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12/03/2009 11:51 #50447

Red, Rolls and Birthday
Today's footwear selection:


Tonight's dinner selection:


And the reason for slaving over cabbage rolls with carrots:

Happy Birthday, (e:Uncutsaniflush)!

uncutsaniflush - 12/05/09 22:34
Thanks to all the (e:peeps) who wished me a happy birthday.
tinypliny - 12/03/09 19:29
And I am waiting for your entire Imelda-ish posting! I have lost count of how many you own!
tinypliny - 12/03/09 16:42
Woohoo! Happy happy year ahead! :)
mrmike - 12/03/09 16:08
Happy D-Day, ((e:uncutsaniflush))!
theecarey - 12/03/09 12:19
Happy Birthday, (e:uncutsaniflush)!

yum, cabbage rolls are labor intensive, but so worth it. :)
terry - 12/03/09 11:59
Happy B-day old-man!

Here's a virtual leghump for you (and a real one the next time I see you :p).

12/02/2009 11:08 #50434

New Pair. Was at the outlet mall yesterday, holiday shopping... and found what i was looking for at, yes, the converse outlet store (pink infant size 3, with sparkles!). Then, i couldn't help but look at the sale wall at the back........


Oddly enough, yesterday i did not wear chucks. I got an early holiday pressie myself, a pair of high boots that actually fit my calves... glory be!

paul - 12/02/09 19:38
Did you paint those?

11/30/2009 12:22 #50413

My last daily chuck was posted on Saturday. I skipped Sunday because i didn't put on any chucks... or, more accurately, i still had on Saturday's. I went into work on Saturday at 3pm. And i got mandated into an overnight shift....... and there was tons of drama about it and maybe workers are going to get yelled at and maybe they will loose the ability to switch their shifts around so that they work 2 doubles in a row and then have more days off in a row. To try to stop that from happening to my fellow co-workers, i took one for the team and did the overnight. A couple of coworkers said thanks, but the person who was supposed to take the overnight and said she was going to file a grievance about having to take overnights all the time because the workers whose turn it was were both on doubles just left without a word... and got to go to the dive bar she likes to hang at that Saturday night as planned. Do i sound bitter??


11/28/2009 13:09 #50394

Yesterday Was Black Friday


Thanks to those who made comments and reached out when i was being a drama queen in my last post. It was appreciated, even if it appeared as though i was ignoring it. I've been going through some growing pains lately, coming to terms with parts of myself i desperately want to change and that road has been a bit tough. Taking away the negative and detrimental coping mechanisms can be difficult... and i will keep trying. Thanks (e:peeps). And particularly, (e:Uncutsaniflush), my loyal hubs... he rocks.
jenks - 11/28/09 17:44
I like the sparkles...

(did you delete the drama queen post? I don't see anything)

11/16/2009 12:37 #50320

Pretty In Pink???
Not only do i feel like shit and look like shit, but turns out, i am shit. Time to go to work...

mrmike - 11/28/09 13:50
Like the rest of the crew, I do not concur
heidi - 11/24/09 09:21
Are you out of Chucks for the daily display?? I've been really enjoying them!
tinypliny - 11/16/09 23:32
You are Imelda Converse. How can you NOT be pretty?!!! :)

Plus, I think you have the deepest happiest eyes!
matthew - 11/16/09 16:17
Shit doesn't wear pretty shoes, therefore you cannot be shit. :)
theecarey - 11/16/09 16:12
"but turns out, i am shit"

says who? bah! cram a Chuck up their ass. (and take a picture!)

Feel better, Lee.
jenks - 11/16/09 16:02
You are shit? I disagree.