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02/02/2010 22:35 #50958

Last night, at 10pm, i started my vacation. This one is so needed.... but complaining about work is not what i want this to be about.

(e:Uncutsaniflush) are thinking a few days elsewhere will be in order. We are thinking of continuing the theme of least likely places to go on holidays, following Detroit last May with Cleveland in February. There's some logic there, isn't there? I mean, we did move to Buffalo...

I think i am going to join the JCC so i can swim. I kinda hate exercising, but i love to swim, so, it makes sense to do what i like to get the ole heart pumping, right? Plus, they have a promo going on, and i might as well take advantage. Only one small issue....

I got my nose pierced about 2 hours ago, and they tell you not to swim for a couple of months. Opps. But, i can still go as long as i don't dunk my face, or nose.

Today, i decided to take advantage of a coupon i got in the mail and go shopping for bras. It really is torture. Or at least used to be for me. I know they say you really should get yourself measured regularly, but i have a brand and style i like, so i think i am just gonna keep doing what i did this time -- bring a tag into the store (in this case, Lane Bryant) with the name and size and ask what colours they have. This time, they have new ones with lace, so i got a bright pink and orange one. And a purple one. And 3 black ones and a beige one. Hey, buy 1, get one 50% off, plus a coupon for $25 off if you spend $75. Plus i got one of their charge cards and got another 15% off (yeah, i will like only use it once, maybe twice and then pay it all off!) Plus, i got some panties... i am a sucker for anything orange!!!

Then, while we were in the mall, we walked around. And ended up in DSW. And i saw a pair of chucks for cheaper than at the outlet store. And i have a $10 off coupon for joining their rewards program thingie a year or so ago. So, (e:Uncutsaniflush) got me a pair of sparkly lowcut chucks as an early birthday pressie!


Which makes me totally spoiled since he already got me this obnoxiously bright green backpack purse i bonded with at Marshals yesterday.


And when i got home from work and decided to put all my stuff into it, there was a wrapped pressie inside -- the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs cd i wanted! Wow... and yay!

Then, this morning, i opened up the wooden box i keep all my hair brushes and bibs and bobs for my hair so i can get a brush, and there is ANOTHER wrapped pressie! Another cd, this time an old Death Cab for Cutie i should have gotten when it came out.

I'm so spoiled!!

metalpeter - 02/07/10 09:35
Wait I fucked up a bit , not sure what is in San dusky but Hall of fame is in Canton. That Assumes you are going to the cleveland, OH and not TN not sure if they are spelled the same but work sends some stuff to the one in TN no idea what is there though
metalpeter - 02/06/10 16:48
Not sure how Cleveland is in the winter but I do know they have a Basketball Team. It isn't baseball or football season so those options are out. Last time I was there they where working on a skate park near the Rock N' Roll hall of fame, also known as "The Rock Hall" that would be a good time. I think they have a bunch of museums not sure though. There is an area I think that is called the flats or something like that and it is like a bunch of like bars with patios, again though I think that is more of a summer thing. I'm sure you two will find stuff to do and it isn't to far away, about 3-4 hrs I think. Not sure if walt follows Football, but if he did in Sandusky is the football hall of fame. Hey what ever you two get into I'm sure it will be a great time.
leetee - 02/03/10 10:41
We thought of somewhere warm, or at least warmer, for vacation destinations, but there were logistic issues, including not being completely aware of the days off i was able to get until last minute. We thought of driving south, but hell, it snowed in Knoxville and they have no idea how to deal with even an inch!

LOVE the song Soul Meets Body, in fact, that song is on the cd i was gifted. :o)
paul - 02/03/10 10:28
Oops that was me. Terry was still logged in.
terry - 02/03/10 10:26
God, I need vacation too. However, I am dead set on somewhere warm.

I also love death cab for cutie. My favorites is "Where soul meets body."

01/28/2010 10:55 #50921

A Bit Depressing, Sorry....
Yesterday, i got a call from my mom while i was driving to work. Her calling at that time of the day.... well, i just got the feeling it was bad news. My first thought was my Nana. She is in a nursing home, and pretty much given up and "waiting for the good lord to take" her. Unless you have "a coke" at the end of that straw, she ain't eating or drinking it.

When i pulled into the parking lot at work, i listened to my mom's message. They had just gotten home from the vet after having had to put their dog, Ralphie, to sleep. Poor old dog. He hadn't been doing well lately, either. My dad, not surprisingly, is not taking this very well at all... in fact, i am surprised he agreed to put him to sleep.

I have been saying for about 10 years now that my parents have been staying together for the dog. They sure as hell would not have stayed together for us kids.... but, i wish they hadn't. In fact, i hope they can be there for each other when they are sad, but that so not very likely. I just hope they finally decide they do not make each other happy... and know they no longer have to stay together for the sake Ralph.

Here's a pic of the little mop, doing one of his favorite things: laying on my dad while my dad's feet are up on his lazyboy.

RIP lil bro....

jenks - 01/29/10 10:02
Awww, sorry to hear it Lee. Until I have kids to worry about, I think losing a pet will be about the saddest thing that can happen to me. (Aside from losing my parents, which simply can't/won't happen, so i don't think about it.)

But I know that 'pit of the stomach' feeling that you get when the phone rings at the wrong time... I woke up the other morning at 6 to find a text from my brother from midnight the night before, that just said "come home and fix dad's thumb". WHAT?! My dad's hands are his livelihood... all i could think was "oh shit, did he cut his thumb off?" or break it? or what? I tried to tell myself that if it were REALLY bad they would have called. But then I remembered that when my mom was in the ICU when I was away at school, my dad didn't tell me because "didn't want to worry me during exams".

So I waited til 730am and called home... turns out he was putting the dishes away and cut it on a slicer in the kitchen drawer. Totally no big deal. But yeah... Those phone calls suck.
libertad - 01/29/10 09:36
Sorry, that is very sad.
paul - 01/28/10 22:28
That was sure one cute puppy.

12/13/2009 13:39 #50547

Today, Yesterday and The Day Before That
It's the 13th... my last Daily Chuck was on the 10th. That means that i either haven't worn shoes in a couple of days, or... i've been lazy.

I've been lazy. I worked 7am - 11pm on Friday and then 3pm - 11pm yesterday and i am going in for 3pm - 11pm today.

So, here are the chucks for today, yesterday and the day before that... guess which is which?


12/10/2009 12:14 #50527

I Can't Stand To See You Pout!
I am sorry, (e:Tinypliny).

Here are the boots beside yesterday's chucks on my boot tray by the side door.


And all i have for food porn so far is a half made pot of chili, with peppers and carrots and onions and a sweet tater and some regular taters.


I still need to add some corn and some black beans. Bit boring, i know, but i really want (e:Uncutsaniflush) to come home to something hearty and warm after going from Wilson Farms to Wilson Farms doing inventories on a cold and blustery day.

I would have made something more interesting... but look at how empty our fridge is!!


I hope you are not pouting anymore!!!
paul - 12/13/09 14:38
Mm, that does look yummy.
metalpeter - 12/13/09 12:16
That looks and sounds very good (yes I prefer meat in mine to no meat) I bet it tastes great as well
tinypliny - 12/10/09 18:02
Ooooohh, those are some wicked boots! I LOVE the colours of your chili.

And yes, your fridge is very clean - I am jealous, maybe I should clean my fridge now...

Totally unpouted! :-)
heidi - 12/10/09 13:46
Nice boots!

That fridge is very clean!

01/15/2010 16:10 #50821

Do You Have A Blue Bin?!?!
Ours is cracked because the recycling people just throw it after emptying it. I would have thought this would be a simple quick task. I was wrong, and for the first time, i found myself hating Buffalo... really really hating Buffalo....

First, i did a simple google search and ended up with a government page. I printed out the list of places in which i could pick up a bin under the Where Do I Get A Bin? Headline.

I called City Hall. It rang until my phone hung up. I called again. I was told, "i don't know... uhm... we don't have any" by a very impatient woman on the phone. So, i will not waste my time to go downtown and try to find parking, pay for it and try to find the right room in city hall and have them be out of bins.....

I called this place:COPS International Market    283 Grant Street    884-782 and was told yes, they have some. Cool. I go, and the storefront is a closed up shop. I call again... and i am told, "oh, yeah, we moved" before getting hung up on.

Time to try next place: Parkside Community Association    2318 Main Street    851-4324 I passed it, then turned around, found parking, got out and found the wee store front. The woman would not unlock the door. She shouted "WHAT!?!" from her desk and when i would not go away and asked over and over "Do you have any blue bins?", she came to the door, would not open it and spoke to me through the crack between the door and its frame. Yeah, well, you know, mid-morning and overweight middle aged white women are both very risky. I was told "we ain't got none!" and she sent me to a store "a few up", pointing vaguely northward.

That place was a bodega and the clerk looked at me like i really was a risk, or crazy, and told me to go to "Gloria Parks". When i asked who that was, a street corner bin supplier?, he did not laugh, but said, "it's up there" and pointed north.

After passing it a couple of times, not realizing it was a community center and was indeed on my list (COPS [WTF does COPS mean?] Gloria Parks    3242 Main Street    851-4112), i found yet another parking spot, walked to it and tried to get in. I buzzed a buzzer and was told i was buzzing the wrong one. I was eventually let into the building and asked the question i wanted to ask after i was searched and had to show i.d. and sign in. I was told they were "all out" and it was suggested i "go to flare". "Where is that?, i ask. "Leroy" was the answer.

I consulted my list to see that yes, that place, too, is on my list, (FLARE    302 Leroy Ave    838-6740) so i called and got voicemail. I left a message and drove there, since i didn't think it was too far away. When i got to what looked like an abandoned firehall, the doors were, of course, locked. I tried to find a buzzer but could not. I tried to open the front door and knocked, and when someone came nearish the door that woman just waved me away. When i said, "DO YOU HAVE BLUE BINS?" through the door, she walked away. I waited for a few minutes and went back to my car.


Next nearest place: Ken-Bailey NHS [WTF is NHS?] 995 Kensington Ave    836-3600. I drove the wrong way, then by it 2 times, not only because, at that point i was half expecting some dude in a van, but because i didn't even think it would be a Habitat for Humanity. It was. And it even had a parking lot... with available spaces! Gasp! I park. Go to the front door. Yep, locked. I buzz the first buzzer. Nothing. Second one. Someone comes and i ask, "Do you have any blue recycling bins?" through the closed glass doors and i am told to try the other buzzer. I try the other one and wait. Nothing. Yes, in that location, there are 4 buzzers. On the last buzz, someone comes to the door. I take a deep breath and ask that question of the day. And i get.... "yes, we do.". And i almost fell to her feet to kiss them. I am asked if i mind being searched and showing i.d., and my reply is, "no, i do not mind, but only if you really do have a blue bin for me". Puzzled, but polite, she searches me, my purse, inspects my i.d. and watches as i sign in. She asks me to sit and she will get me one. I sigh and thank her and tell her that recycling in Buffalo is hard earned and give her the whole story. She comes back with 2 bins "for all your effort". Nice woman. Or maybe i just think that because she had my coveted blue bins.

So, what i thought would take 30 minutes took over 2 hours. I still sorta hate Buffalo... and i think if these 2 ever break, i will send someone else to get them, or just stop recycling. Yeah, i am that annoyed.
tinypliny - 01/15/10 19:39
Wow - that was tough. Someone stole my bin ages back tinypliny,41470 There is a recycle-bin handing-out centre on the corner of Delaware and Allen called Homefront. I think that might have been much closer than these other ones. Its last on that list. I am not sure whether they actually have the bins though - I should check them out.
terry - 01/15/10 18:23
Wow, you have some perseverance woman!

I have just put my shit out in plastic bags for the last few years now. My blue bins continually disappeared before that. The men still take it so, whatevs...