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03/04/2010 10:49 #51108


leetee - 03/05/10 23:40
  • GASP!* Fake chucks!!?! Blasphemy!!!!!

Uhm, so, yeah, always the real ones. I get most of them from the Converse Outlet Store in the Falls....
jenks - 03/05/10 15:14
here's a question- are all your chucks true converse? Or would you ever buy knock-offs that look like chucks?
heidi - 03/04/10 17:21
Yea! Sparkles! Great lighting!

03/03/2010 12:33 #51099


03/02/2010 12:08 #51093

Busy, Busy
Get up at 9am, get dressed, go to JCC, swim for 40 minutes, come home, shower, do a load of laundry, make lunch, do dishes, clean rat cage, call new group home, post daily chuck.....


then go to work

03/01/2010 11:00 #51091

Shock and Awe
Since i have started working for the DDSO, the powers that be have been talking about "campus" closing. The old institutional model is way outdated, and units have slowly been closing. Our unit has individuals that have been more difficult to place in the community, and therefor, have been a bit of a tough crowd to work with. My original placement within the organization has been in a unit that gets me looks of sympathy, shock, awe, and sometimes, respect. But, it always gets a reaction....

Lately, the powers that be have really been speeding up the closings, moving units and individuals around. They have made plans for bosses and had them bid on what they want in a community group home. Our boss, Shirley is getting screwed and her theory is if she is, us lowly workers will too. So, she arranged a union meeting for us to find out what is going on. I think there still might be some smoke i am shitting out because of how far up my ass it was blown by the union reps.

Through all of this, the usual monthly set of bids was put up. I have been interested in one particular home for a while, but the last time they had an opening and was on the bid list, it just couldn't be done.

This time, i saw a bid for that home i have been eying, part time, 80% (32 hours/week -- i currently have part time 50%, 20 hours a week). So, i filled out the papers and faxed them in.

Then, i had about 5 days off in a row. When i got back to work on Saturday, a co-worker saw me in the office and congratulated me. Stunned, i hopped onto the intranet to check it out. There it was in black and white, the bid list, the bid i put in and at the bottom beside the word successful bidder was my name. I got my bid. Wow.

Not sure of any of the details as yet. I think i have to call them up and go over there and fill out some papers. But i think within a few weeks my commute will go from 35 minutes down to 5.


P.S. We got our new roof! And now, i have to call them and tell them we have a leak in the new gutters. *frown*

P.P.S. Here are the chucks i plan to wear today.
I also plan to try to reinstate the Daily Chuck.
theecarey - 03/03/10 13:55
I'm happy for you that you got the placement bid. I love that it is a shorter drive, so less driving stress and more time for you (and will offset the extra hours you put in at work, too). Yay!
ladycroft - 03/03/10 10:06
WOOHOO! Congratulations!!!! I hope it's everything you want it to be :)
leetee - 03/02/10 12:08
Thanks (e:peeps)! :o)
terry - 03/02/10 10:23
congrats on the new posting, about time something went your way there.
rory - 03/02/10 08:26
Congratulations and good luck!
uncutsaniflush - 03/01/10 21:22
We got new gutters as part of the roof install deal by Dalex Construction. They did a great job on the roof and did a very good job cleaning up after themselves.

We have one miter on the gutters that is leaking. Apparently, one of the problems with installing gutters when it is below freezing is that water freezes and does not leak until a thaw.
heidi - 03/01/10 20:47
matthew - 03/01/10 11:50
Congrats on your job! All of our gutters leaked after we had the new roof put on. We are going to have them redone this spring. Know of any good gutter people??

02/16/2010 19:36 #51024

Botanical Gardens Day Off
Whenever i am at the Botanical Gardens, i am just inspired to snap a few pictures.

Pond Scum

An Orchid's beautiful flower

Can he smell them?


Hard to capture the feeling of sitting in here....

Yet it just makes me want to go in there more!

I heart succulents!

This fish was nibbling that plant
paul - 03/02/10 03:04
I got to get back to the botanical gardens. They are the only thing that make this pre-spring crap weather bearable.
tinypliny - 02/16/10 21:09
You made scum look pretty.
tinypliny - 02/16/10 21:08
WOW. <3 <3 <3 those pics! Do break that barrier and snap MORE pics for us.

WE WANT MORE LEETEE botanical garden pics!
metalpeter - 02/16/10 20:14
Some of those pictures I really like. I don't think anyone can really capture in a picture what it is like to sit in that little area with that bench across from the fountain.