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01/11/2010 20:00 #50797

Breaking News
Category: random
needs to be redefined. With all the snow lately, my car keeps saying "Low traction" because apparently the No Shit light is burnt out.

For example, Mark McGwire admits to steriod use when he broke the home run record? Really? whodathunkit? To watch him as an Oakland A, he could swing for sure, but like Bonds before him, he made the transition from gangly to Popeye before our eyes. That was more than eating right and lifting a little

Sarah Palin signs with Fox News. Seriously, I'm gobsmacked, didn't see that one coming.

In a related note, the Pope apparently is still Catholic and Generalissimo Franco is still dead.

"Nothing new to report in the Bills and Bill Cowher..." then why report it?? Airtime is at such a premium that most of the reports on the local news sights segue off to their websites and nondevelopments warrant hyping? If you got nothing to say about the matter, move on. This is a philosophy that will help keep food on your plate at the dinner table as well. tell what we need to know, like the details behind the circus of the Erie County Legislature or even if the funeral procession for Gumby's deceased founder will all move on their right leg only.

In other news, bears, if left to their own devices, will shit in the woods.

01/09/2010 11:01 #50778

New Year, New Rules
Category: random
The first full work week of the new year felt like everybody was getting repatrioted to their desks. I wasn't completely off for the holidays like some folks, but still it felt like the five days were 12 days long.

We have all the snow that everybody was pining for, enough so that I went to kick a little off the back of my car, a small continental shelf of ice and snow dropped out of my wheel well. The persistent cold does alter your reality. After a string of days in the teens, I saw a forecast for a day in the twenties and it seemed downright balmy. Skipped the hat, left the second scarf at home and turned the heat in the car down a notch. That brings me to one of Murphy's automotive laws, you never lose a headlight when the temp is over 40. It is always bitterly cold and you have to move some metal parts in that cold that cannot be manipulated with gloves on. Somewhere, the automotive gods chuckle.

I occasionally get Mitch Albom's column through a variety of sources and his recent "new rules" column cracked me up, sort of a practical nod to Bill Maher's feature, however indirectly. I didn't agree with every tenet, but he did give a lot of food for thought. Here's what I'd like to see:

Politicos have to know what the word "reform" actually means. Many use it like something is going to change, but most often for them it just means "we'll be the ones screwing you now." Reading about shenanigans in the Erie County Legislature from thursday, no fewer than four speakers used that word in dubious context. And so it goes.

I'd like the Buffalo Bills to quit playing with us. I know Bill Cowher is positioning himself for his optimal next job, and the Bills quest is still in its early stages. While Cowher to the Bills would be great, I don't think it's going to happen. But on the upside, the last winning Bills Coach, Wade Phillips, will probably be available the moment the Cowboys lose. So there are always options. I got a feeling, some coordinator somewhere will be the next guy.

Good thing the Sabres are doing well. They have been a lot more fun this year than in the past two seasons, but they make me nervous still when trying to sit on a lead. Our guys took the third period against the Leafs off and played defense, decent defense, but the Laffs nearly got back into it. The goalie situation is fine, defensively life is good, but Darcy should find the team another offensive threat and who knows where things can go.

Albom mentioned something in his column about Fox, MSNBC, and CNN going off the air at 6. I think they can stay on, but they need to just keep covering news. Rachel Maddow can keep her show since she's smarter than all of the others collectively, but I think the prison hologram in Superman II can accommodate Hannity, King, O'Reilly, Olbermann, Matthews, and even Wolf (as any professional broadcaster who uses "UM" as much as he does could use some downtime.

NBC screwed up with Jay Leno and Conan O'brien. And they continue to screw up, by not figuring this out. Who couldn't see that coming? Dragging out the "what's next?" only makes the Law and Order network (since they will be showing a lot of that soon) look even dumber. I'm thinking it's ultimately going to mean Conan going to Fox as Jay won't want just 30 minutes. Can't see that as an answer as that would mean the Jimmy Fallon show, which has become pretty good, would get blasted to 1:05 am, making it worth a little less.

The local company bought all the tickets to a meaningless football game last week, then announced it was raising rates. That's timing for you.

12/24/2009 10:14 #50646

Happy Christmas Eve, Peeps
Category: holiday

drew - 12/24/09 10:55
This is awesome. Thanks, Mike. Merry Christmas.
tinypliny - 12/24/09 10:20

Merry Merry Very Merry Chrrrrrriiisssttmaasss to you, MrMike!

01/04/2010 16:57 #50738

Snow is a four letter word
Category: weather
My inner crumudgeon is showing. We had a heavy snow fall, which is no big deal. We get them every year, and the snow is fine. Never had an issue with it as it is a fact of life living in this region. I do think the Weather Channel might be better served by going some place where this is news as opposed to the skulking around they've been doing in regions south of the city.

I still chuckle remembering my mom telling the 12 year old version of me that perhaps I should help my father with the driveway. In all seriousness, I was able to reply that I was and I went back to watching tv. I knew that my Dad liked fewer targets when running the snowblower.

Like I said, I have no snow issues. It's the effect it has on some folk that is troubling. I think it should be a ticketable offense if you can't be bothered to clean the snowdrift off your car without the aid of your gas pedal.

The false bravado that creeps up in here strikes me funny as well. When that huge storm blew through the East Coast, there were a number of Western New York based facebook posts that lamented "Where's Ours?" like we got gyped out of the power failures, traffic accidents and school closings. Personally, I was happy to sit that one out.

We got our cold and snow and I read about some moron who took three kids to the Bills game only to pass out in a snowbank because he's a "such a fan". Bet the kids had a great time standing next to the snowbank wondering what happened.

Trouble with this is that now that the holidays are behind us, it's not a White Christmas, just snow. It has some novelty at the moment, but right now it looks nice outside my office window. The Park is nice and unspoiled, but that is a transitory state. It's beautiful, but the beauty tends to make some folks a little myopic.

It was fun to watch the Bills play in it yesterday as the snow on tv made the pros look like a pickup game. It was not so fun to look at my windows facing Delaware and see them iced over.

Going to go tubing sometime because that is cool,and have some other outdoors exploration planned, but please unless you are Bing Crosby or Andy Williams, don't use phrases like "Winter Wonderland." You sound like an idiot.
metalpeter - 01/05/10 20:03
I have seen people who only brush off enough so they can see out the front windsheild, it is crazy. Hope the tubing is a great time.
libertad - 01/05/10 19:12
Actually I should say agreed, (e:mrmike)!
libertad - 01/05/10 19:11
Agreed, (e:theecarey). It is really annoying when people are such lazy assholes that they can't even brush off their car for the safety of everyone around them.
theecarey - 01/04/10 23:27
"I think it should be a ticketable offense if you can't be bothered to clean the snowdrift off your car without the aid of your gas pedal"

Agreed! Get off what you can, but don't drive off with an entire layer of snowfall to land on the windshield of someone else. Oy!
tinypliny - 01/04/10 17:22
This brought several chuckles. :)

12/29/2009 15:29 #50689

Holiday Leftovers
Category: random
So, that was Christmas (apologies to Mr. Lennon). I'm sort of with (e:Jenks), so much build up and two days later its just cold and winter. Not epically cold like today, but you get the idea. I guess it was a good holiday. Both daughter were pleased as new Ipod touch owners ought to be. Number one son was grinning like a chesire cat mastering Guitar Hero 5, so I guess I did my part well.

Christmas eve dinner was filled with laughs and general silliness. After some handwringing I went back to my folks Friday night. The ex, kids and I got together for presents and brunch which was probably my favorite part of the holiday. I, quite unexpectedly, received from a TomTom from the four of them. Because my inner child is never too far from the surface, I already have Homer Simpson programmed in as the navigating voice.

Some multigenerational moviegoing capped things off on Saturday as I took in Avatar with the company of my son and dad. By all means, see the film. Any weaknesses in the story or dialogue are covered up in the visuals. Plunked down for the 3-d, even though the 3d was always trying very hard.

When that snow storm hit the east coast last week, I couldn't believe the amount of people who were acting like this area got gypped. Power outtages, blowing drifting snow, did you really want a piece of that? Oh yeah, we got it yesterday. Settle down, it's Buffalo, we'll have days like Monday without concern.


Although I'm glad to see the Pittsburgh Penguins do what they needed to do to get into town, I was content to not resume work until today. A nice 2 2/3's work day to ease back in after 6 days off.

Glad to see the NYE hootenany is set for the 24. Hope to see you there.

tinypliny - 12/29/09 21:50
Hootenany. Haha