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11/16/2009 12:37 #50320

Pretty In Pink???
Not only do i feel like shit and look like shit, but turns out, i am shit. Time to go to work...

mrmike - 11/28/09 13:50
Like the rest of the crew, I do not concur
heidi - 11/24/09 09:21
Are you out of Chucks for the daily display?? I've been really enjoying them!
tinypliny - 11/16/09 23:32
You are Imelda Converse. How can you NOT be pretty?!!! :)

Plus, I think you have the deepest happiest eyes!
matthew - 11/16/09 16:17
Shit doesn't wear pretty shoes, therefore you cannot be shit. :)
theecarey - 11/16/09 16:12
"but turns out, i am shit"

says who? bah! cram a Chuck up their ass. (and take a picture!)

Feel better, Lee.
jenks - 11/16/09 16:02
You are shit? I disagree.

11/15/2009 13:09 #50307

What Else...
... could cheer a girl who is feeling sickies?

Orange Chucks!!

ladycroft - 11/15/09 14:33
orange is your favorite :)

11/14/2009 11:25 #50301

Back In Black
Not that anyone but me is keeping track, or actually cares for that matter, but, i have been remiss with the Daily Chuck for a couple of days. My bad.

tinypliny - 11/16/09 23:32
ooh, these are my favourites!!!

11/11/2009 12:33 #50271

Forgetful On Rememberance Day
Has purple been on the Daily Chuck yet? Sorry if it has and this is a rerun....


Happy Rememberance Day / Veterans Day.

11/10/2009 11:02 #50265

Chucks..... Check
