My inner crumudgeon is showing. We had a heavy snow fall, which is no big deal. We get them every year, and the snow is fine. Never had an issue with it as it is a fact of life living in this region. I do think the Weather Channel might be better served by going some place where this is news as opposed to the skulking around they've been doing in regions south of the city.
I still chuckle remembering my mom telling the 12 year old version of me that perhaps I should help my father with the driveway. In all seriousness, I was able to reply that I was and I went back to watching tv. I knew that my Dad liked fewer targets when running the snowblower.
Like I said, I have no snow issues. It's the effect it has on some folk that is troubling. I think it should be a ticketable offense if you can't be bothered to clean the snowdrift off your car without the aid of your gas pedal.
The false bravado that creeps up in here strikes me funny as well. When that huge storm blew through the East Coast, there were a number of Western New York based facebook posts that lamented "Where's Ours?" like we got gyped out of the power failures, traffic accidents and school closings. Personally, I was happy to sit that one out.
We got our cold and snow and I read about some moron who took three kids to the Bills game only to pass out in a snowbank because he's a "such a fan". Bet the kids had a great time standing next to the snowbank wondering what happened.
Trouble with this is that now that the holidays are behind us, it's not a White Christmas, just snow. It has some novelty at the moment, but right now it looks nice outside my office window. The Park is nice and unspoiled, but that is a transitory state. It's beautiful, but the beauty tends to make some folks a little myopic.
It was fun to watch the Bills play in it yesterday as the snow on tv made the pros look like a pickup game. It was not so fun to look at my windows facing Delaware and see them iced over.
Going to go tubing sometime because that is cool,and have some other outdoors exploration planned, but please unless you are Bing Crosby or Andy Williams, don't use phrases like "Winter Wonderland." You sound like an idiot.
Mrmike's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/04/2010 16:57 #50738
Snow is a four letter wordCategory: weather
12/29/2009 15:29 #50689
Holiday LeftoversCategory: random
So, that was Christmas (apologies to Mr. Lennon). I'm sort of with (e:Jenks), so much build up and two days later its just cold and winter. Not epically cold like today, but you get the idea. I guess it was a good holiday. Both daughter were pleased as new Ipod touch owners ought to be. Number one son was grinning like a chesire cat mastering Guitar Hero 5, so I guess I did my part well.
Christmas eve dinner was filled with laughs and general silliness. After some handwringing I went back to my folks Friday night. The ex, kids and I got together for presents and brunch which was probably my favorite part of the holiday. I, quite unexpectedly, received from a TomTom from the four of them. Because my inner child is never too far from the surface, I already have Homer Simpson programmed in as the navigating voice.
Some multigenerational moviegoing capped things off on Saturday as I took in Avatar with the company of my son and dad. By all means, see the film. Any weaknesses in the story or dialogue are covered up in the visuals. Plunked down for the 3-d, even though the 3d was always trying very hard.
When that snow storm hit the east coast last week, I couldn't believe the amount of people who were acting like this area got gypped. Power outtages, blowing drifting snow, did you really want a piece of that? Oh yeah, we got it yesterday. Settle down, it's Buffalo, we'll have days like Monday without concern.

Although I'm glad to see the Pittsburgh Penguins do what they needed to do to get into town, I was content to not resume work until today. A nice 2 2/3's work day to ease back in after 6 days off.
Glad to see the NYE hootenany is set for the 24. Hope to see you there.
Christmas eve dinner was filled with laughs and general silliness. After some handwringing I went back to my folks Friday night. The ex, kids and I got together for presents and brunch which was probably my favorite part of the holiday. I, quite unexpectedly, received from a TomTom from the four of them. Because my inner child is never too far from the surface, I already have Homer Simpson programmed in as the navigating voice.
Some multigenerational moviegoing capped things off on Saturday as I took in Avatar with the company of my son and dad. By all means, see the film. Any weaknesses in the story or dialogue are covered up in the visuals. Plunked down for the 3-d, even though the 3d was always trying very hard.
When that snow storm hit the east coast last week, I couldn't believe the amount of people who were acting like this area got gypped. Power outtages, blowing drifting snow, did you really want a piece of that? Oh yeah, we got it yesterday. Settle down, it's Buffalo, we'll have days like Monday without concern.

Although I'm glad to see the Pittsburgh Penguins do what they needed to do to get into town, I was content to not resume work until today. A nice 2 2/3's work day to ease back in after 6 days off.
Glad to see the NYE hootenany is set for the 24. Hope to see you there.
tinypliny - 12/29/09 21:50
Hootenany. Haha
Hootenany. Haha
12/24/2009 10:14 #50646
Happy Christmas Eve, PeepsCategory: holiday
12/23/2009 20:12 #50643
Something Something Dark SideCategory: random
was kind of disappointing. I thought we were going to see it on TV first, but the producers decided to go for the money and like a moron, I ponied up. It had its moments, but sometimes felt like the writers just learned to curse for the first time, exchanging a joke opportunity for an expletive.
Ready for the holidaze. Got a satisfactory pile of stuff for the kids and most of it wrapped today. Just one morning errand tomorrow and I'm good. I even created a pie today and met with some success there too.
Multi-generational Avatar expedition is set for the weekend. I'm taking number one son and my dad said he wanted to have a look. So, we're taking in a Boxing Day showing.
It's the second christmas since my Dad-in-law passes and my mom-in-law asked if I would do the carving honors on Friday -- that was his big thing. Felt myself gulp a little while she was asking. It reminded me a bit of the scene from the West Wing when the President was explaining why he was sending his assistant to carving knife stores.
Fearless employer gave out grocery store gift cards this week and I had a grand time cruising the isles getting name brand stuff.
Caught Elvis Costello's talk show Spectacle on the CTV last week. He and the Imposters had Bono and the Edge on, the performances were a lot of fun.
Finally have something resembling my own speaking voice back after dealing with a really bad cold that as it morphed gave me a pretty good jazz dj voice.
Today was day one of a six day weekend. Best part about going back on Tuesday is that it will be good and quiet for the remainder of the week. Although, I managed to get a Polar Bites sponsor yesterday. That's a good party in February, a month full of high occasions.
Candlelight service tomorrow night, think my soul could use that.
Have a good holiday, peeps.
Ready for the holidaze. Got a satisfactory pile of stuff for the kids and most of it wrapped today. Just one morning errand tomorrow and I'm good. I even created a pie today and met with some success there too.
Multi-generational Avatar expedition is set for the weekend. I'm taking number one son and my dad said he wanted to have a look. So, we're taking in a Boxing Day showing.
It's the second christmas since my Dad-in-law passes and my mom-in-law asked if I would do the carving honors on Friday -- that was his big thing. Felt myself gulp a little while she was asking. It reminded me a bit of the scene from the West Wing when the President was explaining why he was sending his assistant to carving knife stores.
Fearless employer gave out grocery store gift cards this week and I had a grand time cruising the isles getting name brand stuff.
Caught Elvis Costello's talk show Spectacle on the CTV last week. He and the Imposters had Bono and the Edge on, the performances were a lot of fun.
Finally have something resembling my own speaking voice back after dealing with a really bad cold that as it morphed gave me a pretty good jazz dj voice.
Today was day one of a six day weekend. Best part about going back on Tuesday is that it will be good and quiet for the remainder of the week. Although, I managed to get a Polar Bites sponsor yesterday. That's a good party in February, a month full of high occasions.
Candlelight service tomorrow night, think my soul could use that.
Have a good holiday, peeps.
metalpeter - 12/24/09 18:40
In Terms of the family guy stuff I have theory. That is that TV Makes it better. What I mean is 2 things really. I think the gags and the silly stuff that they do some of it mocks TV and at the same Time praises it. Good example is the Archy Bunker opening and yet the show is nothing like the old time shows on witch the used to rely. But the other thing I think is when you can't really swear it makes you be more creative and do other things. A Bad example of that is those songs that they sing where the word that would make the most sense is a curse but like you think it will be Fuck and you hear the f but it is like Fudge and then that makes the next part of the song.
In Terms of the family guy stuff I have theory. That is that TV Makes it better. What I mean is 2 things really. I think the gags and the silly stuff that they do some of it mocks TV and at the same Time praises it. Good example is the Archy Bunker opening and yet the show is nothing like the old time shows on witch the used to rely. But the other thing I think is when you can't really swear it makes you be more creative and do other things. A Bad example of that is those songs that they sing where the word that would make the most sense is a curse but like you think it will be Fuck and you hear the f but it is like Fudge and then that makes the next part of the song.
tinypliny - 12/24/09 17:51
Aren't grocery store gift cards the best-est!!? I love them but everyone seems to think book gifts are the best (that I can't use so much, because almost all of my reading is online nowadays).
Aren't grocery store gift cards the best-est!!? I love them but everyone seems to think book gifts are the best (that I can't use so much, because almost all of my reading is online nowadays).
theecarey - 12/24/09 17:40
Asking you to do the carving is a beautiful gesture; you are an important member of the family.
Asking you to do the carving is a beautiful gesture; you are an important member of the family.
libertad - 12/23/09 22:54
Your father in law really must have been something. I'm sure you will do fine doing the carving!
Your father in law really must have been something. I'm sure you will do fine doing the carving!
12/18/2009 09:42 #50589
Christmas LightsIt's probably photoshopped, but still pretty funny

tinypliny - 12/19/09 11:40
Hahah, that is perfect. Sarcasm and thriftiness rolled into one.
Hahah, that is perfect. Sarcasm and thriftiness rolled into one.
I have seen people who only brush off enough so they can see out the front windsheild, it is crazy. Hope the tubing is a great time.
Actually I should say agreed, (e:mrmike)!
Agreed, (e:theecarey). It is really annoying when people are such lazy assholes that they can't even brush off their car for the safety of everyone around them.
"I think it should be a ticketable offense if you can't be bothered to clean the snowdrift off your car without the aid of your gas pedal"
Agreed! Get off what you can, but don't drive off with an entire layer of snowfall to land on the windshield of someone else. Oy!
This brought several chuckles. :)