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11/07/2009 09:50 #50237

Mom's In Town Orange

theecarey - 11/07/09 17:19
Oooh low top orange. I love orange.
paul - 11/07/09 12:51
OOOH, i like orange

11/06/2009 12:18 #50232

Army Dreamers


11/05/2009 11:16 #50221

Hippy Dippy Tie-Dye....
... chucks.

Seems like a contradiction, no?

metalpeter - 11/05/09 17:15
Those look pretty cool
heidi - 11/05/09 11:52
Love 'em!

Not a contradiction at all. Chucks are pretty popular among the tour crowd, especially once it's too cold to wear the birks. ;-)

11/04/2009 12:13 #50215

Basic Black


11/03/2009 10:20 #50206

Fall Colours & Home Cookin'
The Daily Chuck:


(yesterday, i was grumpy about work shite and decided to wear the orange ones to cheer me up, so i thought it would be a waste of space to post a rerun)

I had the time today to make food that can simmer on the stove. So, i decided to make a huge pot of vegetarian chili. It has mushrooms and peppers and carrots and sweet potatoes and cauliflower and corn and tofu and black beans and onions and garlic and lots of spiced tomatoes....

theecarey - 11/04/09 13:08
Come cold weather, I usually make a stove top chili/soup/stew with all of the left over veggies in my fridge. Often it turns out good, sometimes not so palatable. Sometimes scary looking, too. Your post reminds me that it is time to get cooking. However, I want my concoction to turn out tasting as good as that pic looks :)
SO, I aim to be more strategic in making my pot of cold weather yumminess. Cauliflower and sweet potatoes are going on the grocery list for sure. Hmm, maybe a spicy-curryish veggie chili. You've got me thinking.. thanks!
libertad - 11/03/09 15:53
That does look really good.
paul - 11/03/09 13:02
looks yummy!