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12/10/2009 12:14 #50527

I Can't Stand To See You Pout!
I am sorry, (e:Tinypliny).

Here are the boots beside yesterday's chucks on my boot tray by the side door.


And all i have for food porn so far is a half made pot of chili, with peppers and carrots and onions and a sweet tater and some regular taters.


I still need to add some corn and some black beans. Bit boring, i know, but i really want (e:Uncutsaniflush) to come home to something hearty and warm after going from Wilson Farms to Wilson Farms doing inventories on a cold and blustery day.

I would have made something more interesting... but look at how empty our fridge is!!


I hope you are not pouting anymore!!!
paul - 12/13/09 14:38
Mm, that does look yummy.
metalpeter - 12/13/09 12:16
That looks and sounds very good (yes I prefer meat in mine to no meat) I bet it tastes great as well
tinypliny - 12/10/09 18:02
Ooooohh, those are some wicked boots! I LOVE the colours of your chili.

And yes, your fridge is very clean - I am jealous, maybe I should clean my fridge now...

Totally unpouted! :-)
heidi - 12/10/09 13:46
Nice boots!

That fridge is very clean!

12/09/2009 13:31 #50511

Feets and Foods
Time for winter foot wear. And, it's not like i am not really excited about wearing my new knee high fits around my big fat calves boots, it's just that, well, they aren't chucks, now are they?

So, here are the pair i am bringing to work. Purple.


Matching my purple t-shirt because my boss, Shirley, used to tease me about not matching so now i match obsessively, like i used to when i was younger. Little does she know i am wearing the purple panties, too....

In an unrelated topic... what the fuck happened with Sahara Grill?!?! We haven't been in a while and i had a craving and when we get there, the place is dark. No sign, no nothing. They probably shut down again. Or someone decided to not show up. I need to stop considering that place when i want a falafel....
tinypliny - 12/09/09 22:17
1. I thought I'd get to see your new boots.
2. I thought you'd post food porn.


12/07/2009 10:30 #50490

Daily Chuck Vote -- Results!
I don't have to leave for work until 4pm today. So, unless (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i decide to go out and do something, i don't have to decide on which pair of chucks i am going to wear until, well, just before 4pm.

So, i thought i would put it out to a vote.

Yes, i know, subtle difference in choices. I will be wearing a pair of brown cords and a green top, if the rest of the wardrobe matters.

Any opinions?


Thanks for the votes, (e:peeps). At about noon i got a call asking if i could start work at 3pm instead of 5pm, so, as you can tell from the snap, i have them on now....

theecarey - 12/07/09 14:08
I couldn't decide for a moment, but then black won out.

heidi - 12/07/09 13:20
Yep, black.
libertad - 12/07/09 13:10
I like the black ones better too.
tinypliny - 12/07/09 10:37
Voting with the black bonnet.

12/06/2009 13:45 #50479

Another Rerun
but sometimes i just can't be bothered walking upstairs to look for a different pair. if they are in the rotation by the door, they get worn more....


12/05/2009 13:15 #50468

For e:Tinypliny
Since i am wearing a rerun today, (e:LeeTee,50434) i thought i would post a picture i took a little while back, just in case it was a chuck free or rerun day. I know it's not exactly what you were asking for (e:Tinypliny), but it is how i let my mat by the door get if i don't keep up with the volume of chucks i wear.....


P.S. In a completely unrelated note... has anyone here ever been a member of the JCC (Jewish Community Center)? I am looking for some place to join that has a decent pool. I really need to get in better shape, but i am completely intimidated by gyms... plus, i really want to swim more than anything in the world!
tinypliny - 12/05/09 17:35
Cheating!! - that's not even quarter of them!!!!
paul - 12/05/09 17:08
Oh swimming is so nice. I just don't like chlorine very much.
mrmike - 12/05/09 16:40
The JCC just has a special I missed. $20 a month. I can't afford the yoga so I was thinking of heading there for swimming.