I am fine with being alone in the daytime. At night I am severly afraid of the dark.
I never want to live alone. I want mamma ho to come home and then I will feel safe again.
I swear there are monsters here. And rattlers too.
Basically I would like my mom a boyfriend or a friend to come and protect me from the creatures of the night.
I haven't been sleeping well at night and then so tired all day the last week. I can sleep when its light out and I am fine but I need a night protector.
This makes me the biggest baby alive...
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/20/2009 03:53 #49581
so scared08/17/2009 19:39 #49559
blowoutCategory: girliness
so, i remember the days of when 2 hours was the daily norm for my getting ready routine...
and as the years have passed that has slimmed down to about 30 min from shower to out of the door. working at a hospital and also with kids, it's not the most glamorous and requires little makeup and hair and clothing decisions....
i hardly ever blow my hair dry or really do much to it other than wash, load on the conditioner, and put in some leave in treatments.... it looks fine but never really great....
i have a fear of starting it on fire esp in the summer months....
i blew it dry today, and i forget how long it has gotten and how nice it can look when i put in some effort... go voluminous hairday!
i have an interview on wed for a job that i will prob be offered and doubtfully take, but it will put a face to a name and if they offer something better in the future then who knows!
plus, i like getting dressed up and looking professional!
here's the hur...

and as the years have passed that has slimmed down to about 30 min from shower to out of the door. working at a hospital and also with kids, it's not the most glamorous and requires little makeup and hair and clothing decisions....
i hardly ever blow my hair dry or really do much to it other than wash, load on the conditioner, and put in some leave in treatments.... it looks fine but never really great....
i have a fear of starting it on fire esp in the summer months....
i blew it dry today, and i forget how long it has gotten and how nice it can look when i put in some effort... go voluminous hairday!
i have an interview on wed for a job that i will prob be offered and doubtfully take, but it will put a face to a name and if they offer something better in the future then who knows!
plus, i like getting dressed up and looking professional!
here's the hur...

terry - 08/18/09 10:03
08/17/2009 01:38 #49555
glamour shotz!Category: fashion
08/16/2009 11:40 #49549
a sad sad lossCategory: food
I was rushing out of the house this morning for work and I packed such a healthy lunch. When I got to work I realised that I forgot it at home! :o)
Rip healthy lunch!
Rip healthy lunch!
paul - 08/16/09 21:36
I thought it was something serious, lol.
I thought it was something serious, lol.
lilho - 08/16/09 12:06
thank you for the support guys, i really need it right now. now i actually have to spend money on lunch, either chipotle or a sandwich from the deli across the street.
i feel better knowing that jesus carried my healthy lunch and he took it to a better place. fitting, because today is the day of the lord!
thank you for the support guys, i really need it right now. now i actually have to spend money on lunch, either chipotle or a sandwich from the deli across the street.
i feel better knowing that jesus carried my healthy lunch and he took it to a better place. fitting, because today is the day of the lord!
james - 08/16/09 11:55
When there was only one set of footprints, that was when Jesus carried your healthy lunch.
When there was only one set of footprints, that was when Jesus carried your healthy lunch.
matthew - 08/16/09 11:46
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure it's in a better place now.
I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure it's in a better place now.
08/14/2009 14:11 #49535
weekend getawayCategory: travel
so, i am finally going to post some vegas photos... i can't even put into words how much fun i had. i would put that weekend into my top ten most fun experiences thus far folder.
it's amazing what an insanely great summer i have had, it seems like life just keeps getting better. i think it has a lot to do with the fact that i am around my momma, and it feels good to have so much positive support around. that and it also seems like life is just so much easier here, and things happen with just a little effort! i am so grateful for all of the visitors, including (e:deeglam) and my niece and sister in law.
i feel like a lucky lady to be leading such a charmed life and i try not to take anything for granted!
i am sending the moms of the alaska today where she is meeting up with (e:hodown) for vaca, i hope they have a great time and take tons of pics... but i will be lonely in this house all alone! lucky for me, i have a detailed list of tasks and chores to complete for the mom, which i don't mind at all since she is the best eva! i gave her a spa mani and pedi today to prep and relax her for her trip, so she will look nice and groomed for the wilderness.
anyway, i am onto some new job leads and hopefully i will be out of the hospital for good soon, since i am not so happy there... but it pays the bills, so at least i have that.
anyway, here are a few photos from the vegas trip!

my road trip buddies. we have deemed ourselves america's next best crunk crew. these chicks are hardcore, and we def went all out with 3 all nighters in a row... crazay!

what is a trip to vegas without an impromptu forklift photo op???

the inside garden walkway at the wynn, i wish i could have a courtyard like this with giant balls of flowers and trees and lights- le sigh.

my friend jacob modeling some skinny jeans for us, hawt!

we stopped at the hoover dam, next time i am def taking the tour, it was so crazy looking, like some aliens came down and put all of these weird metal towers and wires everywhere. i asked the cute guy at the security checkpoint when it was built and his response was, "i don't know i just work here." we both laughed and i told him he needs to find out, and so do i.

me with my couture crap pop. i paid 25 dollars and the rhinestones started falling off just hours later, oh well, i am going to create my own better version that is not cheap. it is super fun and sparkly though, which are my two favs things in life- fun and sparkle!
it's amazing what an insanely great summer i have had, it seems like life just keeps getting better. i think it has a lot to do with the fact that i am around my momma, and it feels good to have so much positive support around. that and it also seems like life is just so much easier here, and things happen with just a little effort! i am so grateful for all of the visitors, including (e:deeglam) and my niece and sister in law.
i feel like a lucky lady to be leading such a charmed life and i try not to take anything for granted!
i am sending the moms of the alaska today where she is meeting up with (e:hodown) for vaca, i hope they have a great time and take tons of pics... but i will be lonely in this house all alone! lucky for me, i have a detailed list of tasks and chores to complete for the mom, which i don't mind at all since she is the best eva! i gave her a spa mani and pedi today to prep and relax her for her trip, so she will look nice and groomed for the wilderness.
anyway, i am onto some new job leads and hopefully i will be out of the hospital for good soon, since i am not so happy there... but it pays the bills, so at least i have that.
anyway, here are a few photos from the vegas trip!

my road trip buddies. we have deemed ourselves america's next best crunk crew. these chicks are hardcore, and we def went all out with 3 all nighters in a row... crazay!

what is a trip to vegas without an impromptu forklift photo op???

the inside garden walkway at the wynn, i wish i could have a courtyard like this with giant balls of flowers and trees and lights- le sigh.

my friend jacob modeling some skinny jeans for us, hawt!

we stopped at the hoover dam, next time i am def taking the tour, it was so crazy looking, like some aliens came down and put all of these weird metal towers and wires everywhere. i asked the cute guy at the security checkpoint when it was built and his response was, "i don't know i just work here." we both laughed and i told him he needs to find out, and so do i.

me with my couture crap pop. i paid 25 dollars and the rhinestones started falling off just hours later, oh well, i am going to create my own better version that is not cheap. it is super fun and sparkly though, which are my two favs things in life- fun and sparkle!
businesscheese - 08/16/09 13:25
You paid $25 for a lollipop?
You paid $25 for a lollipop?
metalpeter - 08/14/09 19:58
Glad it was a great time , your road trip buddies are pretty cute. What is the story with the forklift?
Glad it was a great time , your road trip buddies are pretty cute. What is the story with the forklift?
mike - 08/14/09 17:20
fun and sparkle...life wouldn't be worth living without them
fun and sparkle...life wouldn't be worth living without them
i totally agree with you lilho, night is scary
I didn't realize phoenix ever got dark. Isn't it always sunny?