April 10, 2010
Uncle Dudley and her bf Bernie bought a scooter to use when they're traveling in their RV. Here's Uncle Dudley scooting around the yard.
I tried it out, too. It was way more fun than I expected, and much easier. Would this be a good city transportation option?
Uncle Dudley & Bernie create "Headstone Halos," cemetery headstone decorations that keep the flower pots off the ground and make the veterans' flags stand up straight. This one is on my great grandmother's grave.
I love the shadows.
Bernie creates custom artwork for the Halos.
I've mentioned the industrial invasion of Tioga County by gas well drilling... From 2007 through April 2010, Pennsylvania has issued 1,559 permits in the four counties of Bradford, Tioga, Susquehanna and Wayne.

Choose Tioga from the drop down menu, then zoom in on the yellow pin on Ward Township. The photos are from Ward and Union twps. The yellow pins are Fortuna, now Talisman, well permits and the purple ones are
East Resources, now Shell Oil.
This well pad is behind American Legion Post 167 in Morris Run.
They're clearing paths to create roads for the well pads.
This land was strip mined for coal and reclaimed.
Another well site.
This shows the truck traffic on a Saturday at
Fallbrook, Pa.
Permits displayed at another well site.
A compressor station. There are lots of cabins around here - their property values are shot.
Ward & Union townships are also the site of a l
arge windfarm. Although windfarms do cause some noise pollution, they do not threaten water. The energy is exported to Virgina, Maryland & Delaware.
These poor folks have both a windfarm and a gas well pad. Their house shows a bunch of new improvements, so they're getting money from somewhere, but I doubt they could sell their land. This used to be just another quiet country road.
Drilling rig.
You know life is bad when Halliburton appears. :-(
We stopped for a little picnic lunch.
All of a sudden Nisha laid down and stopped moving. I thought she was just following a scent trail but she wouldn't get up. I panicked and yelled for A.
He picked her up and she had burdocks on her ear which then got attached to her eye fur and she was trying to wipe them away. He pulled them out.

And she was grateful.
I don't think this was constructed.
Hundred-year-old foundation with a tree growing in the middle of it.
I had a wonderful poodle named August West that I had neutered when he was about 9 months old. No noticeable behavior changes but he was definitely resentful that we had taken his jewels. He'd lick their former location and then look at us mournfully.
I love these pics you took. :-)
Breeding him will pay for his neutering. You have to admit that is hilarious. :)
Noo...I don't think we are going to breed him. Although we considered it (it would pay for his neutering) I am kinda against breeding dogs, even though I paid money for Ralph. It's partially because I am nervous about what it what change about him behavior wise and also that he has an undescended testicle so it's a more invasive surgery and more expensive. And I'm lazy. :)
(e:Lauren) - there were three if you count Brandywine the mix. I tried to get them all in one shot but they're quick little buggers. Are you thinking of breeding Ralphie?
TWO dachshunds?? Soo cute! I wish we could take ralph there but he's still got his balls. sigh. :)
This post just made me grin ear to ear. How can you NOT smile and feel fuzzy inside looking at all those adorable puppies playing in the grass!?