My twitter experience started out as a slightly staggered instant messaging/helpdesk/news-update platform for the online services and news sources I use for my school/professional work.
However, quite inevitably it has spilled over into a duplicate twitter account for non-work-related interest areas such as (e:strip), Buffalo and then overflowed to other virtual Buffalo denizens not on (e:strip). My mind has an (almost certainly) inaccurate map of these crazy online connections I am making. They are all over the place:

The green ticks are the people I have met in non-virtual worlds and the question marks are the unknowns. The connections are people or news sources whom I have connected to online.
I am not sure where all this twittering and friend-feeding is going (an element of time-wasting is almost certainly involved). However, my school work is definitely benefiting through my twitter window. I don't like the whole Facebook culture of one-line breathless status messaging and will always prefer wordy run-on blogs but there is an indescribable quotient of "cool" in being able to message myself with a link or post an observation and have a focused, relevant, informed and witty social commentary tacked on to it.
There is also this thrill in being able to address anyone and everyone on the network with no prefaces. It feels like a huge party conversation in which you can join or from which you can drop out anytime. I am finding that some of these conversations (especially on the school front) are involved, funny and lead to insights that are quite impossible in a formal single-track interaction with just the source material (without added benefit of a social commentary).
Overall, I feel like I have a flashy but useful tool in my school toolbox. But the strange fact is somehow Buffalo is becoming even more intimate each day even as the whole area of unknowns steadily gets bigger.
Somewhat tangential but still on topic.
I hope I am not so twittered out that I am forced into unseemly text-message word contractions and grammatical abominations.
There is an entity called "cut spelling" - that takes the snob out of English spelling but since using it continues to look like you might not have completed your high school diploma, I don't want to take the risk.
It might seem as if it might be graceless but really, I think it's not worthwhile to hold on to influences that drag you down or cramp your style. As they say, life is incredibly short and there are so many other wonderful people around.
The overarching theme should be: Behave and be reasonable or I will just drift away from you. Sticking with people and putting up with unwarranted moodiness and behaviour quirks (because of whatever sad excuse) is so overrated.
If you are making a BIG effort to be nice, I don't see any reason why other people should not make at least half an effort to be the same. If they can't, its their problem, not yours.
Yeah, I could unfollow her but then she'd know that I unfollowed her, wouldn't she? And I'd feel like a heel. Besides, it's been eight years since we were together. We reconnected about a year and a half ago when she finally apologized.
There, sum total of my twitter and facebook drama.
Omission there. I would ^say tweeting...
(e:mrmike) I would tweeting around in widening circles with spokes attached. :)
The school twitter is an interactive version of an RSS feed - pretty handy. In one week of reading, keeping up and commenting, I have a new research idea and that is invaluable.
Can't you just unfollow her? I mean you are technically supposed to be annoyed and put on a demonstration of e(a)xing, no? ;-)
Yeah, I agree, that is irritating. For now I am being very cautious in whom I follow. :)
You found my school account. hahaha. My "loony" account is the one under this nick. I guess I am not important or old enough to be on their search lists yet.
actually, i rarely read or post to twitter, probably because my ex-gf tweets constantly, and lately it's been all about her new gf. do i need to hear about their morning rituals? i don't think so.
sheesh. took me long enough to find you.
On Twitter too. I think the tweets are real similar to the status announcement. If we follow each other, are we tweeting in circles?