Thanks to my day job, I was invited to take up residence in a suite for the Sabres vs. Sharks game on February 13th. It's a beautiful thing. Not being the tiniest of guys, I can shoehorn myself into the 100s just fine, but the suites are a whole new world. Space, views, comfy chairs, oh, my. I took my 11 year old son who took to this level of exclusivity without a trouble. We were the first to arrive and the hostess came down to announce herself and there is something in the way my boy said "Dad, we have our own waitress?" that still makes me laugh.
We've all been at something where a great view is ruined by a beer-swilling popcorn spilling wooly mammoth who sits down right in front of you.
After a brisk walk across the windiest place on the planet, the street in front of the Arena, we "moved on up."

It was a fine evening, and did wonders for my disposition and my youthful sidekick who had a long week, too
I'm at a loss to explain what was going on with my hair at that moment but we were getting spoiled, something everybody should get once in awhile, so who cares.

Yes, sure, part of the fun is that it was on somebody else's dime. It does remind you of that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry is flying first class and the attendent asks if he wants more of anything, and the only true answer is more of everything.
Food prepped with a little more care, hostess who makes a special point to tell me where the Molson Canadian is, unencumbered view, great company, and a win.
We could wave off our balcony to the unfortunate masses, but I figured a picture was a much more quiet, dignified way of gloating

Good times.
Your son looks so much like you. :)
Nice Pictures. Glad you had a good time. I was in a suite once and guess what, you won't believe this, I didn't really like it, but it was wrestling. Not sure if it is true for sabres games. But it felt like you couldn't chant. Also the owner wasn't there so any thing you wanted you had to pay for, I don't mind but it was costlier then the arena I think there was some free stuff to. Maybe for a sabres game or concert it would be different but it felt like I was at my house kinda and that isn't how I want to feel when at wrestling, Not saying I wouldn't go, just saying a seat might be better.