they do not threaten water. The energy is exported to Virgina, Maryland & Delaware.
These poor folks have both a windfarm and a gas well pad. Their house shows a bunch of new improvements, so they're getting money from somewhere, but I doubt they could sell their land. This used to be just another quiet country road.
Drilling rig.
You know life is bad when Halliburton appears. :-(
We stopped for a little picnic lunch.
All of a sudden Nisha laid down and stopped moving. I thought she was just following a scent trail but she wouldn't get up. I panicked and yelled for A.
He picked her up and she had burdocks on her ear which then got attached to her eye fur and she was trying to wipe them away. He pulled them out.
And she was grateful.
I don't think this was constructed.
Hundred-year-old foundation with a tree growing in the middle of it.
And yeah, commenting just became 1000x easier! >8^)
Scooters always seemed a bit risky to me on Delhi roads. I don't think Buffalo drivers are 1/8th as bad as Delhi drivers could be.
The grateful Nisha pic is SO cute. :) She doesn't shed much, does she?
love the pics, esp. of nisha. and scooters are toooo much fun! i think they are pretty good for city riding, as long as you pay attention to those crappy buffalo drivers who will think you have no right to be on the road. plus, they are super cheap to insure and i bet you will have a much easier time parking it! also, i think those grave halos are an awesome idea... there are always so many restrictions at cemeteries. I hope it works out for them.
I would say riding a scooter is even easier than a bike- assuming it's not an antique moped or something. I have a little honda scooter that I got before I had a car... it was PERFECT for tooling around to a summer job. And SO much easier to park. Not very fast, and not great for highways, or bad weather, but little local summer stuff- I love it. Mine had a gas tank that held about 1 gallon, and that would last for weeks. And that was in the 90s, they're probably much better now. Super fun! You've made me want to go dig mine out of my parents' garage. :)
Relative size of windmills - I still haven't been up close to one; these are with my telephoto lens. You can see them from pretty far away, >5mi. The Ward Township ones are visible from Route 15.
LOL you're right, (e:tinypliny) might go crazy.
No, windmills are not built by the oil companies, they're built by AES Wind Generation (http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2010/01/aes-wind-starts-commercial-operation-of-armenia-mountain-wind-farm).
The scooter is about as easy as riding a bike. I was really surprised. It felt like I had done it before.
Headstone Halos - no, they don't forge the steel. They buy it and weld it.
The picture that looks like a grass pile of a buffalo head is awesome. At first I thought it was a decomposing carcass of a buffalo. As a sidenote: I fear with the new ease of posting comments, (e:tinypliny) might go crazy, lol.
Is the windmill built by the oil companies?? That's strange.
Do they forge the steel for the halos as well?
that's looks like a buffalo carcass coming out of the ground?
What I meant to ask it would you be able to ride a scooter if you know how to ride a bike?
I love that huge-relative-windmill shot! And Nisha is SO CUTE! :)
Is riding a scooter like riding a bike?