jbeatty - 09/13/09 10:12 The Electric Tower is by far my favorite building in Buffalo.
09/10/2009 15:54 #49740
Vandalism on Allen Street Category: buffalo
I was walking by 50 Allen Street when this caught my attention.
I shared the outrage when I saw what they had done.
Really? Who digs up a beautiful front garden?
What were they thinking?! Don't they have any pride in a beautiful community?
(e:Libertad): My pictures were sideways to start with but I resized and saved them as jpegs. When I uploaded them, they lost their correct orientation. I saved them as pngs and re-uploaded them and this time, they retained their intended orientation. I am thinking maybe this has something to do with loss of information when you resize and save as jpegs. The pngs, though the same size as the jpegs, have a lot more bytes than the jpegs - maybe that is why retain their orientation information? I am guessing here... (e:Paul) - do you know something about this?
jbeatty - 03/05/11 10:38 I remember that. I wonder if they ever caught the person?
09/03/2009 12:44 #49692
Last days of Summer... Category: buffalo
08/31/2009 14:43 #49668
Spot the difference... Category: music
Rainbow circa 1976
Rata Blanca circa 2001
There aren't any! Both are mind-blowing definitions of "awesome"!
jason - 08/31/09 19:50 Ronnie James Dio gots some pipes! Hooly Diiivahh!
08/30/2009 15:16 #49660
Comfort food for bleak days. Category: eating in
Broccoli and bell peppers steamed with fresh coriander, fresh red chillies, jalapenos, garlic, mint, coconut, ginger, galangal, red-chilli powder and yellow split peas in soy sauce.
tinypliny - 09/03/09 21:26 They never become indistinguishable! They are completely different.
Red chilli powder comes from dried red chillies. If it is from India (mine always are), the red chilies are specifically sourced from either South or the Northwest parts of the country. This, in itself, makes a difference in how the chili powder tastes. I prefer the ones from the South - they are somehow more intense and flavourful (or maybe I am biased).
The fresh red chillies were from a vietnamese store in Buffalo. In this case, they were finely chopped and used to season the yellow-split peas in groundnut oil. So their role was basically to season the peas and not the broccoli/pepper combo. The red chillie powder was blended with the coconut, galangal, garlic and coriander and tossed with the broccoli. So the dish actually tastes very different if you don't include red chillie powder.
I didn't include the recipe because I am not very sure in what order and quantities I made this. I was listening to some interesting radio and things become very fuzzy once I am done eating... I need to take notes while I am cooking otherwise I never remember what went in.
empireoflight - 09/03/09 17:58 At what point do the red chillies and the red chilli powder become indistinguishable?
ladycroft - 09/03/09 05:59 sounds great, minus all the hot chili peppers that would send me to the hospital :)
tinypliny - 08/31/09 22:40 LOL (e:paul) - your idea of broccoli might enter at #1 under #bland in my kitchen. ;-)
theecarey - 08/31/09 14:59 yes, that sounds delicious.
paul - 08/30/09 22:55 I think (e:Terry) would like that. I am constantly amazed at the amount of spice in Indian food. Can you even taste the intrinsic vegetable flavor with that much spice? Instead of brocolli with some spice, it sounds like spice topped with brocolli, lol. My perfect brocolli just has some salt, oil and maybe some lemon but I even like it plain.
jenks - 08/30/09 18:58 ugh I have done nothing but eat all day long- and now I want that! Thanks a lot Tiny!! ;)
The Electric Tower is by far my favorite building in Buffalo.