Read nothing but bitching in one form or another yesterday. "We had tougher storms and still went to work/school/whatever." Yes, we have and I think my point was be glad you didn't have to be out yesterday. As I write this now, it is 16 degrees outside and not much warmer in my office, but watching the wind & snow have at it yesterday, I was glad the kids got the day off and didn't have be chasing buses and their mom got the day too. The topper for me was getting the phone call a little before 7:00 a.m. that I got a day too. Somehow I stopped caring that I couldn't see across Delaware Ave.
Yeah, sure we've battled bigger storms, but I'm glad we didn't have to, by last night it was just cold. I had to pick up a daughter from a friends house, disturbing my car from the nice warm garage. Got a slight thrill driving my unspoiled car past snow mounds that had cars at their bottoms. It was real easy to find mine in the Wegmans parking lot when I made a quick stop on the way home.
I'll leave you with this one thought: the person who invented the "necksock" for Columbia outerwear is a frickin genius and deserves a better cut of whatever royalties they are currently receiving.
Stay warm, peeps
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/11/2009 08:47 #50538
Snow DaysCategory: weather
12/03/2009 10:17 #50446
Published!Category: me
well, not really, but a Facebook note that I wrote about Memorial Auditorium's deconstruction which lead to a rambling blog was chopped up and incorporated into Aud-ieu:Buffalo Says Goodbye to the Aud. Through historical photos and current ones of the tear-down, my piece is culled from in four different sections. The book comes out next week, but you can see it online at:

It's the book in digital, page turning form.
Nice ego boost headed into the weekend.

It's the book in digital, page turning form.
Nice ego boost headed into the weekend.
tinypliny - 12/19/09 11:41
Oooh, you are a famous author now! Will you forget us little unpublished people now?!
Oooh, you are a famous author now! Will you forget us little unpublished people now?!
metalpeter - 12/05/09 19:14
Congrats, that sounds pretty cool
Congrats, that sounds pretty cool
theecarey - 12/04/09 13:54
hey, that is pretty cool news! enjoy the boost :)
hey, that is pretty cool news! enjoy the boost :)
heidi - 12/03/09 17:04
12/02/2009 15:14 #50438
Oh, NYS12/02/2009 14:01 #50437
The Speech, the War and EverythingI didn't see the entirety of the President's address last night. You knew something had to be coming along the lines of what was announced.
I read the text of it this morning to avoid the contaminants of both Fox and MSNBC and if President Bush had been that declarative in 2003, I don't think we would have had the polarization that we have seen in the intervening years. I'm not sure how I feel about it entirely. I think had it predated the Iraq enterprise, the climate might be a lot different now. Coming out of 9/11, the protests for coming into Afghanistan and taking care of what was thought to be needed probably would have had minimal dissent.
It's interesting because some extremists on both sides are grumbling about costs. Now, we worry about the finances? Some people will do anything for a soundbite. As nothing appeared to be changing with the status quo, it seemed like the President had two choices, pull out completely or wrachet things up to get this done. To pull out would not be easy and would mean we were just pissing away resources. I'm not in love with the alternative, but he inherited two fights that weren't staged very well to start with, and at least there is a goal, a plan that doesn't involve banner hangings and photo ops, but a definitive goal. There is no good in any of this, but that seems as pragmatic an outline as you are likely to see.
Being a pacifist/coward, I'm not the possessor of the most grand of military minds, but after watching Desert Storm nightly on television, I've often wondered if we are using all we have in such items. It used to be derigeur to show footage of a bomber pinpoint targeting the desired target. I don't know if the guys on the ground are getting that same sort of support, something that occured to me for reasons passing understanding. Neither Iraq, part ll or Afghanistan has seen that.
The things we choose to care about....
I read the text of it this morning to avoid the contaminants of both Fox and MSNBC and if President Bush had been that declarative in 2003, I don't think we would have had the polarization that we have seen in the intervening years. I'm not sure how I feel about it entirely. I think had it predated the Iraq enterprise, the climate might be a lot different now. Coming out of 9/11, the protests for coming into Afghanistan and taking care of what was thought to be needed probably would have had minimal dissent.
It's interesting because some extremists on both sides are grumbling about costs. Now, we worry about the finances? Some people will do anything for a soundbite. As nothing appeared to be changing with the status quo, it seemed like the President had two choices, pull out completely or wrachet things up to get this done. To pull out would not be easy and would mean we were just pissing away resources. I'm not in love with the alternative, but he inherited two fights that weren't staged very well to start with, and at least there is a goal, a plan that doesn't involve banner hangings and photo ops, but a definitive goal. There is no good in any of this, but that seems as pragmatic an outline as you are likely to see.
Being a pacifist/coward, I'm not the possessor of the most grand of military minds, but after watching Desert Storm nightly on television, I've often wondered if we are using all we have in such items. It used to be derigeur to show footage of a bomber pinpoint targeting the desired target. I don't know if the guys on the ground are getting that same sort of support, something that occured to me for reasons passing understanding. Neither Iraq, part ll or Afghanistan has seen that.
The things we choose to care about....
11/26/2009 21:23 #50388
One of those holiday typesYou know those people aren't real keen on the holiday season. I think I'm becoming one of them. In between wandering out to watch the runners, I had my thanksgiving morning in front of The Godfather. The ex hinted at "we have to talk" about going to the various grandparents house at christmas time. It used to be struggles about economics and it seems like the drama intensifies and I'm already tired of it.
I am so off the charts full of black friday stories disguising themselves as news. The only thing more annoying are the people who think that is fun or part of the tradition. I sit here positive that by the late news some poor bastard in East Buttcrack, Alabama will have bought it when he got trampled in the flat screen line at Walmart.
I found a little holiday bliss during the Springsteen concert Sunday night when a couple xmas songs got played, but just all the crap you have to go through with the holidays currently, it was a small window. I already cyber shopped for the girls and will do likely for number one son this week.
I'm not sure when one holiday got to bully all the others and become a season. I don't particularly have a bone to pick with Christmas itself. I like the Christmas morning brunch the kids, their mom and I have. That is nice, the rest is kind of disposable. I didn't go to my in-laws on christmas day for a couple years and was going to not go again until people said "You're not Coming?", but I think I may revert a little so the ex and her partner don't feel awkward. It was good to hear that my folks are finally over stuff and invited her for Christmas Eve, so I guess progress is being made.
The inherent awkwardness and stress have aged me. I used to measure the season by how many showings of A Christmas Story I was up and building stuff, but even then it was work. I always want the option to bring the world to the kids, never works out that way. I know a lot of things, just none of them overly lucrative.
After the separation/divorce, you deal with that and "What's everybody comfortable dance?" that is done with amiably separated folks.
Holidays are a lot of mental work and I don't have much use for any doorbusters.
I am so off the charts full of black friday stories disguising themselves as news. The only thing more annoying are the people who think that is fun or part of the tradition. I sit here positive that by the late news some poor bastard in East Buttcrack, Alabama will have bought it when he got trampled in the flat screen line at Walmart.
I found a little holiday bliss during the Springsteen concert Sunday night when a couple xmas songs got played, but just all the crap you have to go through with the holidays currently, it was a small window. I already cyber shopped for the girls and will do likely for number one son this week.
I'm not sure when one holiday got to bully all the others and become a season. I don't particularly have a bone to pick with Christmas itself. I like the Christmas morning brunch the kids, their mom and I have. That is nice, the rest is kind of disposable. I didn't go to my in-laws on christmas day for a couple years and was going to not go again until people said "You're not Coming?", but I think I may revert a little so the ex and her partner don't feel awkward. It was good to hear that my folks are finally over stuff and invited her for Christmas Eve, so I guess progress is being made.
The inherent awkwardness and stress have aged me. I used to measure the season by how many showings of A Christmas Story I was up and building stuff, but even then it was work. I always want the option to bring the world to the kids, never works out that way. I know a lot of things, just none of them overly lucrative.
After the separation/divorce, you deal with that and "What's everybody comfortable dance?" that is done with amiably separated folks.
Holidays are a lot of mental work and I don't have much use for any doorbusters.
metalpeter - 11/28/09 16:00
I think the Reason Christmas took over so much is various.
1. It is the economicly the storngest
2. At least when I was a kid it was when you got off the most school
3. The Movies influnce the culture, yes there are some movies about crazy familes at thanksgiving but can you tell the difference between that and the christmas ones with the crazzy family
4. Christmas really also means 3 Kings day, Kwanza, Hanakah
5. Kids, yes Christmas is about making kids happy, then when they are happy you are happy
6. The time off from work and school causes it a good time to see family
7. People love to get gifts, isn't that what it is about for most people "What Am I going to get"
8. Some people love to go out and try and find that perfect gift
There is a culture with that list that I'm trying to explain but it is hard to do, from a Charlie Brown episode "Christmas has Gone Commerical".
I don't know about the who to visit thing but I would assume that could get pretty complex.
I think the Reason Christmas took over so much is various.
1. It is the economicly the storngest
2. At least when I was a kid it was when you got off the most school
3. The Movies influnce the culture, yes there are some movies about crazy familes at thanksgiving but can you tell the difference between that and the christmas ones with the crazzy family
4. Christmas really also means 3 Kings day, Kwanza, Hanakah
5. Kids, yes Christmas is about making kids happy, then when they are happy you are happy
6. The time off from work and school causes it a good time to see family
7. People love to get gifts, isn't that what it is about for most people "What Am I going to get"
8. Some people love to go out and try and find that perfect gift
There is a culture with that list that I'm trying to explain but it is hard to do, from a Charlie Brown episode "Christmas has Gone Commerical".
I don't know about the who to visit thing but I would assume that could get pretty complex.
Yeah, Columbia makes em, like a fitted scarf, the neck part of a turtle neck almost. Found mine when I was still working the Bills games.
if there is any 'karma', the same people who were bitching about it being a snow day were the same ones stuck in traffic for three hours on the highway. They were also the ones that still had to go to work.
Necksock? Hmm, interesting. Hats and scarves are working over time this week.