You never stop getting tested. Been camped out at Women and Children's Hospital during the first part of this week. Going into last weekend, my older daughter was complaining of a sore throat that was funky enough that we took her to the Dr's office on Saturday morning. It was promptly diagnosed as Tonsilitis and Antibiotics were prescribed. We took her home and got her settled in and she took her stuff saturday.
Sunday she was having a tough time getting them down. She got herself dehydrated so the doctor said time to quit fooling around. To alleviate that, the solution was to head for the hospital and the safety and comfort of hydrating IVs and a liquid form of the antibiotic to chase stuff away. Her mom stayed with her Sunday night and I did the job Monday evening (getting a little old to sleep in a chair, but you do what you do). We got her back home Tuesday night, where she is recovering and should be ready to greet the world once more. But you fall back into roles pretty easy. My ex and I were never shy when it comes to speaking up. I'm pretty sure there is a file on us at Sisters from when Number One Son was born. The staff mentioned a painkiller to ease the tonsils. It wasn't administered right away. So, my former spouse looked at me on Monday night and said: "Pardon me, I'm going to have a Aurora Greenway moment (Shirley McClaine in Terms of Endearment). Painkiller was delivered straightway. I laid out the kids dentist office for trying to give us a hard time for missing an appt for number one son on Tuesday morning. Medical staff is insanely great, it's the administrators who need to be incorporated in health care reform. I never looked up from a chair before to discover we were in the middle of rounds.
She is 18 and you are in charge of that point. While we were getting checked out in the INT ward. I couldn't help but laugh a little when Mighty Daughter said her Mom and I could speak for her.Things you'd never thought you'd hear, right? Right up there with hearing her say "Mommy" or "Daddy" without it being ironic.
I had to do a sponsorship presentation for work mid-day on Tuesday. At that point, we engaged the grandparents for a little help. I did most of the prep work last week, but nothing like addressing the hierarchy of one of the local health care providers on sleep that was mostly a series of short naps. Between that and the amount of coffee I had, I must have sounded like the fast talking guy from the American Express Ads. It must have worked because they signed on for two years.
So, I'm glad for the warm weather and pending weekend. Mike needs a beer.
Mrmike's Journal
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03/04/2010 08:47 #51106
Parenting: not for wimpsCategory: fatherman
02/27/2010 15:52 #51083
Powder KegIt's a nice idea. Number One Son and I headed out today to partake and see what there was to see. Lot of folks trying to fit in places not entirely made for crowds. I still think there might be a person trying to get their stroller through the slush by the broom ball court.
The ride down the skyway, it was fun for the bragging rights, but required me to make like fred flinstone starting the car to make the final assault. My camera died so no POV pic there. Ice maze has only one exit and with so many folks, it felt more like a long line to someplace else but we made it out.
Some Broomball was being had and they were mostly splashing water on each other. All the snow is really wet and in need of a little powder for things to get pretty again.
So, it was fun to explore, but the beer tent and all the smokers are pretty predominant.

Took a couple pictures through the rained on ramp to my parking space, just because it looked kind of cool.
If you go tomorrow, car pool and park in the Bisons ramp, just $5 and plenty of space, cheaper than train tickets.
The ride down the skyway, it was fun for the bragging rights, but required me to make like fred flinstone starting the car to make the final assault. My camera died so no POV pic there. Ice maze has only one exit and with so many folks, it felt more like a long line to someplace else but we made it out.
Some Broomball was being had and they were mostly splashing water on each other. All the snow is really wet and in need of a little powder for things to get pretty again.
So, it was fun to explore, but the beer tent and all the smokers are pretty predominant.

Took a couple pictures through the rained on ramp to my parking space, just because it looked kind of cool.
If you go tomorrow, car pool and park in the Bisons ramp, just $5 and plenty of space, cheaper than train tickets.
ladycroft - 03/03/10 10:07
once in every 50th blue moon i miss snow. usually only around Christmas. hearing about slushy rainy snow doesn't make me miss it :) but the bottom line is you had fun with number 1 son, so YAY!
once in every 50th blue moon i miss snow. usually only around Christmas. hearing about slushy rainy snow doesn't make me miss it :) but the bottom line is you had fun with number 1 son, so YAY!
metalpeter - 02/28/10 09:18
Sounds like a good time. I'm thinking next year it will be better . I didn't get how there was stuff both inside and outside but I took a quick pass through on my way to the bandits game. Going down the off ramp would have been pretty cool, to bad your camera died. Still nice pictures.
Sounds like a good time. I'm thinking next year it will be better . I didn't get how there was stuff both inside and outside but I took a quick pass through on my way to the bandits game. Going down the off ramp would have been pretty cool, to bad your camera died. Still nice pictures.
02/20/2010 13:12 #51047
ladycroft - 02/24/10 07:27
hahahahhaah...i totally need to do that to my cat. she has no eyes, just these empty creepy looking holes in her head!
hahahahhaah...i totally need to do that to my cat. she has no eyes, just these empty creepy looking holes in her head!
libertad - 02/22/10 13:52
I keep coming back to this and everytime I see it I laugh. It is now my wallpaper!
I keep coming back to this and everytime I see it I laugh. It is now my wallpaper!
metalpeter - 02/21/10 10:55
That is a scary cat, reminds me of the Emperor
That is a scary cat, reminds me of the Emperor
paul - 02/20/10 15:25
That is one scary cat.
That is one scary cat.
02/15/2010 15:43 #51020
The Suite LifeCategory: fatherman
've been to sporting events with lousy seats, with no seats, with good seats, and with very rich seats. Let me tell you rich is better.
Thanks to my day job, I was invited to take up residence in a suite for the Sabres vs. Sharks game on February 13th. It's a beautiful thing. Not being the tiniest of guys, I can shoehorn myself into the 100s just fine, but the suites are a whole new world. Space, views, comfy chairs, oh, my. I took my 11 year old son who took to this level of exclusivity without a trouble. We were the first to arrive and the hostess came down to announce herself and there is something in the way my boy said "Dad, we have our own waitress?" that still makes me laugh.
We've all been at something where a great view is ruined by a beer-swilling popcorn spilling wooly mammoth who sits down right in front of you.
After a brisk walk across the windiest place on the planet, the street in front of the Arena, we "moved on up."

It was a fine evening, and did wonders for my disposition and my youthful sidekick who had a long week, too
I'm at a loss to explain what was going on with my hair at that moment but we were getting spoiled, something everybody should get once in awhile, so who cares.

Yes, sure, part of the fun is that it was on somebody else's dime. It does remind you of that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry is flying first class and the attendent asks if he wants more of anything, and the only true answer is more of everything.
Food prepped with a little more care, hostess who makes a special point to tell me where the Molson Canadian is, unencumbered view, great company, and a win.
We could wave off our balcony to the unfortunate masses, but I figured a picture was a much more quiet, dignified way of gloating

Good times.
Thanks to my day job, I was invited to take up residence in a suite for the Sabres vs. Sharks game on February 13th. It's a beautiful thing. Not being the tiniest of guys, I can shoehorn myself into the 100s just fine, but the suites are a whole new world. Space, views, comfy chairs, oh, my. I took my 11 year old son who took to this level of exclusivity without a trouble. We were the first to arrive and the hostess came down to announce herself and there is something in the way my boy said "Dad, we have our own waitress?" that still makes me laugh.
We've all been at something where a great view is ruined by a beer-swilling popcorn spilling wooly mammoth who sits down right in front of you.
After a brisk walk across the windiest place on the planet, the street in front of the Arena, we "moved on up."

It was a fine evening, and did wonders for my disposition and my youthful sidekick who had a long week, too
I'm at a loss to explain what was going on with my hair at that moment but we were getting spoiled, something everybody should get once in awhile, so who cares.

Yes, sure, part of the fun is that it was on somebody else's dime. It does remind you of that episode of Seinfeld where Jerry is flying first class and the attendent asks if he wants more of anything, and the only true answer is more of everything.
Food prepped with a little more care, hostess who makes a special point to tell me where the Molson Canadian is, unencumbered view, great company, and a win.
We could wave off our balcony to the unfortunate masses, but I figured a picture was a much more quiet, dignified way of gloating

Good times.
tinypliny - 03/07/10 22:22
Your son looks so much like you. :)
Your son looks so much like you. :)
metalpeter - 02/16/10 20:05
Nice Pictures. Glad you had a good time. I was in a suite once and guess what, you won't believe this, I didn't really like it, but it was wrestling. Not sure if it is true for sabres games. But it felt like you couldn't chant. Also the owner wasn't there so any thing you wanted you had to pay for, I don't mind but it was costlier then the arena I think there was some free stuff to. Maybe for a sabres game or concert it would be different but it felt like I was at my house kinda and that isn't how I want to feel when at wrestling, Not saying I wouldn't go, just saying a seat might be better.
Nice Pictures. Glad you had a good time. I was in a suite once and guess what, you won't believe this, I didn't really like it, but it was wrestling. Not sure if it is true for sabres games. But it felt like you couldn't chant. Also the owner wasn't there so any thing you wanted you had to pay for, I don't mind but it was costlier then the arena I think there was some free stuff to. Maybe for a sabres game or concert it would be different but it felt like I was at my house kinda and that isn't how I want to feel when at wrestling, Not saying I wouldn't go, just saying a seat might be better.
02/12/2010 14:23 #51004
Well, that sucked assCategory: birthday
Journeyed out to my folks house on Sunday night for the Super Bowl and birthday dinner for myself. My elder sister has been living there basically sitting shiva for her former life in NYC. She's been there since the first of November and is still waiting for a miracle to be delivered unto her, which in this economy ain't happening. So, she has been delving into a project here or there, turns out my birthday dinner has been one. I wish I knew what to do, but when the three of them decided that none of us need cake, my inner 12 year old wanted to yell, "But I would like some." Instead, I shut up and ate my strawberries and watched Pete Townshend at halftime.
At work, they've had a tradition of birthday lunches which forever getting tweaked and people were peeved that I was the only February birthday and there were four in June. This discussion happened last thursday and it made me dread monday as we sat in Kostas with at least three out of the nine people muttering about the birthday stuff and two guys who said the hell with it. My colonoscopy was more entertaining. One of my great colleagues made cake so I blotted out the idiocy for a few. Things picked up when I made it to my former house for a really nice dinner with my kids and their mom. We were able to laugh a lot. Told my boss that given how people are behaving, I'm taking the day off next year to avoid the b.s. If I wanted a stress laden day, I can always go to my folks house.
One of my dad's contacts at Roswell gave him seats for Tuesday night's Sabres game, which was fun. We repaired to Fat Bob's for a quick dinner before and spent most of the time vented about the shadow that my sister is casting over their house.
Went to my church board meeting and got yelled at by a factually challenged old codger, so that was fun.
Went out a little bit ago to run errands for an event we have tonight and on the way to my second stop, the car in front of me has its reverse lights on and the driver is lost in conversation. We're close enough to my Tops stop on Maple so I snuck in the driveway, just as the light changed and she barrels into the guy who was behind me. I picked up my stuff rather shakily and check to make sure that guy isn't looking for me and head back down Transit, where I get into the traffic jam caused by the 3407 walkers. It was worth the 75 cents on the thruway to get back into the city where it is safe.
Got tickets for the suites for tomorrow nights Sabres game. Beer should flow, especially on their tab. Guess I no longer sound like a grumpy old man, since I'm now closer to being one.
At work, they've had a tradition of birthday lunches which forever getting tweaked and people were peeved that I was the only February birthday and there were four in June. This discussion happened last thursday and it made me dread monday as we sat in Kostas with at least three out of the nine people muttering about the birthday stuff and two guys who said the hell with it. My colonoscopy was more entertaining. One of my great colleagues made cake so I blotted out the idiocy for a few. Things picked up when I made it to my former house for a really nice dinner with my kids and their mom. We were able to laugh a lot. Told my boss that given how people are behaving, I'm taking the day off next year to avoid the b.s. If I wanted a stress laden day, I can always go to my folks house.
One of my dad's contacts at Roswell gave him seats for Tuesday night's Sabres game, which was fun. We repaired to Fat Bob's for a quick dinner before and spent most of the time vented about the shadow that my sister is casting over their house.
Went to my church board meeting and got yelled at by a factually challenged old codger, so that was fun.
Went out a little bit ago to run errands for an event we have tonight and on the way to my second stop, the car in front of me has its reverse lights on and the driver is lost in conversation. We're close enough to my Tops stop on Maple so I snuck in the driveway, just as the light changed and she barrels into the guy who was behind me. I picked up my stuff rather shakily and check to make sure that guy isn't looking for me and head back down Transit, where I get into the traffic jam caused by the 3407 walkers. It was worth the 75 cents on the thruway to get back into the city where it is safe.
Got tickets for the suites for tomorrow nights Sabres game. Beer should flow, especially on their tab. Guess I no longer sound like a grumpy old man, since I'm now closer to being one.
tinypliny - 02/14/10 09:19
I think you should get a huge cake for yourself and celebrate like no other year! To hell with people who make decisions for you.
I think you should get a huge cake for yourself and celebrate like no other year! To hell with people who make decisions for you.
ladycroft - 02/14/10 09:12
Happy Birthday again MrMike! Sorry about the cake substitution and grumpy co-workers :( Next year you SHOULD take the day off, and plan to have some FUN!
Happy Birthday again MrMike! Sorry about the cake substitution and grumpy co-workers :( Next year you SHOULD take the day off, and plan to have some FUN!
drew - 02/12/10 18:33
I should not admit this, but part of me likes it when the board meetings at the UU church give you headaches. Don't get me wrong, I feel for you. I guess misery loves company.
I should not admit this, but part of me likes it when the board meetings at the UU church give you headaches. Don't get me wrong, I feel for you. I guess misery loves company.
metalpeter - 02/12/10 18:10
Have a great time at the sabres game, Hope they win, hey maybe I'll watch it on TV haven't seen a game in since like when ever I last went in person I think.
Have a great time at the sabres game, Hope they win, hey maybe I'll watch it on TV haven't seen a game in since like when ever I last went in person I think.
Parenting is not for wimps, but I assure you your kids are very thankful to have such amazing parents!