Heidi's Journal
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04/23/2010 15:06 #51442
Bodhi!Category: home
04/12/2010 15:50 #51382
EEEPC help?Category: tech
I've had my Asus eee pc model 900 running a random Linux distro since Sept. '08 and it still works fine. I like using it for taking notes at school, and i'd use it more at home, but I can't figure out how to upgrade essential software like FIREFOX! Can't watch Hulu without an updated flash installation. Google docs is protesting the old firefox. I'm open to switching to a different OS, but I like having this one non-M$ machine. Can anyone help me?
heidi - 04/12/10 22:42
Thanks for the recommendations & thanks for the reminder, (e:uncutsaniflush). I'm okay with unstable & quirky for the eeepc. I don't keep any docs on it, it really functions as a netbook and is completely noncritical to my work. I can't wait to try out that browserlinux. Sounds perfect.
Thanks for the recommendations & thanks for the reminder, (e:uncutsaniflush). I'm okay with unstable & quirky for the eeepc. I don't keep any docs on it, it really functions as a netbook and is completely noncritical to my work. I can't wait to try out that browserlinux. Sounds perfect.
tinypliny - 04/12/10 22:21
That's good advice. Thanks, (e:uncutsaniflush). I am a HUGE wimp when it comes to switching. My lack of will shows is just how long I have managed to hang on from the strained and unraveling WinXP strands. :/
That's good advice. Thanks, (e:uncutsaniflush). I am a HUGE wimp when it comes to switching. My lack of will shows is just how long I have managed to hang on from the strained and unraveling WinXP strands. :/
uncutsaniflush - 04/12/10 22:04
(e:tinypliny) and (e:heidi) I feel moved to say that y'all should be careful with development builds - some are amazing and unstable all at the same time. Sometimes it is impossible to upgrade a system without a complete reinstall. And I won't even mention the possibility of annoying bugs.
That being said, there is little risk of running a development build as a live system or off a usb drive as long as you trust the source.
(e:tinypliny) and (e:heidi) I feel moved to say that y'all should be careful with development builds - some are amazing and unstable all at the same time. Sometimes it is impossible to upgrade a system without a complete reinstall. And I won't even mention the possibility of annoying bugs.
That being said, there is little risk of running a development build as a live system or off a usb drive as long as you trust the source.
tinypliny - 04/12/10 21:28
Or you could give this ChromeOS build a test-drive.
((e:Zobar) linked this on his blog recently.)
Or you could give this ChromeOS build a test-drive.
((e:Zobar) linked this on his blog recently.)
uncutsaniflush - 04/12/10 21:04
I'm using moblin 2.1 :::link::: on my eee 901. I'm using both Chromium and Firefox 3.5.3 and Flash Player 10 on it. The interface is more like a smart phone than a standard desktop. I like it. I've used others like easypeasy and pupeee but I prefer moblin for the nonce.
You may want to check out :::link::: for good overview of the distros for the eee. The site includes screenshots and video. The browser linux mentioned looks interesting. I might give it a try myself.
I'm using moblin 2.1 :::link::: on my eee 901. I'm using both Chromium and Firefox 3.5.3 and Flash Player 10 on it. The interface is more like a smart phone than a standard desktop. I like it. I've used others like easypeasy and pupeee but I prefer moblin for the nonce.
You may want to check out :::link::: for good overview of the distros for the eee. The site includes screenshots and video. The browser linux mentioned looks interesting. I might give it a try myself.
04/09/2010 00:09 #51355
The PentiyumCategory: home
My cousin and his kid designed this cake for a Cub Scout cake auction.

ladycroft - 04/29/10 06:47
clever :)
clever :)
tinypliny - 04/10/10 08:11
Something about green icing always disturbs me...
Something about green icing always disturbs me...
himay - 04/09/10 23:46
CPU heatsink, PCI lanes, CMOS battery, a couple of generic capacitors and even what looks like an old-school CMOS chip up top with the dots. Looks pretty darn accurate to me!
CPU heatsink, PCI lanes, CMOS battery, a couple of generic capacitors and even what looks like an old-school CMOS chip up top with the dots. Looks pretty darn accurate to me!
metalpeter - 04/09/10 19:30
looks tasty I have no idea if it is accurate.
looks tasty I have no idea if it is accurate.
04/07/2010 15:09 #51347
Bodhi!Category: home
Bodhi was born on Monday - isn't he adorable? (e:heidi,51217)

But there's something wrong with his lungs. Jill got out of the hospital today, but he was transferred to a larger regional medical center with a NICU a few hours after the c-section. At first they said he had pneumonia, then that he had fluid in his lungs from the c-section, and now they said something about emphysema. *worry worry*

But there's something wrong with his lungs. Jill got out of the hospital today, but he was transferred to a larger regional medical center with a NICU a few hours after the c-section. At first they said he had pneumonia, then that he had fluid in his lungs from the c-section, and now they said something about emphysema. *worry worry*
tinypliny - 04/10/10 08:17
Awww! He is so cute!!
:( Too bad about the pneumonia. Good luck to Bodhi! I hope he gets well soon!
(e:libertad), emphysema is a blanket term used when the smaller airways in the lung collapse everytime you exhale. This is because the tissue around the smaller airways are damaged - either by chronic inflammation (eg. smoking) or an acute inflammation (eg. inhalation of the amniotic fluid) or even congenitally weak cartilage tissue around the airways.
Awww! He is so cute!!
:( Too bad about the pneumonia. Good luck to Bodhi! I hope he gets well soon!
(e:libertad), emphysema is a blanket term used when the smaller airways in the lung collapse everytime you exhale. This is because the tissue around the smaller airways are damaged - either by chronic inflammation (eg. smoking) or an acute inflammation (eg. inhalation of the amniotic fluid) or even congenitally weak cartilage tissue around the airways.
libertad - 04/08/10 13:55
Emphysema?! That's crazy, I didn't even know that babies could get it.
Emphysema?! That's crazy, I didn't even know that babies could get it.
04/05/2010 22:50 #51338
"young lady"Category: cranky
It's passably okay when someone 70+ calls me "young lady." It's really not okay when the speaker is approximately the same age as I am. It's so dismissive both on age and gender grounds - I can't possibly be able to speak knowledgeably about the topic because I'm young! and a girl! grrrr.
I'm so stressed (again). I had a final paper due last week that I totally procrastinated on and I don't think I did very well because I didn't think through the issues sufficiently. Oh well, it's only 1 credit and doesn't really count for anything. A B is sufficient.
I have a final tomorrow at 6. I had a 12-hour day today, starting with the 440 client and ending at 8:15 in my oil & gas law class. I (politely, via email) called the prof out on being wrong on PA law about oil & gas severance and property taxes and he still couldn't admit he was wrong, and gave this convoluted answer about "in theory, PA has no property or severance tax on oil & gas" uh... there's not a huge difference between theory and reality on a statement like "we conclude that there is no authority for imposing a real estate tax on such [oil & gas] interests" IOGA-PA v. Fayette County (2002). The reality *is* that there's no tax on oil & gas in PA, unlike coal, limestone and other hard things underground that people want to dig up and burn or use. He described the final paper and gave the deadline. The deadline is really unworkable for me, given that I have to go out of town this week to deal with all my clients at home for quarterly tax filings, so I asked for an extension - the first time I've ever asked for an accommodation - and got turned down flat, even though he had said to contact him if there was going to be trouble with the deadline. wtf. it's okay to get sick right before the deadline, but not to be responsible about it and say that it's not workable in advance. I just love all the assumptions about "this is what *real* practice is like" and "it's about being disciplined". baloney. like he knows what -my- life is or will be like. i'm not a cookie-cutter 20-something with no fucking experience.
approximately April 17 I'll have a chance to breathe for one day before tackling the backlog of schoolwork that's accumulated during this out-of-control semester. I hope to be done with finals by May 14. and then i'm going to spend the summer dancing in the sun. or in the rain. or by bonfires. or in lafayette square.
I'm so stressed (again). I had a final paper due last week that I totally procrastinated on and I don't think I did very well because I didn't think through the issues sufficiently. Oh well, it's only 1 credit and doesn't really count for anything. A B is sufficient.
I have a final tomorrow at 6. I had a 12-hour day today, starting with the 440 client and ending at 8:15 in my oil & gas law class. I (politely, via email) called the prof out on being wrong on PA law about oil & gas severance and property taxes and he still couldn't admit he was wrong, and gave this convoluted answer about "in theory, PA has no property or severance tax on oil & gas" uh... there's not a huge difference between theory and reality on a statement like "we conclude that there is no authority for imposing a real estate tax on such [oil & gas] interests" IOGA-PA v. Fayette County (2002). The reality *is* that there's no tax on oil & gas in PA, unlike coal, limestone and other hard things underground that people want to dig up and burn or use. He described the final paper and gave the deadline. The deadline is really unworkable for me, given that I have to go out of town this week to deal with all my clients at home for quarterly tax filings, so I asked for an extension - the first time I've ever asked for an accommodation - and got turned down flat, even though he had said to contact him if there was going to be trouble with the deadline. wtf. it's okay to get sick right before the deadline, but not to be responsible about it and say that it's not workable in advance. I just love all the assumptions about "this is what *real* practice is like" and "it's about being disciplined". baloney. like he knows what -my- life is or will be like. i'm not a cookie-cutter 20-something with no fucking experience.
approximately April 17 I'll have a chance to breathe for one day before tackling the backlog of schoolwork that's accumulated during this out-of-control semester. I hope to be done with finals by May 14. and then i'm going to spend the summer dancing in the sun. or in the rain. or by bonfires. or in lafayette square.
tinypliny - 04/10/10 08:18
Oh man. GOOD LUCK!! You sound super-stressed!
Oh man. GOOD LUCK!! You sound super-stressed!
Look at that fuzzy little head!
SO cute! :)