Texas Longhorns on the way to Forksville.

A and I went camping near Worlds End State Park

The campground storefront had ads for live bait, the annual turtle race, lawnmower races, Kramer's Mountainside Inn, and Steve's lawn service. You can also get copies of Outdoor Life, Pennsylvania Outdoor Journal, and the Endless Mountains 2009 visitors guide.

Nisha was really not sure she liked being outside in the dark with just a fire. She curled up at my feet and worried. She liked the tent a lot though.

We had a beautiful campfire and A cooked - roasted peppers, grilled corn on the cob, burgers, mozzarella, tomatoes & basil, and white bean dip and spinach artichoke dip that were left over from Jill's party. We ate so much for dinner that we were too full to make s'mores!

Nisha and I went down to the creek while A cooked breakfast (homefries, burgers and the leftover corn cut off the cob... so yummy).

We didn't have a lot of time left to go to the state park after stuffing ourselves but we did go up this long winding road

to the Loyalsock Canyon Vista

See the third photo in this post for another view of the canyon. I love how the mountains weave together.

Pretty pink flower at the vista

A hawk we saw on the way back down the mountain (I'm so loving my new 70mm-300mm equivalent zoom lens.)

We were almost home and we had to wait for the heavy traffic... (seriously, four vehicles in a row is heavy traffic in Tioga County).

Those horns could impale a dinosaur!
Those pics are awesome.